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The Nigerian Scam now operates from Burkin~
Fra : Trans

Dato : 24-01-06 19:58

Nigeriansk plat udføres nu fra Burkina Faso. Jeg har nettop modtaget
følgende meddelelse pr. email:

Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2006 14:07:16 +0000

" From The Desk of Mr.Amos Zongo
Audits & Accounts Dept
Bank of Africa
Ouagadougou Burkina Faso

Dear Friend,

I am Mr Amos Zongo, a banker with the above mentioned bank in
Burkina Faso in West Africa, holding the post of the Audit & Accounts
On Monday, 31 July, 2000, one Andreas Schranner, a German National, An
Astute Business man of international repute, a contract with ecowas
whose endeavours spans various areas of Business interest, (Real
contract and Farming .etc) made a numbered time (Fixed) Deposit, valued

$10,600,000.00 (Ten Million, Six Hundred thousand United States
Dollars) for
twelve calendar months in my Bank Branch.

Upon Maturity, we sent a routine notification to his forwarding address

got no reply. After a month, we sent a reminder and finally we
from his company that Mr. Andreas Schranner was aboard the AF4590
which crashed Monday, 31 July 2000 into the Hotelissimo.


After further investigation, it was discovered that he died without
making a
WILL and all attempts to trace his next of kin proved fruitless.

On further investigation, it was discovered that Late Mr. Andreas
Schranner did not declare any next of kin or relatives in all his
documents, including his Bank Deposit paper work here in our Bank. The
total sum,
$10,600,000.00 is still in my bank and the interest is being rolled
over with the principal sum at the end of each year. All efforts to
and locate his next of kin proved abortive.

In accordance with the country's banking laws and constitution
This banking institution stated that after the expiration of 5 (five)

years, if no body or person comes for the claim as the next of kin ,
such money
will be revert to the Burkina Faso government treasury if nobody
applies as
the next of Kin to claim of the fund. Consequently, It is upon this
respect, seek to present you as a foreign partner to stand in as the
next of kin
to the late Mr. Andreas Schranner since no one will come up for the

Upon acceptance of this proposal, I shall send to you by mail the ASB
Bank Next of Kin Payment Application Text Form" as well as detailed
Information on how this deal would be carried out.

The money will be shared in the ratio: Sixty percent for me, thirty
percent for you and ten percent for any arising contingencies during
the Course
of this transaction. I guarantee that this will be executed under
legitimate arrangement that will protect you from any breach of the
law, as I will
use my position in the Bank's here to perfect this business transaction
secure Approvals and guarantee the successful execution of this

Please be informed that your utmost confidentiality is required. If
This interests you, I want to remind you of the confidentiality of this

Transaction at hand whatever your decision is.

I await your urgent response. Your detailed reply should contain your
telephone and fax numbers for easier communication for onward

Mr. Amos Zongo
Audits & Accounts Manger, "

>From The Desk of Mr.Amos Zongo
Audits & Accounts Dept
Bank of Africa
Ouagadougou Burkina Faso

Dear Friend,

I am Mr Amos Zongo, a banker with the above mentioned bank in
Burkina Faso in West Africa, holding the post of the Audit & Accounts
On Monday, 31 July, 2000, one Andreas Schranner, a German National, An
Astute Business man of international repute, a contract with ecowas
whose endeavours spans various areas of Business interest, (Real
contract and Farming .etc) made a numbered time (Fixed) Deposit, valued

$10,600,000.00 (Ten Million, Six Hundred thousand United States
Dollars) for
twelve calendar months in my Bank Branch.

Upon Maturity, we sent a routine notification to his forwarding address

got no reply. After a month, we sent a reminder and finally we
from his company that Mr. Andreas Schranner was aboard the AF4590
which crashed Monday, 31 July 2000 into the Hotelissimo.


After further investigation, it was discovered that he died without
making a
WILL and all attempts to trace his next of kin proved fruitless.

On further investigation, it was discovered that Late Mr. Andreas
Schranner did not declare any next of kin or relatives in all his
documents, including his Bank Deposit paper work here in our Bank. The
total sum,
$10,600,000.00 is still in my bank and the interest is being rolled
over with the principal sum at the end of each year. All efforts to
and locate his next of kin proved abortive.

