Jeg underviser ved et universitet i Ohio, USA, og vil gerne bringe din
(anonyme) mening ind i mit klassevaerelse. Som del af et ‘introductory
economics’ kursus, vil mine studerende i de naeste 8 uger hver tirsdag
diskuterer et oekonomisk/politisk emne. Denne uge debaterer vi
forurening. Jeg har inkluderet en kort oversigt paa engelsk (engelsk,
pga. af mine studerende)
Businesses producing products will tend to take into consideration
internal costs (labor, materials…), but not external costs
(pollution). With government regulation we have intervened in the
market (direct controls, emission taxes).
Some thoughts brought up have been: If the government intervenes, how
does it do so most efficiently? How has the U.S. dealt with pollution
problems? What do we do when it is hard to determine the actual source
of or damage done by pollution? What is going on with the Kyoto
I would very much like to hear what you think of this topic.