Her er en video om Nordkoreanske gadebørn:
Her er nogle artikler om Nordkorea:
* Death, terror in N. Korea gulag:
* Human guinea pigs:
* Babies Killed In North Korean Prison Camps, Observers Say:
* Famine may have killed 2 million in North Korea:
Her er den danske forening "Venskabsforeningen Danmark - Den Demokratiske
Folkerepublik Korea" - der støtter Nordkorea:
Stifteren er nuværende folketingskandidat for SF.
Her er en række danske partier der aktivt støtter Nordkoreas nuværende
KPiD (
DKP m/l
APK2000 (
Her er deltagerlisten ved demonstrationen StopBush i Danmark 2005:
Bemærk deltagere:
"Venskabsforeningen Danmark - Den Demokratiske Folkerepublik Korea"
DKP m/l
SFU (SFs ungdom)
Etc. etc.
+ diverse enkeltpersoner som f.eks. skuespiller Flemming Jensen.
Der vil altid findes tåber som dem i "Venskabsforeningen Danmark - Den
Demokratiske Folkerepublik Korea", KPiD - det er lidt som med Nazister. Men
i Danmark er det åbenbart sådan i dag at langt ind på den mere respektable
venstrefløj i Enhedslisten, SF og Socialdemokratiet findes der støtter til
Nordkorea og personer og organisationer der ikke ser noget problem med at
samarbejde med og legitimere organisationer der aktivt støtter Nordkorea.
Det vil jag kalde den største skamplet på danske politik i nyere tid.
Her nogle uddrag fra artiklerne:
"Entire families, including grandchildren, are incarcerated for even the
most bland political statements.
Forced abortions are carried out on pregnant women so that another
generation of political dissidents will be "eradicated."
Inmates are used as human guinea pigs for testing biological and chemical
agents, according to both former inmates and U.S. officials."
"I was in prison from 1987 till January 1993," she told NBC News in Seoul,
where she now lives. "[The women] were forced to abort their children. They
put salty water into the pregnant women's womb with a large syringe, in
order to kill the baby even when the woman was 8 months or 9 months
"And then, from time to time there a living infant is delivered. And then if
someone delivers a live infant, then the guards kick the bloody baby and
kill it. And I saw an infant who was crying with pain. I have to express
this in words, that I witnessed such an inhumane hell."
A North Korean scientist says he used experimental chemical weapons on
prisoners and stood there taking notes while they died in agony.
Dr Kim tells us: "The purpose of this experiment was to determine how long
it takes for a human being to die - we wanted to determine how much gas was
necessary to annihilate the whole city of Seoul."
Forced abortion and infanticide are common practices inside North Korea's
notorious prison camps,
Interviews and research point to a routine killing of women prisoners'
babies, both inside and out the womb.
Defectors to South Korea who served terms in the North's 10 or 11 large
prison camps say guards force inmates to kill newborns themselves by
smothering them with plastic sheeting or leaving them out in the cold to
In cases when pregnancy is observed, miscarriages are induced through
beatings, forced periods of exertion or other methods, they report.
A series of interviews carried out in South Korea and China by the
Brussels-based Human Rights Without Frontiers led the group to conclude that
the killing of babies is a standard practice going back decades, HRWF's
Nadia Milanova said in response to queries.
Testimonies made available by Milanova included one by a woman who said she
witnessed the deaths of seven or eight babies in a month.
"They lay on their stomachs until they died. Otherwise their noses would be
blocked with vinyl to induce instant death ... their bodies would be thrown
to animals to be gorged."
Prison guards, calling themselves "obstetricians," would kick the stomachs
of women who were less than five months' pregnant, the witness said.
A woman defector described watching a doctor kill two live babies by
piercing their skulls with surgical scissors.
Another interviewee described pregnant women being thrown against a wall to
induce an abortion, adding that heavily-pregnant women were taken away and
never seen again.