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Rapport om genopbygningen i Irak..
Fra : Allan Riise

Dato : 29-01-06 14:14

Går det godt eller ej?

Fra Washington Post..
"As much as 60 percent of all projects aimed at improving Iraq's water
supply, including work on sewer systems and drinking water supplies, will
remain unfinished because more than $2.1 billion originally allocated to
that purpose was shifted away, according to the report.
Projects related to drinking water that were expected to benefit about 8
million people will now benefit about 2.75 million, the report said. And
only two of 10 planned sewerage projects will be completed, though they will
serve an additional 4.5 million people.

More than 125 of a planned 425 electricity projects will also be left
unfinished, a total that reflects a steep reduction, announced previously by
U.S. officials, in the goal for increasing Iraq's generating capacity. Plans
for four gas-powered generating plants and a diesel plant were canceled, as
officials reallocated about $1.25 billion in funding. "The system is
inadequate to meet Iraq's growing demand and lacks any measure of
reliability," the report said."

Et eller andet sted kan jeg godt forstå at Irakerne har svært ved at se det
gode i USA's invasion.

Allan Riise
"Demokratiets ånd kan ikke indpodes udefra. Det skal vokse indefra."
Indira Ghandi, (1917-1984), indisk premierminister 1966-77 og 1980-84

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