"Per Beer Hansen" <perbeerNOSPAM@NOSPAMperbeer.dk> crashed Echelon writing
> Det troede jeg også, men Peter Lykkegård skrev i et tidligere indlæg, at
> spillet skulle understøtte det også.
What applications are supported with SLI Technology?
SLI can be enabled for every gaming application, including both OpenGL and
Direct3D gaming applications. SLI provides either 3D performance scaling
using Alternate Frame Rendering (AFR) or Split-Frame Rendering (SFR) or
increased visual quality using the SLI Antialiasing mode. In order to
provide the optimal 'out-of-box' experience for its customers, NVIDIA has
created an extensive set of optimized game profiles which enable SLI
automatically. The full list of these SLI-optimized games can be found
here. For applications not found in this list, simply follow these quick
instructions to set up a new game profile to enable SLI. Information about
Workstation application support can be found here.
Bjarke Andersen
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