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Hos os er de de islamtroende - i Nordameri~
Fra : Michael Laudahn

Dato : 31-03-06 15:28

....forsøger at trænge bort hjembefolkningen og at oprette deres
tredjeverdens-regime. Lader vi os fordrive fra vores lande ved fremmede

Mexica Movement activists protest in L.A.

WASHINGTON - While debates about guest-worker programs for illegal
aliens take place in the corridors of power, in the streets of
America's big cities no amnesty is being offered by activists calling
for the expulsion of most U.S. citizens from their own country.

While politicians debate the fate of some 12 million people residing in
the U.S. illegally, the Mexica Movement, one of the organizers of the
mass protest in Los Angeles this week, has already decided it is the
"non-indigenous," white, English-speaking U.S. citizens of European
descent who have to leave what they call "our continent."

The pictures and captions tell the story.

"This is our continent, not yours!" exclaimed one banner.
"We are indigenous! The only owners of this continent!" said another.
"If you think I'm illegal because I'm a Mexican, learn the true
history, because I'm in my homeland," read another sign.

"One of the more negative parts of the march was when American flags
were passed out to make sure the marchers were looked on as part of
'America,'" said the group's commentary on the L.A. rally.

Both Rep. James Sensebrenner, R-Wis., chairman of the House Judiciary
Committee and a proponent of tougher border security, and California
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger were caricatured as Nazis by the group on
its posters and banners.

The group insists the indigenous people of the continent were the
victims of genocide - a campaign of extermination that killed,
according to one citation, 95 percent of their population, or 33
million people. Another citation on the same website claims the toll
was 70 million to 100 million.

The only solution, says the Mexica Movement, is to expel the invaders
of the last 500 years, force them to pay reparations and return the
continent to its rightful heirs.

The platform of the group illustrates the diverse - and sometimes
extreme - agendas of those participating in the mass mobilizations
that have been seen largely as protests against efforts to curb illegal

Some of those involved, including the Mexica Movement, have much bigger
goals than stopping a piece of legislation before Congress.

A group called "La Voz de Aztlan," the Voice of Aztlan, identifies
Mexicans in the U.S. as "America's Palestinians." Many Mexicans see
themselves as part of a transnational ethnic group known as "La Raza,"
the race. A May editorial on the website, with a dateline of Los
Angeles, Alta California, declares that "both La Raza and the
Palestinians have been displaced by invaders that have utilized
military means to conquer and occupy our territories."

Others in the coalition hope to see a "reconquest" of the American
southwest by Mexico. This would not likely take place through military
action, they say, but rather through a slow process of migration -
both legal and illegal.

Posted: March 29, 2006
1:00 a.m. Eastern

© 2006 WorldNetDaily.com


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WICHTIG / IMPORTANT: islam-info:

http://historyofjihad.org/ - http://apostatesofislam.com/

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