Som dansk webblogger behøver man ikke at frygte så meget, men i Iran skal
man passe gevaldigt på, især hvis man ikke taler pænt om den øverste
leder i Iran som jo ikke er Irans præsident, men nationens åndelige leder
Ayatollah Khamenei. Det er stort set det samme som at tale grimt om
profeten Muhammed.
TEHRAN - An Iranian weblogger arrested in a crackdown against online
dissent has been sentenced to two years behind bars for "insulting the
supreme leader" Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, his lawyer told AFP Monday.
Mojtaba Saminejad "still faces charges of insulting the prophet and
spreading curruption, which could cost him more jail terms," lawyer
Mohammad Seifzadeh said. Seifzadeh said his client had been aquitted of
acting against national security and insulting the founder of the Islamic
republic, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini.
He said he would appeal the Revolutionary Court's verdict. Saminejad, 25,
was based in the clerical capital of Qom. His weblog, or online diary,
mainly dealt with sensitive religious and political issues. In Iran,
questioning the absolute power of the supreme leader is illegal.
Iran Focus
Der er blevet arresteret mere end tyve webbloggere det sidste års tid i
Iran i følge Comitee to protect bloggers .
Med venlig hilsen