Anonym skrev:
> ---
> Daily Times
> Sunday, April 02, 2006
> Ahmadi girl reburied after extremists object
> By Ali Waqar
> LAHORE: Local authorities dug up the grave of an Ahmadi girl in a Muslim
> graveyard in Chanda Singh village, Kasur, 10 days after her death and moved
> her
> body to an Ahmadi cemetery under pressure from clerics.
> Kasur DPO Captain (r) Mobeen Ahmed supervised the reburial on March 18,
> Daily Times has learnt. District police officials confirmed the report and
> conceded
> that it was done under pressure from the Majlis-e-Tahafuz-e-Khatam-e-Nabuwat
> and local clerics.
> Nadia Hanif, 17, died of an illness on March 8. She had been running an SOS
> village school and used to teach kids the Quran. "No one objected to her
> being
> buried here at the time," her elder brother told Daily Times. Several
> Muslims attended her funeral, he added, though the local imam refused to
> offer Namaz-e-Janaza
> for the girl. After the funeral, extremists started protesting against her
> burial in a Muslim graveyard. A local cleric also got a fatwa from Saadat
> Ali
> Qadri, who runs a seminary, stating that Ahmadis cannot be buried in a
> Muslim graveyard and digging up the body is permissible.
> ---
> Kilde:
> Gad vide, hvad der ville ske, hvis noget lignende skulle indtræffe i
> Danmark.
Man ville protestere vildt over den danske racisme, det er ydtryk
for, når selv en død dansker ikke vil være i selskab med