"Tom" <tom_christensen(snabela)bigfoot.com> wrote in message
> "Knud Larsen" <larsen_knud@hotmail.com> skrev i en meddelelse
> news:43ea58fb$0$67260$157c6196@dreader2.cybercity.dk...
>> Imamer i England ønsker at "sagen" ikke skal holde op som den gjorde med
>> Salman Rushdie, og de forlanger forbud mod tegninger af Muhammed.
>> Muslims demand better legal protection
>> Staff and agencies
>> Wednesday February 8, 2006
>> Following their meeting in Birmingham, the Imams also announced a protest
>> March in London for February 18 - three years and three days after the
>> large anti-war demonstration in the capital.
>> The Guardian correspondent Hugh Muir, reporting from Birmingham, said the
>> imams were careful not to inflame the anger that had seen protests in the
>> Middle East, Afghanistan and some European cities.
>> "They tried to express the hurt that many Muslim communities feel over
>> the offending cartoons, but they also wanted to [...] get across the
>> extent of the injury without playing into the hands of extremists they
>> say they deplore as much as the people who printed the cartoons," he
>> said.
>> "They want this to be a continuous campaign, they don't want it to tail
>> off as happened after the controversy over Salman Rushdie [...] they say
>> this will be something that will go on for some time." Mr Saddiqi said
>> there had not been such an insult to Islam since Rushdie's book Satanic
>> Verses was published in 1988. "There has been reports of very deep
>> offence because of the cartoons, and also deep anger and frustration that
>> once again we have not learned the lesson from the last time the prophet
>> Muhammad was insulted," he said.
>> "It is as if the media around the world just don't get it, the
>> publication of an image of the prophet Muhammad in itself is a deep
>> insult." At least 12 people have been killed during four days of violent
>> protests since the cartoons - originally published in a Danish
>> newspaper - were reprinted in a number of newspapers around the world.
>> Four demonstrators were killed in Afghanistan today.
>> Det er fuldstændig gakkelak, hvad skal det ende med?
> En undskyldning
Ja, man må sandelig håbe at muslimerne kommer til fornuft, og undskylder al
den elendighed deres Profet har været skyld i, som den norske Human Rights
organisation opfordrer til.