On Sat, 25 Jun 2005 23:41:53 +0200, "Anders Lund" wrote:
>"Simon Nielsen" <newz@siho.dk> skrev i en meddelelse
>> Det billigste sted for lige det objektiv er
>> der koster det 1099 € og det er den nye DG model.
>Hvad betyder det, at det er en DG model?
DG (DG Lens)
These are large-aperture lenses with wide angles and short minimum
focusing distances. With an abundance of peripheral illumination,
they are ideal lenses for Digital SLR Cameras whilst retaining
suitability for traditional 35mm SLRs.
til forskjell fra
DC (DC Lens)
These are special lenses designed so that the image circle matches
the smaller size of the image sensor of most digital SLR cameras.
Their specialized design gives these lenses the ideal properties for
digital cameras, the compact and lightweight construction is an
added bonus ! including compact and lightweight construction.
DC hos Sigma er lik DX hos Nikon og EF-S hos Canon.
DG objektiver har en annen og bedre coating, tilpasset dSLR.