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G. Lavik.
On 29 Mar 2006 14:02:32 -0800, "Michael Laudahn" <ml@es-reicht.org>
>Her på engelsk. Hvis nogen af jer kan finde en dansk/norsk/svensk
>version, ville det være
>meget pænt, for det her gør livet bestemt vanskligere for
>But for a driver of camels to stir up a faction in his village;
>to associate himself with a set of wretched Koreish;
>to boast that he was carried up to heaven, and there received part of
>that unintelligible book which contradicts common sense in every page;
>that in order to procure respect for this ridiculous performance he
>should carry fire and sword into his country;
>murder fathers and ravish their daughters, this is surely what no man
>will pretend to vindicate, unless he was born a Turk, and superstition
>had totally extinguished in him the light of nature.
>Det er muligvis ikke den officielle engelske version. Jeg kunne stille
>det franske original til rådighed.