"Dennis Lange" <dblng3@hotmail.com> wrote:
> The Nameless Dude wrote:
> > Jeg har smidt den op her til alle som ikke har adgang til en binær
> > news server istedet for:
> >
> > Bare klik på Free og artikel loader automatisk.
> Takker mange gange.
Thanks too
I am from Germany, and I like it that you guys are talking so
interestedly about our nice new logo :)
('bout time dammit! that cd copylock was the worst invention of the 21st
For you guys who understand English better than German, I've done a
AACHEN. By means of the CD logo "ohne Kopierschutz" (without
copy-protection), the VDM intends to put the rule to the test against
the big music groups' competition for the design of the best
copy-protection for audio CDs. "There are a small number of artists who
are already testing this signature, telling the consumer: 'with this cd,
you can do what you want: play it and listen to it where and whenever
you want to, '" VDM chairman Klaus Quirini said yesterday. By means of
that strategy, the process of a consumer appeal to buy an audio CD is to
be created. "People _do_ buy music which they like; for example, see
Herbert Groenemeyers album entitled 'Mensch' which was sold about 3
million times."
Instead of investing billions of dollars into the competition of copy
protection developers and hackers, there should be mounted campaigns
able to elucidate about the value of intellectual property, saying what
is permitted, and what is not, " the lawyer and IP rights' expert told
about. Furthermore, he affirmed it that it was evident that intellectual
property of artists must not be sold illegally and thus that there were
plain laws in case of potential infringements; yet in particular,
teen-agers required to be made believe the value of musical work as well
as the law _without_ the aid of daunting. "It is a fact that a CD which
does not work in a car CD player or on a PC may arouse the buyer's
grudge and prevent him from buying any further media."
Quirini continued, that at the moment, a couple of free-lance musicians
and smaller record labels were testing the "ohne Kopierschutz" CD
signature. "In case of acceptance, we are going to advertise for the
acquisition of the logo." And eventually, he concluded: "No copy
protection has ever boosted up the CD sales by any bit. And do not
forget about the great part of them being cracked before the launching