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"Henrik Svendsen" <> skrev i en meddelelse
> Her er så noget totalt ultimativt - hvis det passer:
> A consultancy agency with government and police connections was running
> a drill exercise for an unnamed company which revolved around the London
> Underground being bombed at the exact same times and locations as was
> happening in real life on July 7th.
> In a BBC Radio 5 interview which was aired on that very evening, July
> 7th, the host interviewed Peter Power, Managing Director of Visor
> Consultants, a firm which labels itself as a 'crisis management' advice
> company, also known as a PR firm.
> Peter Power was a former Scotland Yard official, working at one time
> with the Anti Terrorist Branch.
> Visor's managing director told the radio show's host that at the exact
> same time as the London bombings were taking place, his company was
> running a 1,000 person strong exercise drill in which the London
> Underground was being bombed at the exact same locations, at the exact
> same times, as happened in real life.
> The transcript is as follows.
> POWER: At half past nine this morning we were actually running an
> exercise for a company of over a thousand people in London based on
> simultaneous bombs going off precisely at the railway stations where it
> happened this morning, so I still have the hairs on the back of my neck
> standing up right now.
> HOST: To get this quite straight, you were running an exercise to see
> how you would cope with this and it happened while you were running the
> exercise?
> POWER: Precisely, and it was about half past nine this morning, we
> planned this for a company and for obvious reasons I don't want to
> reveal their name but they're listening and they'll know it. And we had
> a room full of crisis managers for the first time they'd met and so
> within five minutes we made a pretty rapid decision that this is the
> real one and so we went through the correct drills of activating crisis
> management procedures to jump from slow time to quick time thinking and
> so on.
> The fact that the exercise mirrored the exact locations and times of the
> bombings goes beyond to it being a 'coincidence'. According to Power the
> drill focused around 'simultaneous bombings'. At first the bombings were
> thought to have been spread over an hour, but that was later confirmed
> by police as being wrong and that in fact the bombings were only seconds
> apart, therefore simultaneous.
> Whether Mr. Power and Visor Consultants were 'in on the bombing' or
> anything of that nature is not that important as the British government
> or one of their private company offshoots could have hired Visor to run
> the exercise for a number of purposes.
> This is precisely what happened on the morning of September 11th 2001
> with the CIA conducting drills of flying hijacked planes into the WTC
> and Pentagon at 8:30 in the morning.
> It is clear that at least five if not six training exercises were in
> operation in the days leading up to and on the morning of 9/11. What
> this meant was that the NORAD radar screens showed as many as 22
> hijacked airliners at the same time. As NORAD had been briefed that this
> was part of the exercise drill normal reactive procedure was forestalled
> and delayed.
> The large numbers of 'blips' on NORAD screens which displayed both the
> real and 'drill' hijacked planes explain why press reports released
> immediately afterwards were confusing citing that up to eight planes had
> been hijacked.
> According to the spokesman of the Federal Emergency Management Agency
> (FEMA), the agency was in New York the night before 9/11
> FEMA spokesman Tom Kenney said to news anchorman Dan Rather in an
> interview on Wednesday, September 12th, 2001 that FEMA was deployed to
> New York on Monday night, September 10th, to be ready to go into action
> on Tuesday morning, September 11th.
> Kenney: "We're currently one of the first teams that was deployed to
> support the city of New York for this disaster. We arrived on late
> Monday night, and went into action on Tuesday morning. And not until
> today did we get a full opportunity to work the entire site."
> Needless to say, Kenney's statement was denied and put down to the
> official's confusion over the dates.
> However, when former New York City mayor Rudolph Guliani testified
> before the 9/11 Commission the story was blown:
> "... the reason Pier 92 was selected as a command center was because on
> the next day, on September 12, Pier 92 was going to have a drill, it had
> hundreds of people here, from FEMA, from the Federal Government, from
> the State, from the State Emergency Management Office, and they were
> getting ready for a drill for biochemical attack. So that was gonna be
> the place they were going to have the drill. The equipment was already
> there, so we were able to establish a command center there, within three
> days, that was two and a half to three times bigger than the command
> center that we had lost at 7 World Trade Center. And it was from there
> that the rest of the search and rescue effort was completed."
