"Carsten Overgaard" skrev
[ ... file 4717 ... ]
> > [ ... Iran vil udslette Israel, en *forbrydelse* mod Menneskeheden ... ]
> Hvis vi i fremtiden vælger at smide stater ud, som truer andre med
> udryddelse, så risikerer FN at få Folkeforbundets skæbne. Staterne meldte
> sig ud eller blev smidt ud, hver gang at noget gik dem imod.
> Hvad blev der af det gamle ordsprog. "Hold din venner tæt på og dine
> fjender endnu tættere."?
Vær realist:
"Saltet" hár desværre allerede mistet sin kraft ...
Tag nu fx. Irak-krigen. Denne kunne helt have været undgået, dersom den
Internationale Domstol, som jo er underkastet De Forenede Nationer, havde
passet sit arbejde ...
Input memory:
Letter to the International Court of Justice, 1996
1608 news:eEI0c.102128$jf4.6139781@news000.worldonline.dk
> 96-09-05.HAA
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> From Mogens Kall Thursday 5. Sep. 1996
> *****************
> ***************
> Denmark
> To the International Court of Justice, Haag
> Copies: The government of USA and the Muslim World through the
> Saudi-Arabian ambassador to DK.
> Dear Justice,
> Request:
> Warrant in regard to a mass murderer!
> Saturday August the 31. this year Saddam Hussein attacked Kurds in the
> northern Iraq. UN proclaimed - after the gulf-war in 1991 - this area
> as a free zone, and to protect the Kurds against this mass murderer
> and his war-mashine, UDN established a no-fly zone. We don't know, how
> many innocents people, they had murdered - yet!
> It's NOT the first-time Saddam Hussein had done barbarism. In the
> eighties he had done crimes against humanity by nerve-gas-attack upon
> the Kurds and ethnic-purge-trial by mass-murder in the southern Iraq.
> He had also launched aggressive wars upon Iran (in the eighties) and
> Kuwait (in 1990).
> Lord Shawcross, Nrembreg prosecutor 1945, says i.r.t. the trial:
> "The purpose was a twofold:
> The first was retribution; the punishment of people,
> who'd launched this war against the world, and not only
> the war, but also - prior to the commencement of the war
> and during it - had, of course, committed the most ter-
> rible crimes against humanity as, for instance, by exter-
> minating, and certainly 7 million jews.
> The second purpose of the trial was that we hoped to
> lay down the rules of international law of the future.
> Not only making the waging of aggressive war unlawful,
> but, for the first time, making the statesmen, who led
> their countries into an aggressive war, personally re-
> sponsible for what, they had done."
> Saddam Hussein is PERSONALLY responsible for these crimes against
> humanity, as far as I can see. The question is:
> "Why don't we put him on trial ? - The people of Iraq can
> not live in peace until this dictator is gone. They need
> our help - NOW"
> In regard to a "hypothetical" REWARD - can we use "Red Cross (Red
> half-moon)" as a banq?
> Yours respectfully
> The servant of Michael
Og så er der alle de andre eksempler ...
Det er det *groveste* magtmisbrug jeg nogensinde har set - en HÅN mod
Menneskeheden !!!
Heaven-Break (perhaps 2304, ET):
(2005-10-28, CET 20:17)
- "Amen."
4727 news:Wwo8f.72492$Fe7.245741@news000.worldonline.dk
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1. 2005-10-28, CET 20:19
With kind regards,
Mogens Kall, The servant of Michael
SETI: Win (vind) 5000 Danish Kr. (around 800 US $), jump ...
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