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USA anmoder Georgien om.......
Fra : Joakim von And

Dato : 20-02-06 17:08

tilladelse til at benytte landets militærbaser og luftrum med henblik på at
bombe Irans atomanlæg.

Exclusive: US seeks Georgian help in possible strike on Iran

American officials have been quietly probing whether Georgia, situated just
northwest of Iran, will be willing to allow Washington to use its military
bases and airfields in the event of a military conflict with Teheran, The
Jerusalem Post has been told.

The Americans have been putting out feelers, a high-ranking Georgian
government foreign affairs official told the Post, in advance of a possible
military strike to prevent Iran from achieving nuclear weapons capability.

Artiklen kan læses i sin helhed her:


JPost spin? Eller faktuel oplysning? Det må tiden vise.

Joakim von And (21-02-2006)
Fra : Joakim von And

Dato : 21-02-06 17:18

"Joakim von And" <ncm_ab@hotmail.com> skrev i en meddelelse
> tilladelse til at benytte landets militærbaser og luftrum med henblik på
> at
> bombe Irans atomanlæg.
> Exclusive: US seeks Georgian help in possible strike on Iran
> American officials have been quietly probing whether Georgia, situated
> just
> northwest of Iran, will be willing to allow Washington to use its military
> bases and airfields in the event of a military conflict with Teheran, The
> Jerusalem Post has been told.
> The Americans have been putting out feelers, a high-ranking Georgian
> government foreign affairs official told the Post, in advance of a
> possible
> military strike to prevent Iran from achieving nuclear weapons capability.
> Artiklen kan læses i sin helhed her:
> http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?cid=1139395445405&pagename=JPost%2FJPArticle%2FShowFull
> JPost spin? Eller faktuel oplysning? Det må tiden vise.

Her er lidt om den seneste udvikling mht. Iran.

Iran: Håb om en atomaftale svinder.


Og fra Jpost kan man læse:

Iran-EU talks' message worries Israel.

Israeli officials expressed "disappointment" Monday that the EU was holding
talks in Brussels with Iran's foreign minister, saying this was the time to
disengage from the Iranians, not enter into a dialogue with them.


Min egen holdning til EU-Iran, lægger sig op ad følgende synspunkt fra en
unavngiven amerikansk person.

"The EU desperately wants Iran to play along with the usual EU/UN charade
that passes for action until the EU is free to thow up their hands after the
"fait accompli" of the apparently inevitable Iranian nukes. The Iranians
know this but are enjoying watching Europa act as if she were an old
courtesan who still thinks she's desirable only to be discarded time and
time again. It's quite pathetic really but that's what passes for relevance
these days in the EU".

Joakim, nu EU-skeptiker.

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