In accordance with the country's banking laws and constitution
This banking institution stated that after the expiration of 5 (five)

years, if no body or person comes for the claim as the next of kin ,
such money
will be revert to the Burkina Faso government treasury if nobody
applies as
the next of Kin to claim of the fund. Consequently, It is upon this
respect, seek to present you as a foreign partner to stand in as the
next of kin
to the late Mr. Andreas Schranner since no one will come up for the

Upon acceptance of this proposal, I shall send to you by mail the ASB
Bank Next of Kin Payment Application Text Form" as well as detailed
Information on how this deal would be carried out.

The money will be shared in the ratio: Sixty percent for me, thirty
percent for you and ten percent for any arising contingencies during
the Course
of this transaction. I guarantee that this will be executed under
legitimate arrangement that will protect you from any breach of the
law, as I will
use my position in the Bank's here to perfect this business transaction
secure Approvals and guarantee the successful execution of this

Please be informed that your utmost confidentiality is required. If
This interests you, I want to remind you of the confidentiality of this

Transaction at hand whatever your decision is.

I await your urgent response. Your detailed reply should contain your
telephone and fax numbers for easier communication for onward

Mr. Amos Zongo
Audits & Accounts Manger, "

Leo (24-01-2006)
Fra : Leo

Dato : 24-01-06 22:12

Jeg har modtaget en henvendelse fra en "englænder", der ønsker en del
varer - for ca ½ mille - sendt til sit regionskontor i Nigeria - han vil
overføre pengene fra sit creditcard.
Hans engelsk er ubehjælpeligt, men han er meget hooked på, at jeg blot skal
sende varerne, så ordner vi alt det praktiske bagefter.

Han kan slet ikke fatte mine betænkeligheder og mener, det er dårlig
forretningsmoral at kræve forudbetaling.

Henrik Vestergaard (25-01-2006)
Fra : Henrik Vestergaard

Dato : 25-01-06 00:26

Leo wrote:
> Jeg har modtaget en henvendelse fra en "englænder", der ønsker en del
> varer - for ca ½ mille - sendt til sit regionskontor i Nigeria - han vil
> overføre pengene fra sit creditcard.
> Hans engelsk er ubehjælpeligt, men han er meget hooked på, at jeg blot skal
> sende varerne, så ordner vi alt det praktiske bagefter.
> Han kan slet ikke fatte mine betænkeligheder og mener, det er dårlig
> forretningsmoral at kræve forudbetaling.

Han kan bare prøve at handle et andet sted, den lusede fusker...

Antallet af mennesker som tror de kan repræsentere millioner fra en
Yahoo eller en Gmail eller andre gratis konti er støt stigende. Jeg
sletter skidtet straks. I starten prøvede jeg at teste dem, men det er
spild af tid. De er alle det rene fusk...

Med venlig hilsen
Henrik, Dianalund
....Vi er alle Adams børn, og alle holder vi af pandekage
"Tænk som en klog mand, men forklar dig i folkets sprog" (W B Yeats)

Trans (27-01-2006)
Fra : Trans

Dato : 27-01-06 16:02

Henrik Vestergaard wrote:

> Han kan bare prøve at handle et andet sted, den lusede fusker...
> Antallet af mennesker som tror de kan repræsentere millioner fra en
> Yahoo eller en Gmail eller andre gratis konti er støt stigende. Jeg
> sletter skidtet straks. I starten prøvede jeg at teste dem, men det er
> spild af tid. De er alle det rene fusk...

I dag har de gudhjælpemig sendt mig en ny plat-mail fra Burkina Faso,
denne gagn om EEC construction contract. Der er ikke så mærkeligt, at
de er så fattige på de kanter, når de bruger så megen energi på at
spekulere over, hvordan de kan platte omverdenen i stedet for at
udføre ærligt arbejde.. Det er fra de kanter, der går en strøm af
fup-flygtninge og ulovlige grænseoverskridere op til Spanien. Når den
nye socialistiske regering i Spanien har været fjoget nok til at give
dem tilladelse til at opholde sig i Spanien, kommer de helt sikkert
senere op til Danmark for at blive integreret som bistandsklienter med


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