Sibzix wrote:
>> Det er en almindelig omsættelig vare.
>> Men så vidt jeg ved er der også noget med en serviceydelse, en konto
>> på en server. Hvorvidt denne ydelse kan videresælges må du se i
>> betingelserne.
> Enig. Det er ikke ulovligt at sælge spillets CD'er og kasse.
> Iflg. deres betingelser må man ikke videresælge sin konto.
Skal kontoen ikke følge med hvis man sælger kasse og CD'er?
B. You may permanently transfer ownership of the Game and all parts
thereof, and all of your rights and obligations under the License
Agreement, to another by physically transferring the CD-ROM, all
original packaging, and all Manuals or other documentation associated
with the Game, and by removing from all of your home or personal
computers and destroying any remaining materials concerning the Game in
your possession or control, provided the recipient agrees to the terms
of this License Agreement. The transferor (i.e., you), and not the
Licensor, agrees to be solely responsible for any taxes, fees, charges,
duties, withholdings, assessments, and the like, together with any
interest, penalties, and additions imposed in connection with such transfer.