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Fra det Stalinistiske Nordkorea: Snigmyrd ~
Fra : Peter Bjørn Perlsø

Dato : 27-03-06 18:10

Se billedet:


1. North Korea's population requires about six million tons of food for
each person to have a minimum diet. The regime controls all farming, all
agriculture, and can only produce about four million tons. This causes a
food shortfall of two million tons, or 33 percent below what is
minimally required.

2. Kim has imposed rationing, and his handouts are the only way to
legally obtain food. There are no independent channels of distribution,
except for the black market. This means that people get food as Kim and
his thugs' desire.

3. Thus, Kim's food distribution system is highly unequal. Food is put
aside first for "patriotic rice" and "military rice." This has resulted
in Kim cutting the consumption of 700g of food a day per person by 22
percent, or to 400g a day, well below the minimum consumption of rice
set by the World Food and Agricultural Organization.

4. This is not all. In this "classless" communist society, the regime
has divided North Koreans into a rigid hierarchy of three classes, and
fifty-one subdivisions, depending on a person's status within the
communist North Korean Workers Party and the military, their perceived
faithfulness to communism, and family backgrounds. In other words, Kim
uses the very food people need to live as a tool to reward and punish
his subject slaves. Thus, vast numbers of people whose loyalties are
questioned or may be deemed useless to the regime do not receive enough
food to live long. The worst off are those people and families
incarcerated in Kim's concentration or forced labor camps. They receive
the lowest food allowance of all, in spite of their being forced to work
from 5 am to 8 pm.

5. There are no hospitals, doctors, or medical distribution and supply
companies independent of the regime. All are nationalized. As with food,
therefore, medical treatment and medicine is distributed as reward and
punishment. Not surprisingly, medicine is in short supply and not
available everywhere. Thus, the diseases associated with famine and
malnutrition often get no medical treatment at all. Even a cold under
such conditions can be mortal. And only half of the population is now
inoculated for such diseases as infantile paralysis and measles.

6. Attempts on the part of the South Korea, the United Nations, and the
United States, the major giver, to provide food aid have not worked
well. In 2002 food aid was 62 percent under its target, but even if the
target were reached , it would not substantially improve on the food
available to the average Korean, because the food is not equally
distributed. But it is not. The regime will not guarantee that food
reaches those who need it most, it does not allow aid givers to
carefully monitor who gets the food, and in some cases, it has
redirected the food to its favorite classes or to the military.

7. Aside from the daily accumulation of dead, the effects on the living
have been disastrous. Long-term malnutrition has affected about half the
living, and caused underdevelopment in children--their growth is stunted
and they are excessively thin. There is wide-scale dwarfishness and,
most important from any humanitarian point of view, their brain
development has been retarded. Moreover, malnutrition has fostered
rickets, scurvy, nyctalopia, hepatitis, and tuberculosis, among other
diseases. North Korea is one of the few countries in which population
mortality rates have been increasing. The life expectancy has fallen to
66.8 years from 73.2; newborn mortality rate has increased from 14 to
22.5; and the rate for those less than five years of age has increased
from 27 to 48 per thousand.

And so on.


Now, incredibly, that Stalinist dictator of North Korea, Kim
Jong-Il--that warden of the world's worst border to border, open air
concentration camp; that overseer of mass starvation of his slaves while
he loads his dinner table with delicacies procured by his chiefs from
around the world; that mass murderer; that drug smuggler; that
multimillion dollar counterfeiter of American currency; that material
supporter of terrorism and supplier of nuclear technology and devices;
that possessor of nuclear weapons and the missiles that could reach
Hawaii and Alaska-- is continuing to work on nuclear warheads for his
missiles and on a longer range missile that could reach major American

Were this evil man to appear to succeed with only reasonable
credibility, the world would enter a new and most dangerous time. For
then, Kim's credibility about using his nukes would be absolute, and no
American president could risk San Francisco or Chicago on the assumption
that Kim did not have this capability, or was bluffing. And Kim would no
longer be deterred from threatening Japan, South Korea, and the U.S.
with his nukes unless we….

No threat that we would turn North Korea into a moonscape could be
realistic, for it would be obvious to everyone that we would not risk
the loss of several million American lives (along with economic, social
and political chaos) that would follow Kim's inevitable pre-emptive
attack on the American homeland.

All political calculations are based on assumptions and a calculation of
the risk of being wrong versus the probability of being right. Even if
we had intelligence that cast doubt on Kim's ability to create warheads
from his nukes and to develop ICBMs with sufficient accuracy to hit an
American city, the horrible human cost of being wrong would have to
determine our policies

What to do? Assassinate him, as I have urged (here, and here). Now.
There can be no moral inhibition here. He is the world's most evil and
dangerous man. The worst threat to all humanity.

regards, Peter Bjørn Perlsø

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