Henri Gath wrote:
> We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to
> Christianity. We weren't punctilious about locating and punishing only
> Hitler and his top officers. We carpet-bombed German cities; we killed
> civilians. That's war. And this is war
Nu er det ikke sikkert, at en tekst fra den 13. september 2001 (som
oprindeligt blev skrevet lige efter WTC-bombningen) ville være den
formulering hun ville bruge i dag...
Lederen der kan læses her:
http://www.nationalreview.com/editorial/editors200602080801.asp er noget
mere moderat.
=== citat ===
The idea that Muhammad may not be represented is only one slice of the
spectrum of Muslim opinion; Quakers do not express the Christian
consensus on religious art. The image-less Quakers, of course, have
never threatened anyone with murder. This is the sanction that Islamists
invoked against Jyllands-Posten, which was deluged with death threats,
and Denmark itself, whose flag and consulates were burned throughout the
Muslim world.
Decent men normally go out of their way to avoid giving offense,
especially where religion is concerned. Piss Christ, the Dung Madonna,
Lenny Bruce are countercultural phenomena. If public money is used to
sponsor desecrations, then taxpayers have a legitimate gripe.
Demonstrations aimed at tangible communities, as when American Nazis
threatened to march through the Jewish neighborhood of Skokie, Ill., a
quarter-century ago, may raise questions of public order. But no free
society concerns itself with opinions that one may read or not, as one
likes. The pious honor the freedom that allows them to worship, and
welcome it as the political expression of the respect due to men made in
God's image.
The "outpouring" of Muslim wrath was the deliberate pouring of radical
activists. How many Danish flags are normally available in Gaza, or
Jakarta? Islamists magnified the offense by circulating the Danish
cartoons with three truly gross, but invented, ones (e.g., Muhammad as a
pig). In order to protest blasphemy, the Islamists committed it.
Evidently it was these cartoon ringers that prompted Bill Clinton,
conference-hopping in Qatar, to condemn Jyllands-Posten. "So now what
are we going to do?" Clinton said. "Replace the anti-Semitic prejudice
with anti-Islamic prejudice?" Clinton's evocation of anti-Semitism was
particularly inapt, since Arab media regularly churns out floods of
anti-Jewish filth, including TV series based on The Protocols of the
Elders of Zion. In the Muslim world, everything depends on whose sacred
cow is being gored.
Muslim fanatics — those who aspire to be dictators, and those who
already are — have ginned up the controversy in order to gain power, or
to keep it. They play to the dull acquiescence of too many ordinary
Muslims. But by no means all Muslims are implicated in this shameful
episode. Grand Ayatollah Sistani, leader of Iraq's Shiites, "denounce[d]
and condemn[ed]" the cartoons, but also blasted "misguided and
oppressive" Muslims who have "exploited" the issue "to spread their
poison and revive their old hatreds with new methods and mechanisms."
When President Bush declared, in his State of the Union address, that
"liberty is the future of every nation in the Middle East, because
liberty is the right and hope of all humanity," it was Sistani and
millions of Muslims, in Iraq and elsewhere, who agree with him, that he
had in mind. The game for Muslim opinion is a tough one. But it will
surely be lost if we forfeit.
=== citat slut ===
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Henrik, Dianalund
...."En krone sparet (efter skat) er bedre end en krone tjent (før skat)"
...."Tænk som en klog mand, men forklar dig i folkets sprog" (W B Yeats)