> The Anglo-American establishment that controls the military-industrial
> complex of the West has been caught time and again of carrying out
> bombings and other attacks around the world in a bid to further their
> corporate aims and blame their enemies.
> The London "terror alert" level was lowered before the bombings took
> place. Thus giving the perpetrators extra cover to plan and execute the
> attack without having to evade the most stringent security.
> The wider agenda will become clearer once Tony Blair points the finger
> of blame at the selected parties designated to the fall. But for the
> moment he's happy to grandstand as the courageous leader who immediately
> returned to London to take control of the chaos.
> BBC polls that were showing 80 per cent plus opposed the ID card will
> now likely flip back in the opposite direction. Support for the European
> Union and increased globalization through the G8 will rise.
> Who stands to gain from all this? Who has the motive?
> The London Underground exercises were used as the fallback cover to
> carry out the attack.
> Click here for a clip of this dialogue. Click here for a longer clip
> where the comments can be heard in their full context.
> Ovenstående link er til interviewet.
> Same-time-as-attack underground bombing exercise in London a chilling
> coincidence?
> By Judi McLeod & David Hawkins
> Saturday, July 9, 2005 9:00 p.m.
> Toronto-- Chillingly coincidental, the same 9/11 "war games" conducted
> during the actual tragedy on the morning of September 11, 2001, echo
> London underground "bombing exercises" which took place at the same time
> as the real attack, according to Alex Jones' Prison
> What are the odds of both human tragedies having coincidental "drills"
> going on at the exact same time real life was taking so many human lives
> in two terrorist attacks?
> NORAD was conducting drills of flying hijacked planes into the World
> Trade Center and Pentagon at 8:30 in the morning, September 11, 2001. A
> CIA planned exercise on September 11 was built around a plane crashing
> into a building.
> "It is clear that at least five if not six training exercises were in
> operation in the days leading up to and on the morning of 9/11/2001,"
> Paul Joseph Watson and Alex Jones wrote for Prison today.
> Basing their information on a BBC Radio 5 interview, Watson and Jones
> say a consulting agency with government and police connections was
> running an exercise for an unnamed company that revolved around the
> London Underground being bombed at the exact times and locations as
> happened in real life on the morning of July 7th.
> "The host interviewed Peter Power, Managing Director of Visor
> Consultants, which bills itself as a `crisis management advice company',
> better known to you and I as a PR firm.
> "Power told the host that at the exact same time that the London
> bombings were taking place, his company was running a 1,000 person
> strong exercise which drilled the London Underground being bombed at the
> exact same locations, at the exact same times, as happened in real life.
> "Peter Power was a former Scotland Yard official, working at one time
> with the Anti Terrorist Branch."
> Power told BBC that the drill focused around "simultaneous bombings".
> Originally the London bombings were thought to have been spread over an
> hour, but BBC reports today say that the bombings were in fact
> simultaneous.
> Watson and Jones say, "The fact that the exercise mirrored the exact
> locations and times of the bombings is light years ahead beyond a
> coincidence".
> (In the drills on Sept. 11, 2001) "NORAD radar screens showed as many as
> 22 hijacked airliners at the same time. NORAD had been briefed that this
> was part of the exercise drill and therefore normal reactive procedure
> was forestalled and delayed."
> And the NORAD and Visor Consultants drills are not the only factors
> linking the 9/11 and London terrorist attacks.
> The British experience is the same play on the market as what happed on
> 9/11. Advance knowledge of these events could be making someone rich.
> U.S. treasuries go up. The Pound goes down. The Euro goes up as do gold
> and the Swiss Franc.
> Who is the biggest trader in U.S. treasuries? Cantor Fitzgerald, owner
> of eSpeed, whose New York offices were on the 101st-105th floors of One
> World Trade Center.
> ESpeed stock was shorted 42 percent of its value from August 7 to
> September 7, 2001 and no one seems to know why.
> Coming Monday: 9/11 and the Mob by Judi McLeod & David Hawkins.
> Canada Free Press founding editor Judi McLeod is an award-winning
> journalist with 30 years experience in the media. A former Toronto Sun
> and Kingston Whig Standard columnist, she has also appeared on
>, the Drudge Report,, and World Net Daily. Judi
> can be reached at: