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The Beatles... Samlingen skal være komplet~
Fra : Thomas

Dato : 24-03-05 03:10


For efterhånden 10 år siden (da Beatles begyndte at udsende
'Anthology' pladerne), blev jeg ret bidt af dem... Og jeg begyndte
at købe godt ind af deres albums...

Jeg fik også købt og hørt en hel del af dem... Jeg holdt så på et
tidspunkt en pause fra deres musik, som vårede en årrække...
Men nu er jeg begyndt at 'genopdage' dem...

Jeg er lidt af en samler - og jeg vil gerne have en komplet samling
af beatles' musik. Ikke af alle deres albums, da der jo er nogen
albums ude, der (så vidt jeg har forstået) bare indeholder de bedste
numre fra nogen af deres andre plader... (Det er de albums der er
udgivet på Capitol, der vist bare er en slags 'opsamlinger' der skulle
hjælpe dem til at få deres gennembrud i USA...)

Så min mission er ikke at få alle Beatles' forskellige plader. Men at
få alle deres forskellige numre... I alle de forskellige versioner de
nu måtte findes i...

Her er min samling af Beatles' albums (I tilfældig rækkefølge):

The Beatles - Live at the BBC
The Beatles - 1967-1970
The Beatles - 1962-1966
The Beatles - Anthology 1
The Beatles - Anthology 2
The Beatles - Anthology 3
The Beatles - The Beatles (The White Album)
The Beatles - Past Masters 1
The Beatles - Past Masters 2
The Beatles - Abbey Road
The Beatles - Beatles For Sale
The Beatles - Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band
The Beatles - A Hard Days Night
The Beatles - Let It Be
The Beatles - Rubber Soul
The Beatles - Please Please Me
The Beatles - Revolver
The Beatles - Help
The Beatles - Yellow Submarine Songtrack (Som vist er en slags
soundtrack fra filmen - ikke selve 'Yellow Submarine' albummet.

Der MÅ være nogen Beatles fans derude, der kan fortælle mig præcis
hvad jeg mangler, for at gøre min samling komplet...
Og som sagt, er jeg ikke interesseret i, at købe albums, der bare består
af numre, taget fra andre af deres albums (i samme versioner altså).

Jeg ved at jeg mangler 'let it be... Naked' - som jeg har tænkt mig at
investere i, inden længe... Men hvad mangler jeg derudover???

Mvh. Thomas

Morten Steen (24-03-2005)
Fra : Morten Steen

Dato : 24-03-05 04:46

> Jeg ved at jeg mangler 'let it be... Naked' - som jeg har tænkt mig at
> investere i, inden længe... Men hvad mangler jeg derudover???

Tjaaa.. egentlig kun With The Beatles, faktisk...
Så skulle du være dækket pænt ind.


Jan Rose Iversen (24-03-2005)
Fra : Jan Rose Iversen

Dato : 24-03-05 07:04

Something new (opsamlingsplade med "I want to hold your hand" sunget på
Live at Hollywood Bowl og så findes der også nogle live plader fra Star-Club
i Hamborg. Jeg ved desværre ikke om de findes på cd, men på vinyl skulle de
være til at opdrive.

Hilsen Jan "Post"

Aragorn Elessar (24-03-2005)
Fra : Aragorn Elessar

Dato : 24-03-05 12:04

"Jan Rose Iversen" <jr.iversen@adr.dk> wrote in message
> Something new (opsamlingsplade med "I want to hold your hand" sunget på
> tysk).
> Live at Hollywood Bowl og så findes der også nogle live plader fra
> i Hamborg. Jeg ved desværre ikke om de findes på cd, men på vinyl skulle
> være til at opdrive.
> Hilsen Jan "Post"


Prøv evt. Nørrebrohallens plademesse, der kan man finde hvadsomhelst på cd.

Venlig hilsen



Ukendt (24-03-2005)
Fra : Ukendt

Dato : 24-03-05 12:38

"Jan Rose Iversen" <jr.iversen@adr.dk> skrev i en meddelelse
> Something new (opsamlingsplade med "I want to hold your hand" sunget på
> tysk).

Er det ikke samme version som på Past Masters 1?

Pastrámi - kemi for livet!

Jan Rose Iversen (24-03-2005)
Fra : Jan Rose Iversen

Dato : 24-03-05 07:15

Glemte lige "Magical Mystery Tour" og "Hey Jude". Den sidste er en
opsamlingsplade, bl.a. med nogle sange som kun udkom på single.

Jan "Post"

Rasmus Thorsø Nielse~ (24-03-2005)
Fra : Rasmus Thorsø Nielse~

Dato : 24-03-05 12:29

"Jan Rose Iversen" <jr.iversen@adr.dk> wrote in message
> Glemte lige "Magical Mystery Tour" og "Hey Jude". Den sidste er en
> opsamlingsplade, bl.a. med nogle sange som kun udkom på single.
> Jan "Post"

Hvis man vil være sikker på at have alle de sange som kun kom på single,
skal man kun sørge for at have de to "Past Masters"-cd'er. Så der er han
dækket ind.

Desuden synes jeg du, Thomas, mangler alle "Unsurpassed Masters" cd'erne,
som er ren guf for fans. Jeg ved ikke præcis hvor mange der er lavet. Jeg
tror det drejer sig om 7-8 stykker og de indeholder en masse mislykkede
takes, castings, og snak! Desuden nogle cover-numre som "My Bonnie" og
"Besame Mucho". De kan så vidt jeg ved kun købes antikvarisk eller over
internettet. Så der må du surfe lidt ;). God fornøjelse!

Mvh. Rasmus

Ukendt (24-03-2005)
Fra : Ukendt

Dato : 24-03-05 12:43

"Jan Rose Iversen" <jr.iversen@adr.dk> skrev i en meddelelse
> Glemte lige "Magical Mystery Tour" og "Hey Jude". Den sidste er en
> opsamlingsplade, bl.a. med nogle sange som kun udkom på single.
Sangene fra "Hey Jude" ligger vist alle på "Past Masters", bortset fra
"Can't buy me love" og "I should have know better", som Thomas har på "A
Hard Days Night".

Pastrámi - kemi for livet!

sniper_Nolight (24-03-2005)
Fra : sniper_Nolight

Dato : 24-03-05 19:18

Jeg er igang med samme projekt.

Jeg vil osse gerne undgå alle "greatest hits" albummene

dette link har jeg fundet brugbart:


DESUDEN! vil jeg lige anbefale dig Anthology DVD boksen - DET er guf for
Beatles fans! - og så ser boksen pæn ud på hylden ved siden af alle dine
Beatles DVD'ere


Kim Ludvigsen (24-03-2005)
Fra : Kim Ludvigsen

Dato : 24-03-05 20:30

Den 24-03-05 03.09 skrev Thomas følgende:

> Jeg er lidt af en samler - og jeg vil gerne have en komplet samling
> Så min mission er ikke at få alle Beatles' forskellige plader. Men at
> få alle deres forskellige numre... I alle de forskellige versioner de
> nu måtte findes i...

Fra min egen samling (lp'er) som du ikke har på din liste:

The Beatles - Live at the Star Club
Silver Beatles - billed-lp med andres numre
The Beatles - Rareties (specielle udgaver af numrene)
The Beatles - Rareties (ditto, men andre numre, fulgte med en blå samleboks)
The Beatles - The Savage Young Beatles (ep)

De er rent faktisk til salg, send en mail, hvis du er interesseret.

Mvh. Kim Ludvigsen
Få et flot eller sjovt vandmærke på skærmen.

Michael Lund Sørense~ (25-03-2005)
Fra : Michael Lund Sørense~

Dato : 25-03-05 02:09

"Thomas" <Thomas.Elbo@REMOVEmail.dk> skrev i en meddelelse
> Hejsa
> For efterhånden 10 år siden (da Beatles begyndte at udsende
> 'Anthology' pladerne), blev jeg ret bidt af dem... Og jeg begyndte
> at købe godt ind af deres albums...

Nedenfor er lidt af min samling så kan du jo tjekke om der er noget du
synes du mangler. (Nej du kan ikke få en kopi af mig!)

Men ellers prøv
der er diskografier, omtaler og forum

Michael Lund Sørensen
www.milux.dk www.gromit.dk/dvd

1962 - 1966 (Disc 1 of 2) Love Me Do 2:24
1962 - 1966 (Disc 1 of 2) Please Please Me 2:03
1962 - 1966 (Disc 1 of 2) From Me To You 1:57
1962 - 1966 (Disc 1 of 2) She Loves You 2:22
1962 - 1966 (Disc 1 of 2) I Want To Hold Your Hand 2:26
1962 - 1966 (Disc 1 of 2) All My Loving 2:08
1962 - 1966 (Disc 1 of 2) Can't Buy Me Love 2:13
1962 - 1966 (Disc 1 of 2) A Hard Day's Night 2:34
1962 - 1966 (Disc 1 of 2) And I Love Her 2:31
1962 - 1966 (Disc 1 of 2) Eight Days A Week 2:45
1962 - 1966 (Disc 1 of 2) I Feel Fine 2:19
1962 - 1966 (Disc 1 of 2) Ticket To Ride 3:10
1962 - 1966 (Disc 1 of 2) Yesterday 2:04
1962 - 1966 (Disc 2 of 2) Help! 2:20
1962 - 1966 (Disc 2 of 2) You've Got To Hide Your Love Away 2:11
1962 - 1966 (Disc 2 of 2) We Can Work It Out 2:16
1962 - 1966 (Disc 2 of 2) Day Tripper 2:49
1962 - 1966 (Disc 2 of 2) Drive My Car 2:27
1962 - 1966 (Disc 2 of 2) Norwegian Wood (This Bird Has Flown) 2:05
1962 - 1966 (Disc 2 of 2) Nowhere Man 2:44
1962 - 1966 (Disc 2 of 2) Michelle 2:42
1962 - 1966 (Disc 2 of 2) In My Life 2:27
1962 - 1966 (Disc 2 of 2) Girl 2:31
1962 - 1966 (Disc 2 of 2) Paperback Writer 2:18
1962 - 1966 (Disc 2 of 2) Eleanor Rigby 2:08
1962 - 1966 (Disc 2 of 2) Yellow Submarine 2:37
1967 - 1970 (Disc 1 of 2) Strawberry Fields Forever 4:08
1967 - 1970 (Disc 1 of 2) Penny Lane 3:01
1967 - 1970 (Disc 1 of 2) Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band 2:01
1967 - 1970 (Disc 1 of 2) With A Little Help From My Friends 2:43
1967 - 1970 (Disc 1 of 2) Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds 3:27
1967 - 1970 (Disc 1 of 2) A Day In The Life 5:06
1967 - 1970 (Disc 1 of 2) All You Need Is Love 3:48
1967 - 1970 (Disc 1 of 2) I Am The Walrus 4:34
1967 - 1970 (Disc 1 of 2) Hello, Goodbye 3:29
1967 - 1970 (Disc 1 of 2) The Fool On The Hill 2:59
1967 - 1970 (Disc 1 of 2) Magical Mystery Tour 2:48
1967 - 1970 (Disc 1 of 2) Lady Madonna 2:19
1967 - 1970 (Disc 1 of 2) Hey Jude 7:08
1967 - 1970 (Disc 1 of 2) Revolution 3:23
1967 - 1970 (Disc 2 of 2) Back In The U.S.S.R 2:46
1967 - 1970 (Disc 2 of 2) While My Guitar Gently Weeps 4:46
1967 - 1970 (Disc 2 of 2) Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da 3:11
1967 - 1970 (Disc 2 of 2) Get Back 3:12
1967 - 1970 (Disc 2 of 2) Don't Let Me Down 3:34
1967 - 1970 (Disc 2 of 2) The Ballad Of John And Yoko 2:59
1967 - 1970 (Disc 2 of 2) Old Brown Shoe 3:20
1967 - 1970 (Disc 2 of 2) Here Comes The Sun 3:07
1967 - 1970 (Disc 2 of 2) Come Together 4:18
1967 - 1970 (Disc 2 of 2) Something 3:02
1967 - 1970 (Disc 2 of 2) Octopus's Garden 2:52
1967 - 1970 (Disc 2 of 2) Let It Be 3:52
1967 - 1970 (Disc 2 of 2) Across The Universe 3:47
1967 - 1970 (Disc 2 of 2) The Long And Winding Road 3:37
A Hard Day's Night A Hard Day's Night 2:32
A Hard Day's Night I Should Have Known Better 2:44
A Hard Day's Night If I Fell 2:22
A Hard Day's Night I'm Happy Just To Dance With You 1:58
A Hard Day's Night And I Love Her 2:31
A Hard Day's Night Tell Me Why 2:10
A Hard Day's Night Can't Buy Me Love 2:14
A Hard Day's Night Any Time At All 2:13
A Hard Day's Night I'll Cry Instead 1:47
A Hard Day's Night Things We Said Today 2:38
A Hard Day's Night When I Get Home 2:18
A Hard Day's Night You Can't Do That 2:37
A Hard Day's Night I'll Be Back 2:20
Abbey Road Come Together 4:20
Abbey Road Something 3:03
Abbey Road Maxwell's Silver Hammer 3:27
Abbey Road Oh! Darling 3:26
Abbey Road Octopus's Garden 2:51
Abbey Road I Want You (She's So Heavy) 7:47
Abbey Road Here Comes The Sun 3:05
Abbey Road Because 2:45
Abbey Road You Never Give Me Your Money 4:02
Abbey Road Sun King 2:26
Abbey Road Mean Mr. Mustard 1:06
Abbey Road Polythene Pam 1:12
Abbey Road She Came In Through The Bathroom Window 1:57
Abbey Road Golden Slumbers 1:31
Abbey Road Carry That Weight 1:36
Abbey Road The End 2:19
Abbey Road Her Majesty 0:23
Anthology 1 (Disc 1) Free As A Bird 4:24
Anthology 1 (Disc 1) Speech - John Lennon 0:12
Anthology 1 (Disc 1) That'll Be The Day 2:07
Anthology 1 (Disc 1) In Spite Of All The Danger 2:44
Anthology 1 (Disc 1) Speech - Paul McCartney 0:17
Anthology 1 (Disc 1) Hallelujah, I Love Her So 1:13
Anthology 1 (Disc 1) You'll Be Mine 1:38
Anthology 1 (Disc 1) Cayenne 1:13
Anthology 1 (Disc 1) Speech - Paul 0:07
Anthology 1 (Disc 1) My Bonnie 2:32
Anthology 1 (Disc 1) Ain't She Sweet 2:13
Anthology 1 (Disc 1) Cry For A Shadow 2:22
Anthology 1 (Disc 1) Speech - John 0:10
Anthology 1 (Disc 1) Speech - Brian Epstein 0:18
Anthology 1 (Disc 1) Searchin' 2:59
Anthology 1 (Disc 1) Three Cool Cats 2:25
Anthology 1 (Disc 1) The Sheik Of Araby 1:43
Anthology 1 (Disc 1) Like Dreamers Do 2:35
Anthology 1 (Disc 1) Hello Little Girl 1:40
Anthology 1 (Disc 1) Speech - Brian Epstein 0:32
Anthology 1 (Disc 1) Besame Mucho 2:37
Anthology 1 (Disc 1) Love Me Do 2:31
Anthology 1 (Disc 1) How Do You Do it 1:57
Anthology 1 (Disc 1) Please Please Me 1:59
Anthology 1 (Disc 1) One After 909 (Sequence) 2:23
Anthology 1 (Disc 1) One After 909 2:55
Anthology 1 (Disc 1) Lend Me Your Comb 1:49
Anthology 1 (Disc 1) I'll Get You 2:08
Anthology 1 (Disc 1) Speech - John 0:12
Anthology 1 (Disc 1) I Saw Her Standing There 2:48
Anthology 1 (Disc 1) From Me To You 2:05
Anthology 1 (Disc 1) Money (That's What I Want) 2:52
Anthology 1 (Disc 1) You Really Got A Hold On Me 2:58
Anthology 1 (Disc 1) Roll Over Beethoven 2:21
Anthology 1 (Disc 2) She Loves You 2:50
Anthology 1 (Disc 2) Till There Was You 2:54
Anthology 1 (Disc 2) Twist And Shout 3:05
Anthology 1 (Disc 2) This Boy 2:22
Anthology 1 (Disc 2) I Want To Hold Your Hand 2:36
Anthology 1 (Disc 2) Speech - Eric Morecambe And Ernie Wise 2:05
Anthology 1 (Disc 2) Moonlight Bay 0:49
Anthology 1 (Disc 2) Can't Buy Me Love 2:10
Anthology 1 (Disc 2) All My Loving 2:19
Anthology 1 (Disc 2) You Can't Do That 2:42
Anthology 1 (Disc 2) And I Love Her 1:52
Anthology 1 (Disc 2) A Hard Day's Night 2:43
Anthology 1 (Disc 2) I Wanna Be Your Man 1:47
Anthology 1 (Disc 2) Long Tall Sally 1:45
Anthology 1 (Disc 2) Boys 1:49
Anthology 1 (Disc 2) Shout 1:31
Anthology 1 (Disc 2) I'll Be Back (Take 2) 1:12
Anthology 1 (Disc 2) I'll Be Back (Take 3) 1:57
Anthology 1 (Disc 2) You Know What To Do 1:58
Anthology 1 (Disc 2) No Reply (Demo) 1:46
Anthology 1 (Disc 2) Mr. Moonlight 2:47
Anthology 1 (Disc 2) Leave My Kitten Alone 2:56
Anthology 1 (Disc 2) No Reply 2:29
Anthology 1 (Disc 2) Eight Days A Week (Sequence) 1:25
Anthology 1 (Disc 2) Eight Days A Week (Complete) 2:47
Anthology 1 (Disc 2) Kansas City/Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey! 2:44
Anthology 2 (Disc 1) Real Love 3:54
Anthology 2 (Disc 1) Yes It Is 1:50
Anthology 2 (Disc 1) I'm Down 2:53
Anthology 2 (Disc 1) You've Got To Hide Your Love Away 2:44
Anthology 2 (Disc 1) If You've Got Trouble 2:48
Anthology 2 (Disc 1) That Means A Lot 2:26
Anthology 2 (Disc 1) Yesterday 2:33
Anthology 2 (Disc 1) It's Only Love 1:58
Anthology 2 (Disc 1) I Feel Fine 2:15
Anthology 2 (Disc 1) Ticket To Ride 2:44
Anthology 2 (Disc 1) Yesterday Ver2 2:42
Anthology 2 (Disc 1) Help! 2:54
Anthology 2 (Disc 1) Everybody's Trying To Be My Baby 2:45
Anthology 2 (Disc 1) Norwegian Wood (This Bird Has Flown) 1:59
Anthology 2 (Disc 1) I'm Looking Through You 2:53
Anthology 2 (Disc 1) 12-Bar Original 2:55
Anthology 2 (Disc 1) Tomorrow Never Knows 3:14
Anthology 2 (Disc 1) Got To Get You Into My Life 2:54
Anthology 2 (Disc 1) And Your Bird Can Sing 2:13
Anthology 2 (Disc 1) Taxman 2:32
Anthology 2 (Disc 1) Eleanor Rigby (Strings Only) 2:06
Anthology 2 (Disc 1) I'm Only Sleeping (Rehearsal) 0:40
Anthology 2 (Disc 1) I'm Only Sleeping (Take 1) 2:59
Anthology 2 (Disc 1) Rock And Roll Music 1:39
Anthology 2 (Disc 1) She's A Woman 2:54
Anthology 2 (Disc 2) Strawberry Fields Forever (Demo Sequence) 1:42
Anthology 2 (Disc 2) Strawberry Fields Forever (Take 1) 2:34
Anthology 2 (Disc 2) Strawberry Fields Forever (Take 7 & Edit Piece) 4:13
Anthology 2 (Disc 2) Penny Lane (Remix) 3:12
Anthology 2 (Disc 2) A Day In The Life (Anthology Remix) 5:04
Anthology 2 (Disc 2) Good Morning, Good Morning (Take 8) 2:40
Anthology 2 (Disc 2) Only A Northern Song (Remix) 2:43
Anthology 2 (Disc 2) Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Kite! (Takes 1 & 2) 1:05
Anthology 2 (Disc 2) Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Kite! (Take 7) 2:33
Anthology 2 (Disc 2) Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds (Remix) 3:05
Anthology 2 (Disc 2) Within You, Without You (Instrumental) 5:27
Anthology 2 (Disc 2) Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Reprise) (Take
5) 1:27
Anthology 2 (Disc 2) You Know My Name (Look Up The Number) (Extended Stereo
Version) 5:43
Anthology 2 (Disc 2) I Am The Walrus (Take 16) 4:01
Anthology 2 (Disc 2) The Fool On The Hill (Demo) 2:48
Anthology 2 (Disc 2) Your Mother Should Know (Take 27) 3:02
Anthology 2 (Disc 2) The Fool On The Hill (Take 4) 3:44
Anthology 2 (Disc 2) Hello, Goodbye (Take 16) 3:17
Anthology 2 (Disc 2) Lady Madonna (Remix) 2:22
Anthology 2 (Disc 2) Across The Universe (Take 2) 3:28
Anthology 3 (Disc 1) A Beginning 0:50
Anthology 3 (Disc 1) Happiness Is A Warm Gun 2:14
Anthology 3 (Disc 1) Helter Skelter 4:37
Anthology 3 (Disc 1) Mean Mr. Mustard 1:57
Anthology 3 (Disc 1) Polythene Pam 1:26
Anthology 3 (Disc 1) Glass Onion 1:51
Anthology 3 (Disc 1) Junk 2:24
Anthology 3 (Disc 1) Piggies 2:01
Anthology 3 (Disc 1) Honey Pie 1:19
Anthology 3 (Disc 1) Don't Pass Me By 2:42
Anthology 3 (Disc 1) Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da 2:56
Anthology 3 (Disc 1) Good Night 2:37
Anthology 3 (Disc 1) Cry Baby Cry 2:46
Anthology 3 (Disc 1) Blackbird 2:18
Anthology 3 (Disc 1) Sexy Sadie 4:06
Anthology 3 (Disc 1) While My Guitar Gently Weeps 3:27
Anthology 3 (Disc 1) Hey Jude 4:21
Anthology 3 (Disc 1) Not Guilty 3:22
Anthology 3 (Disc 1) Mother Nature's Son 3:17
Anthology 3 (Disc 1) Glass Onion 2:08
Anthology 3 (Disc 1) Rocky Raccoon 4:12
Anthology 3 (Disc 1) What's The New Mary Jane? 6:12
Anthology 3 (Disc 1) Step Inside Love /Los Paranoias 2:30
Anthology 3 (Disc 1) I'm So Tired 2:14
Anthology 3 (Disc 1) I Will 1:55
Anthology 3 (Disc 1) Why Don't We Do It In The Road? 2:15
Anthology 3 (Disc 1) Julia 1:57
Anthology 3 (Disc 2) I've Got A Feeling 2:49
Anthology 3 (Disc 2) She Came In Through The Bathroom Window 3:36
Anthology 3 (Disc 2) Dig A Pony 4:18
Anthology 3 (Disc 2) Two Of Us 3:27
Anthology 3 (Disc 2) For You Blue 2:22
Anthology 3 (Disc 2) Teddy Boy 3:18
Anthology 3 (Disc 2) Medley - Rip It Up - Shake, Rattle And Roll - Blue
Suede Shoes 3:10
Anthology 3 (Disc 2) The Long And Winding Road 3:40
Anthology 3 (Disc 2) Oh! Darling 4:08
Anthology 3 (Disc 2) All Things Must Pass 3:05
Anthology 3 (Disc 2) Mailman, Bring Me No More Blues 1:55
Anthology 3 (Disc 2) Get Back 3:08
Anthology 3 (Disc 2) Old Brown Shoe 3:02
Anthology 3 (Disc 2) Octopus's Garden 2:49
Anthology 3 (Disc 2) Maxwell's Silver Hammer 3:49
Anthology 3 (Disc 2) Something 3:18
Anthology 3 (Disc 2) Come Together 3:40
Anthology 3 (Disc 2) Come And Get It 2:29
Anthology 3 (Disc 2) Ain't She Sweet 2:08
Anthology 3 (Disc 2) Because 2:23
Anthology 3 (Disc 2) Let It Be 4:05
Anthology 3 (Disc 2) I Me Mine 1:47
Anthology 3 (Disc 2) The End 2:50
Baby It's You (Maxi Single) Baby It's You 2:45
Baby It's You (Maxi Single) I'll Follow The Sun 1:51
Baby It's You (Maxi Single) Devil In Her Heart 2:23
Baby It's You (Maxi Single) Boys 2:29
Beatles at The Hollywood Bowl, The Twist and Shout [30 August 1965] 1:30
Beatles at The Hollywood Bowl, The She's A Woman [30 August 1965] 2:53
Beatles at The Hollywood Bowl, The Dizzy Miss Lizzy [30 August 1965] 3:34
Beatles at The Hollywood Bowl, The Ticket to Ride [30 August 1965] 2:51
Beatles at The Hollywood Bowl, The Can't Buy Me Love [30 August 1965] 2:14
Beatles at The Hollywood Bowl, The Things We Said Today [23 August 1964]
Beatles at The Hollywood Bowl, The Roll Over Beethoven [23 August 1964] 2:21
Beatles at The Hollywood Bowl, The Boys [23 August 1964] 2:11
Beatles at The Hollywood Bowl, The A Hard Day's Night [30 August 1965] 3:14
Beatles at The Hollywood Bowl, The Help! [30 August 1965] 2:45
Beatles at The Hollywood Bowl, The All My Loving [23 August 1964] 2:13
Beatles at The Hollywood Bowl, The She Loves You [23 August 1964] 2:29
Beatles at The Hollywood Bowl, The Long Tall Sally [23 August 1964] 2:53
Beatles For Sale No Reply 2:17
Beatles For Sale I'm A Loser 2:33
Beatles For Sale Baby's In Black 2:07
Beatles For Sale Rock And Roll Music 2:33
Beatles For Sale I'll Follow The Sun 1:51
Beatles For Sale Mr. Moonlight 2:37
Beatles For Sale Kansas City/Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey! 2:33
Beatles For Sale Eight Days A Week 2:45
Beatles For Sale Words Of Love 2:14
Beatles For Sale Honey Don't 2:59
Beatles For Sale Every Little Thing 2:04
Beatles For Sale I Don't Want To Spoil The Party 2:36
Beatles For Sale What You're Doing 2:34
Beatles For Sale Everybody's Trying To Be My Baby 2:23
Free As A Bird (Maxi Single) Free As A Bird 4:26
Free As A Bird (Maxi Single) I Saw Her Standing There 2:51
Free As A Bird (Maxi Single) This Boy 3:17
Free As A Bird (Maxi Single) Christmas Time (Is Here Again) 3:03
Help! Help! 2:21
Help! The Night Before 2:36
Help! You've Got To Hide Your Love Away 2:11
Help! I Need You 2:31
Help! Another Girl 2:08
Help! You're Going To Lose That Girl 2:20
Help! Ticket To Ride 3:12
Help! Act Naturally 2:33
Help! It's Only Love 1:58
Help! You Like Me Too Much 2:38
Help! Tell Me What You See 2:39
Help! I've Just Seen A Face 2:07
Help! Yesterday 2:07
Help! Dizzy Miss Lizzy 2:54
Let It Be Two Of Us 3:36
Let It Be Dig A Pony 3:54
Let It Be Across The Universe 3:48
Let It Be I Me Mine 2:25
Let It Be Dig It 0:50
Let It Be Let It Be 4:03
Let It Be Maggie Mae 0:40
Let It Be I've Got A Feeling 3:37
Let It Be One After 909 2:55
Let It Be The Long And Winding Road 3:37
Let It Be For You Blue 2:32
Let It Be Get Back 3:07
Let It Be... Naked Get Back 2:34
Let It Be... Naked Dig A Pony 3:38
Let It Be... Naked For You Blue 2:27
Let It Be... Naked The Long And Winding Road 3:34
Let It Be... Naked Two Of Us 3:21
Let It Be... Naked I've Got A Feeling 3:30
Let It Be... Naked One After 909 2:44
Let It Be... Naked Don't Let Me Down 3:18
Let It Be... Naked I Me Mine 2:21
Let It Be... Naked Across The Universe 3:38
Let It Be... Naked Let It Be 3:53
Let It Be... Naked disc 2 Fly on the wall 21:56
Live At Hamburg Intro - Die Beatles 0:23
Live At Hamburg I Saw Her Standing There 2:38
Live At Hamburg Roll Over Beethoven 2:15
Live At Hamburg Hippy Hippy Shake 1:52
Live At Hamburg Sweet Little Sixteen 3:20
Live At Hamburg Lend Me Your Comb 2:00
Live At Hamburg Your Feets Too Big 2:24
Live At Hamburg Twist And Shout 2:20
Live At Hamburg Mr. Moonlight 2:23
Live At Hamburg A Taste Of Honey 2:10
Live At Hamburg Besame Mucho 2:46
Live At Hamburg Reminiscing 2:05
Live At Hamburg Kansas City 2:56
Live At Hamburg Ain't Nothing Shaking Like The Leaves On A Tree 1:24
Live At Hamburg To Know Her Is To Love Her 3:23
Live At Hamburg Little Queenie 3:57
Live At Hamburg Falling In Love Again 2:14
Live At Hamburg Ask Me Why 2:33
Live At Hamburg Be-Bop-A-Lula 2:29
Live At Hamburg Hallelujah, I Love Her So 2:08
Live At Hamburg Red Sails In The Sunset 2:11
Live At Hamburg Everybody's Trying To Be My Baby 3:04
Live At Hamburg Matchbox 2:37
Live At Hamburg Talkin' 'Bout You 2:06
Live At Hamburg Shimmy Shake 2:20
Live At Hamburg Long Tall Sally 1:47
Live At Hamburg I Remember You 1:56
Live At Hamburg Where Have You Been All My Life 2:09
Live At Hamburg Till There Was You 2:02
Live At Hamburg Sheila 2:00
Live At Hamburg I'm Gonna Sit Right Down And Cry Over You 2:43
Live at the BBC [Disc 1] Beatle Greetings (Speech) 0:13
Live at the BBC [Disc 1] From Us to You 0:27
Live at the BBC [Disc 1] Riding on a Bus (Speech) 0:53
Live at the BBC [Disc 1] I Got A Woman 2:48
Live at the BBC [Disc 1] Too Much Monkey Business 2:05
Live at the BBC [Disc 1] Keep Your Hands Off My Baby 2:30
Live at the BBC [Disc 1] I'll Be On My Way 1:57
Live at the BBC [Disc 1] Young Blood 1:56
Live at the BBC [Disc 1] A Shot of Rhythm and Blues 2:14
Live at the BBC [Disc 1] Sure to Fall (In Love With You) 2:07
Live at the BBC [Disc 1] Some Other Guy 2:00
Live at the BBC [Disc 1] Thank You Girl 2:01
Live at the BBC [Disc 1] Sha la la la la! (Speech) 0:27
Live at the BBC [Disc 1] Baby It's You 2:43
Live at the BBC [Disc 1] That's All Right (Mama) 2:53
Live at the BBC [Disc 1] Carol 2:34
Live at the BBC [Disc 1] Soldier of Love 1:59
Live at the BBC [Disc 1] A Little Rhyme (Speech) 0:25
Live at the BBC [Disc 1] Clarabella 2:39
Live at the BBC [Disc 1] I'm Gonna Sit Right Down and Cry (Over You) 2:01
Live at the BBC [Disc 1] Crying, Waiting, Hoping 2:09
Live at the BBC [Disc 1] Dear Wack! (Speech) 0:42
Live at the BBC [Disc 1] You Really Got A Hold On Me 2:37
Live at the BBC [Disc 1] To Know Her Is To Love Her 2:49
Live at the BBC [Disc 1] A Taste Of Honey 1:57
Live at the BBC [Disc 1] Long Tall Sally 1:52
Live at the BBC [Disc 1] I Saw Her Standing There 2:31
Live at the BBC [Disc 1] The Honeymoon Song 1:39
Live at the BBC [Disc 1] Johnny B. Goode 2:51
Live at the BBC [Disc 1] Memphis, Tennessee 2:12
Live at the BBC [Disc 1] Lucille 1:49
Live at the BBC [Disc 1] Can't Buy Me Love 2:06
Live at the BBC [Disc 1] From Fluff to You (Speech) 0:28
Live at the BBC [Disc 1] Till There Was You 2:13
Live at the BBC [Disc 2] Crinsk Dee Night 1:04
Live at the BBC [Disc 2] A Hard Day's Night 2:24
Live at the BBC [Disc 2] Have A Banana (Speech) 0:21
Live at the BBC [Disc 2] I Wanna Be Your Man 2:09
Live at the BBC [Disc 2] Just A Rumour (Speech) 0:20
Live at the BBC [Disc 2] Roll Over Beethoven 2:15
Live at the BBC [Disc 2] All My Loving 2:04
Live at the BBC [Disc 2] Things We Said Today 2:18
Live at the BBC [Disc 2] She's A Woman 3:14
Live at the BBC [Disc 2] Sweet Little Sixteen 2:20
Live at the BBC [Disc 2] 1822! (Speech) 0:10
Live at the BBC [Disc 2] Lonesome Tears In My Eyes 2:36
Live at the BBC [Disc 2] Nothin' Shakin' 2:59
Live at the BBC [Disc 2] The Hippy Hippy Shake 1:49
Live at the BBC [Disc 2] Glad All Over 1:51
Live at the BBC [Disc 2] I Just Don't Understand 2:46
Live at the BBC [Disc 2] So How Come (No One Loves Me) 1:53
Live at the BBC [Disc 2] I Feel Fine 2:12
Live at the BBC [Disc 2] I'm A Loser 2:32
Live at the BBC [Disc 2] Everybody's Trying To Be My Baby 2:20
Live at the BBC [Disc 2] Rock And Roll Music 2:00
Live at the BBC [Disc 2] Ticket To Ride 2:56
Live at the BBC [Disc 2] Dizzy Miss Lizzy 2:42
Live at the BBC [Disc 2] Kansas City/Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey! 2:37
Live at the BBC [Disc 2] Set Fire To That Lot! 0:27
Live at the BBC [Disc 2] Matchbox 1:57
Live at the BBC [Disc 2] I Forgot To Remember To Forget 2:08
Live at the BBC [Disc 2] Love These Goon Shows! (Speech) 0:26
Live at the BBC [Disc 2] I Got To Find My Baby 1:55
Live at the BBC [Disc 2] Ooh! My Soul 1:36
Live at the BBC [Disc 2] Ooh! My Arms (Speech) 0:35
Live at the BBC [Disc 2] Don't Ever Change 2:02
Live at the BBC [Disc 2] Slow Down 2:36
Live at the BBC [Disc 2] Honey Don't 2:11
Live at the BBC [Disc 2] Love Me Do 2:29
Magical Mystery Tour Magical Mystery Tour 2:51
Magical Mystery Tour The Fool On The Hill 3:00
Magical Mystery Tour Flying 2:16
Magical Mystery Tour Blue Jay Way 3:56
Magical Mystery Tour Your Mother Should Know 2:29
Magical Mystery Tour I Am The Walrus 4:37
Magical Mystery Tour Hello, Goodbye 3:31
Magical Mystery Tour Strawberry Fields Forever 4:10
Magical Mystery Tour Penny Lane 3:03
Magical Mystery Tour Baby You're A Rich Man 3:03
Magical Mystery Tour All You Need Is Love 3:48
One Love Me Do 2:20
One From Me To You 1:56
One She Loves You 2:21
One I Want To Hold Your Hand 2:24
One Can't Buy Me Love 2:11
One A Hard Day's Night 2:33
One I Feel Fine 2:18
One Eight Days A Week 2:44
One Ticket To Ride 3:10
One Help! 2:18
One Yesterday 2:05
One Day Tripper 2:48
One We Can Work It Out 2:15
One Paperback Writer 2:18
One Yellow Submarine 2:38
One Eleanor Rigby 2:06
One Penny Lane 2:59
One All You Need Is Love 3:47
One Hello, Goodbye 3:27
One Lady Madonna 2:16
One Hey Jude 7:04
One Get Back 3:12
One The Ballad Of John And Yoko 2:59
One Something 3:01
One Come Together 4:18
One Let It Be 3:50
One The Long And Winding Road 3:37
Past Masters Volume 1 Love Me Do 2:23
Past Masters Volume 1 From Me To You 1:57
Past Masters Volume 1 Thank You Girl 2:04
Past Masters Volume 1 She Loves You 2:21
Past Masters Volume 1 I'll Get You 2:05
Past Masters Volume 1 I Want To Hold Your Hand 2:26
Past Masters Volume 1 This Boy 2:16
Past Masters Volume 1 Komm, Gib Mir Deine Hand 2:26
Past Masters Volume 1 Sie Liebt Dich 2:19
Past Masters Volume 1 Long Tall Sally 2:03
Past Masters Volume 1 I Call Your Name 2:09
Past Masters Volume 1 Slow Down 2:56
Past Masters Volume 1 Matchbox 1:58
Past Masters Volume 1 I Feel Fine 2:19
Past Masters Volume 1 She's A Woman 3:03
Past Masters Volume 1 Bad Boy 2:20
Past Masters Volume 1 Yes It Is 2:42
Past Masters Volume 1 I'm Down 2:31
Past Masters Volume 2 Day Tripper 2:49
Past Masters Volume 2 We Can Work It Out 2:15
Past Masters Volume 2 Paperback Writer 2:18
Past Masters Volume 2 Rain 3:02
Past Masters Volume 2 Lady Madonna 2:17
Past Masters Volume 2 The Inner Light 2:36
Past Masters Volume 2 Hey Jude 7:08
Past Masters Volume 2 Revolution 3:24
Past Masters Volume 2 Get Back (With Billy Preston) 3:14
Past Masters Volume 2 Don't Let Me Down (With Billy Preston) 3:34
Past Masters Volume 2 The Ballad Of John And Yoko 3:00
Past Masters Volume 2 Old Brown Shoe 3:18
Past Masters Volume 2 Across The Universe 3:49
Past Masters Volume 2 Let It Be 3:50
Past Masters Volume 2 You Know My Name (Look Up The Number) 4:19
Please Please Me I Saw Her Standing There 2:55
Please Please Me Misery 1:50
Please Please Me Anna (Go To Him) 2:57
Please Please Me Chains 2:26
Please Please Me Boys 2:27
Please Please Me Ask Me Why 2:27
Please Please Me Please Please Me 2:03
Please Please Me Love Me Do 2:22
Please Please Me P.S. I Love You 2:05
Please Please Me Baby It's You 2:38
Please Please Me Do You Want To Know A Secret 1:59
Please Please Me A Taste Of Honey 2:05
Please Please Me There's A Place 1:52
Please Please Me Twist And Shout 2:33
Real Love (Maxi Single) Real Love 3:55
Real Love (Maxi Single) Baby's In Black 3:03
Real Love (Maxi Single) Yellow Submarine 2:48
Real Love (Maxi Single) Here, There And Everywhere 2:23
Revolver Taxman 2:39
Revolver Eleanor Rigby 2:07
Revolver I'm Only Sleeping 3:01
Revolver Love You To 3:01
Revolver Here, There And Everywhere 2:25
Revolver Yellow Submarine 2:40
Revolver She Said She Said 2:37
Revolver Good Day Sunshine 2:09
Revolver And Your Bird Can Sing 2:01
Revolver For No One 2:01
Revolver Doctor Robert 2:15
Revolver I Want To Tell You 2:29
Revolver Got To Get You Into My Life 2:30
Revolver Tomorrow Never Knows 2:57
Rubber Soul Drive My Car 2:30
Rubber Soul Norwegian Wood (This Bird Has Flown) 2:05
Rubber Soul You Won't See Me 3:22
Rubber Soul Nowhere Man 2:44
Rubber Soul Think For Yourself 2:19
Rubber Soul The Word 2:43
Rubber Soul Michelle 2:42
Rubber Soul What Goes On 2:50
Rubber Soul Girl 2:33
Rubber Soul I'm Looking Through You 2:27
Rubber Soul In My Life 2:27
Rubber Soul Wait 2:16
Rubber Soul If I Needed Someone 2:23
Rubber Soul Run For Your Life 2:18
Savage Young Beatles Cry For A Shadow 2:27
Savage Young Beatles Why 3:00
Savage Young Beatles If You Love Me, Baby 2:55
Savage Young Beatles Sweet Georgia Brown 2:07
Savage Young Beatles Ya Ya 5:10
Savage Young Beatles Ruby Baby 2:54
Savage Young Beatles Let's Dance 2:37
Savage Young Beatles What'd I Say 2:42
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band With A Little Help From My Friends
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds 3:28
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band Getting Better 2:47
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band Fixing A Hole 2:36
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band She's Leaving Home 3:35
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Kite!
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band Within You, Without You 5:05
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band When I'm Sixty-Four 2:37
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band Lovely Rita 2:42
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band Good Morning, Good Morning 2:41
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
(Reprise) 1:18
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band A Day In The Life 5:33
The Capitol Albums Volume 1 - Beatles '65 No reply 2:18
The Capitol Albums Volume 1 - Beatles '65 I'm a loser 2:32
The Capitol Albums Volume 1 - Beatles '65 Baby's in black 2:08
The Capitol Albums Volume 1 - Beatles '65 Rock and Roll music 2:34
The Capitol Albums Volume 1 - Beatles '65 I'll follow the sun 1:51
The Capitol Albums Volume 1 - Beatles '65 Mr. Moonlight 2:43
The Capitol Albums Volume 1 - Beatles '65 Honey don't 3:00
The Capitol Albums Volume 1 - Beatles '65 I'll be back 2:24
The Capitol Albums Volume 1 - Beatles '65 She's a woman 3:01
The Capitol Albums Volume 1 - Beatles '65 I feel fine 2:23
The Capitol Albums Volume 1 - Beatles '65 Everybody's trying to be my baby
The Capitol Albums Volume 1 - Beatles '65 No reply (mono) 2:17
The Capitol Albums Volume 1 - Beatles '65 I'm a loser (mono) 2:33
The Capitol Albums Volume 1 - Beatles '65 Baby's in black (mono) 2:08
The Capitol Albums Volume 1 - Beatles '65 Rock and Roll music (mono) 2:34
The Capitol Albums Volume 1 - Beatles '65 I'll follow the sun (mono) 1:50
The Capitol Albums Volume 1 - Beatles '65 Mr. Moonlight (mono) 2:39
The Capitol Albums Volume 1 - Beatles '65 Honey don't (mono) 2:59
The Capitol Albums Volume 1 - Beatles '65 I'll be back (mono) 2:24
The Capitol Albums Volume 1 - Beatles '65 She's a woman (mono) 3:01
The Capitol Albums Volume 1 - Beatles '65 I feel fine (mono) 2:23
The Capitol Albums Volume 1 - Beatles '65 Everybody's trying to be my baby
(mono) 2:25
The Capitol Albums Volume 1 - Meet The Beatles I want to hold your hand 2:25
The Capitol Albums Volume 1 - Meet The Beatles I saw her standing there 2:55
The Capitol Albums Volume 1 - Meet The Beatles This boy 2:15
The Capitol Albums Volume 1 - Meet The Beatles It won't be long 2:13
The Capitol Albums Volume 1 - Meet The Beatles All I've got to do 2:04
The Capitol Albums Volume 1 - Meet The Beatles All my loving 2:09
The Capitol Albums Volume 1 - Meet The Beatles Don't bother me 2:29
The Capitol Albums Volume 1 - Meet The Beatles Little child 1:47
The Capitol Albums Volume 1 - Meet The Beatles Till there was you 2:15
The Capitol Albums Volume 1 - Meet The Beatles Hold me tight 2:33
The Capitol Albums Volume 1 - Meet The Beatles I wanna be your man 2:00
The Capitol Albums Volume 1 - Meet The Beatles Not a second time 2:11
The Capitol Albums Volume 1 - Meet The Beatles I want to hold your hand
(mono) 2:27
The Capitol Albums Volume 1 - Meet The Beatles I saw her standing there
(mono) 2:54
The Capitol Albums Volume 1 - Meet The Beatles This boy (mono) 2:15
The Capitol Albums Volume 1 - Meet The Beatles It won't be long (mono) 2:13
The Capitol Albums Volume 1 - Meet The Beatles All I've got to do (mono)
The Capitol Albums Volume 1 - Meet The Beatles All my loving (mono) 2:09
The Capitol Albums Volume 1 - Meet The Beatles Don't bother me (mono) 2:29
The Capitol Albums Volume 1 - Meet The Beatles Little child (mono) 1:47
The Capitol Albums Volume 1 - Meet The Beatles Till there was you (mono)
The Capitol Albums Volume 1 - Meet The Beatles Hold me tight (mono) 2:33
The Capitol Albums Volume 1 - Meet The Beatles I wanna be your man (mono)
The Capitol Albums Volume 1 - Meet The Beatles Not a second time (mono) 2:04
The Capitol Albums Volume 1 - Something New I'll cry instead 1:48
The Capitol Albums Volume 1 - Something New Things we said today 2:38
The Capitol Albums Volume 1 - Something New Any time at all 2:14
The Capitol Albums Volume 1 - Something New When I get home 2:19
The Capitol Albums Volume 1 - Something New Slow down 2:57
The Capitol Albums Volume 1 - Something New Matchbox 2:00
The Capitol Albums Volume 1 - Something New Tell me why 2:11
The Capitol Albums Volume 1 - Something New And I love her 2:32
The Capitol Albums Volume 1 - Something New I'm happy just to dance with you
The Capitol Albums Volume 1 - Something New If I fell 2:22
The Capitol Albums Volume 1 - Something New Komm, gib mir deine hand (I want
to hold your hand) 2:31
The Capitol Albums Volume 1 - Something New I'll cry instead (mono) 2:09
The Capitol Albums Volume 1 - Something New Things we said today (mono) 2:38
The Capitol Albums Volume 1 - Something New Any time at all (mono) 2:14
The Capitol Albums Volume 1 - Something New When I get home (mono) 2:18
The Capitol Albums Volume 1 - Something New Slow down (mono) 2:57
The Capitol Albums Volume 1 - Something New Matchbox (mono) 2:01
The Capitol Albums Volume 1 - Something New Tell me why (mono) 2:09
The Capitol Albums Volume 1 - Something New And I love her (mono) 2:31
The Capitol Albums Volume 1 - Something New I'm happy just to dance with you
(mono) 1:59
The Capitol Albums Volume 1 - Something New If I fell (mono) 2:22
The Capitol Albums Volume 1 - Something New Komm, gib mir deine hand (I want
to hold your hand) (mono) 2:27
The Capitol Albums Volume 1 - The Beatles' Second Album Roll over Beethoven
The Capitol Albums Volume 1 - The Beatles' Second Album Thank you girl 2:07
The Capitol Albums Volume 1 - The Beatles' Second Album You really got a
hold on me 3:05
The Capitol Albums Volume 1 - The Beatles' Second Album Devil in her heart
The Capitol Albums Volume 1 - The Beatles' Second Album Money 2:53
The Capitol Albums Volume 1 - The Beatles' Second Album You can't do that
The Capitol Albums Volume 1 - The Beatles' Second Album Long tall Sally 2:07
The Capitol Albums Volume 1 - The Beatles' Second Album I call your name
The Capitol Albums Volume 1 - The Beatles' Second Album Please Mr. Postman
The Capitol Albums Volume 1 - The Beatles' Second Album I'll get you 2:09
The Capitol Albums Volume 1 - The Beatles' Second Album She loves you 2:28
The Capitol Albums Volume 1 - The Beatles' Second Album Roll over Beethoven
(mono) 2:47
The Capitol Albums Volume 1 - The Beatles' Second Album Thank your girl
(mono) 2:06
The Capitol Albums Volume 1 - The Beatles' Second Album You really got a
hold on me (mono) 3:04
The Capitol Albums Volume 1 - The Beatles' Second Album Devil in her heart
(mono) 2:28
The Capitol Albums Volume 1 - The Beatles' Second Album Money (mono) 2:50
The Capitol Albums Volume 1 - The Beatles' Second Album You can't do that
(mono) 2:39
The Capitol Albums Volume 1 - The Beatles' Second Album Long tall Sally
(mono) 2:06
The Capitol Albums Volume 1 - The Beatles' Second Album I call your name
(mono) 2:14
The Capitol Albums Volume 1 - The Beatles' Second Album Please Mr. Postman
(mono) 2:37
The Capitol Albums Volume 1 - The Beatles' Second Album I'll get you (mono)
The Capitol Albums Volume 1 - The Beatles' Second Album She loves you (mono)
The Early Tapes of The Beatles Ain't She Sweet 2:15
The Early Tapes of The Beatles Cry For A Shadow 2:25
The Early Tapes of The Beatles When The Saints Go Marching In 3:21
The Early Tapes of The Beatles Why 3:01
The Early Tapes of The Beatles If You Love Me, Baby 2:56
The Early Tapes of The Beatles What'd I Say 2:40
The Early Tapes of The Beatles Sweet Georgia Brown 2:07
The Early Tapes of The Beatles Let's Dance 2:35
The Early Tapes of The Beatles Ruby Baby 2:53
The Early Tapes of The Beatles My Bonnie 2:43
The Early Tapes of The Beatles Nobody's Child 3:57
The Early Tapes of The Beatles Ready Teddy 2:02
The Early Tapes of The Beatles Ya Ya (Parts 1 + 2) 5:10
The Early Tapes of The Beatles Kansas City 2:38
White Album (CD1) Back In The U.S.S.R 2:43
White Album (CD1) Dear Prudence 3:56
White Album (CD1) Glass Onion 2:17
White Album (CD1) Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da 3:08
White Album (CD1) Wild Honey Pie 0:52
White Album (CD1) The Continuing Story Of Bungalow Bill 3:14
White Album (CD1) While My Guitar Gently Weeps 4:45
White Album (CD1) Happiness Is A Warm Gun 2:43
White Album (CD1) Martha My Dear 2:28
White Album (CD1) I'm So Tired 2:03
White Album (CD1) Blackbird 2:18
White Album (CD1) Piggies 2:04
White Album (CD1) Rocky Raccoon 3:32
White Album (CD1) Don't Pass Me By 3:50
White Album (CD1) Why Don't We Do It In The Road? 1:41
White Album (CD1) I Will 1:46
White Album (CD1) Julia 2:54
White Album (CD2) Birthday 2:42
White Album (CD2) Yer Blues 4:01
White Album (CD2) Mother Nature's Son 2:48
White Album (CD2) Everybody's Got Something To Hide Except Me And My Monkey
White Album (CD2) Sexy Sadie 3:15
White Album (CD2) Helter Skelter 4:29
White Album (CD2) Long, Long, Long 3:04
White Album (CD2) Revolution 1 4:15
White Album (CD2) Honey Pie 2:41
White Album (CD2) Savoy Truffle 2:54
White Album (CD2) Cry Baby Cry 3:01
White Album (CD2) Revolution 9 8:22
White Album (CD2) Good Night 3:11
With The Beatles It Won't Be Long 2:13
With The Beatles All I've Got To Do 2:04
With The Beatles All My Loving 2:09
With The Beatles Don't Bother Me 2:29
With The Beatles Little Child 1:48
With The Beatles Till There Was You 2:16
With The Beatles Please Mister Postman 2:36
With The Beatles Roll Over Beethoven 2:47
With The Beatles Hold Me Tight 2:32
With The Beatles You Really Got A Hold On Me 3:02
With The Beatles I Wanna Be Your Man 1:58
With The Beatles Devil In Her Heart 2:27
With The Beatles Not A Second Time 2:08
With The Beatles Money 2:47
Yellow Submarine Yellow Submarine 2:42
Yellow Submarine Only A Northern Song 3:27
Yellow Submarine All Together Now 2:13
Yellow Submarine Hey Bulldog 3:14
Yellow Submarine It's All Too Much 6:28
Yellow Submarine All You Need Is Love 3:48
Yellow Submarine Pepperland 2:23
Yellow Submarine Sea Of Time 3:00
Yellow Submarine Sea Of Holes 2:20
Yellow Submarine Sea Of Monsters 3:39
Yellow Submarine March Of The Meanies 2:22
Yellow Submarine Pepperland Laid Waste 2:15
Yellow Submarine Yellow Submarine In Pepperland 2:10
Yellow Submarine Songtrack Yellow Submarine 2:39
Yellow Submarine Songtrack Hey Bulldog 3:11
Yellow Submarine Songtrack Eleanor Rigby 2:05
Yellow Submarine Songtrack Love You To 2:58
Yellow Submarine Songtrack All Together Now 2:10
Yellow Submarine Songtrack Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds 3:28
Yellow Submarine Songtrack Think For Yourself 2:18
Yellow Submarine Songtrack Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band 2:01
Yellow Submarine Songtrack With A Little Help From My Friends 2:45
Yellow Submarine Songtrack Baby You're A Rich Man 3:00
Yellow Submarine Songtrack Only A Northern Song 3:24
Yellow Submarine Songtrack All You Need Is Love 3:46
Yellow Submarine Songtrack When I'm Sixty-Four 2:39
Yellow Submarine Songtrack Nowhere Man 2:42
Yellow Submarine Songtrack It's All Too Much 6:25

Martin Moller Peders~ (25-03-2005)
Fra : Martin Moller Peders~

Dato : 25-03-05 11:05

In <42422176$0$647$edfadb0f@dread16.news.tele.dk> "Thomas" <Thomas.Elbo@REMOVEmail.dk> writes:


>For efterhånden 10 år siden (da Beatles begyndte at udsende
>'Anthology' pladerne), blev jeg ret bidt af dem... Og jeg begyndte
>at købe godt ind af deres albums...

>Jeg fik også købt og hørt en hel del af dem... Jeg holdt så på et
>tidspunkt en pause fra deres musik, som vårede en årrække...
>Men nu er jeg begyndt at 'genopdage' dem...

>Jeg er lidt af en samler - og jeg vil gerne have en komplet samling
>af beatles' musik. Ikke af alle deres albums, da der jo er nogen
>albums ude, der (så vidt jeg har forstået) bare indeholder de bedste
>numre fra nogen af deres andre plader... (Det er de albums der er
>udgivet på Capitol, der vist bare er en slags 'opsamlinger' der skulle
>hjælpe dem til at få deres gennembrud i USA...)

Der findes mange koncert-optagelser.
Se f.x.


Benny Mortensen 9380 (29-03-2005)
Fra : Benny Mortensen 9380

Dato : 29-03-05 22:28

"Thomas" <Thomas.Elbo@REMOVEmail.dk> skrev i en meddelelse
> Hejsa
> For efterhånden 10 år siden (da Beatles begyndte at udsende
> 'Anthology' pladerne), blev jeg ret bidt af dem... Og jeg begyndte
> at købe godt ind af deres albums...
> Jeg fik også købt og hørt en hel del af dem... Jeg holdt så på et
> tidspunkt en pause fra deres musik, som vårede en årrække...
> Men nu er jeg begyndt at 'genopdage' dem...
> Jeg er lidt af en samler - og jeg vil gerne have en komplet samling
> af beatles' musik. Ikke af alle deres albums, da der jo er nogen
> albums ude, der (så vidt jeg har forstået) bare indeholder de bedste
> numre fra nogen af deres andre plader... (Det er de albums der er
> udgivet på Capitol, der vist bare er en slags 'opsamlinger' der skulle
> hjælpe dem til at få deres gennembrud i USA...)
> Så min mission er ikke at få alle Beatles' forskellige plader. Men at
> få alle deres forskellige numre... I alle de forskellige versioner de
> nu måtte findes i...
> Her er min samling af Beatles' albums (I tilfældig rækkefølge):
> The Beatles - Live at the BBC
> The Beatles - 1967-1970
> The Beatles - 1962-1966
> The Beatles - Anthology 1
> The Beatles - Anthology 2
> The Beatles - Anthology 3
> The Beatles - The Beatles (The White Album)
> The Beatles - Past Masters 1
> The Beatles - Past Masters 2
> The Beatles - Abbey Road
> The Beatles - Beatles For Sale
> The Beatles - Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band
> The Beatles - A Hard Days Night
> The Beatles - Let It Be
> The Beatles - Rubber Soul
> The Beatles - Please Please Me
> The Beatles - Revolver
> The Beatles - Help
> The Beatles - Yellow Submarine Songtrack (Som vist er en slags
> soundtrack fra filmen - ikke selve 'Yellow Submarine' albummet.
> Der MÅ være nogen Beatles fans derude, der kan fortælle mig præcis
> hvad jeg mangler, for at gøre min samling komplet...
> Og som sagt, er jeg ikke interesseret i, at købe albums, der bare består
> af numre, taget fra andre af deres albums (i samme versioner altså).
> Jeg ved at jeg mangler 'let it be... Naked' - som jeg har tænkt mig at
> investere i, inden længe... Men hvad mangler jeg derudover???
> Mvh. Thomas

Der findes i hvert fald 2 albums, udgivet under navnet Silver Beatles. Men
om de er til at opdrive på CD, der bliver jeg svar skyldig.
Jeg ved så ikke om tiden med Tony Sheridan er includeret på dem, som du
allerede har.


Poul Erik (29-03-2005)
Fra : Poul Erik

Dato : 29-03-05 23:30

On Tue, 29 Mar 2005 23:27:51 +0200, "Benny Mortensen 9380"
<wrapup1@kittymail.com> wrote:

>Der findes i hvert fald 2 albums, udgivet under navnet Silver Beatles. Men
>om de er til at opdrive på CD, der bliver jeg svar skyldig.
>Jeg ved så ikke om tiden med Tony Sheridan er includeret på dem, som du
>allerede har.

De findes vist kun på LP (Oxford OX/3293 og Oxford OX/3294) udgivet i

Jeg har på et tidspunkt ledt efter dem, da en jeg kender ønskede dem

Poul Erik
Fjern cykel i adresse

== __o
Poul Erik Lindaa === _'\ <_ E-mail: lindaa@mail.tele.cykeldk
==== (¤)/ (¤)

Kim Ludvigsen (29-03-2005)
Fra : Kim Ludvigsen

Dato : 29-03-05 23:36

Den 30-03-05 00.30 skrev Poul Erik følgende:
>>Der findes i hvert fald 2 albums, udgivet under navnet Silver Beatles.
> De findes vist kun på LP (Oxford OX/3293 og Oxford OX/3294) udgivet i
> 1983.

Jeg kan så tilføje AR 30003. Det er, så vidt jeg ved, en dansk
udgivelse, og det er tilmed en billed-lp. På lp'en står der, at numrene
er optaget tidligt i 1961, og at de blev udgivet første gang i 1982. Jeg
går ud fra, det er udgivelsesåret for billed-lp'en.

Mvh. Kim Ludvigsen
Få en gratis tetris-klon i form af Tetrix.

Poul Erik (30-03-2005)
Fra : Poul Erik

Dato : 30-03-05 00:14

On Wed, 30 Mar 2005 00:36:22 +0200, Kim Ludvigsen
<usenet@kimludvigsen.dk> wrote:

>Den 30-03-05 00.30 skrev Poul Erik følgende:
>>>Der findes i hvert fald 2 albums, udgivet under navnet Silver Beatles.
>> De findes vist kun på LP (Oxford OX/3293 og Oxford OX/3294) udgivet i
>> 1983.
>Jeg kan så tilføje AR 30003. Det er, så vidt jeg ved, en dansk
>udgivelse, og det er tilmed en billed-lp. På lp'en står der, at numrene
>er optaget tidligt i 1961, og at de blev udgivet første gang i 1982. Jeg
>går ud fra, det er udgivelsesåret for billed-lp'en.

Nu er det ikke billed LP'erne jeg har, men du har sikkert ret.
Der står de er optaget 8 måneder før deres første "Parlophone" single
(Love Me Do). Så det passer fint med 1961, som indspilningsår.

På coveret står følgende: ©(p) 1982 Phoenix Enterrainment & Talent

(p) er tilsvarende © blot med et P i istedet, men det ved jeg ikke
hvordan jeg får frem.

På selve Lp'erne står der © 1983

Jeg slog dem lige op på www.gemm.com, og så at de også findes som

Poul Erik
Fjern cykel i adresse

== __o
Poul Erik Lindaa === _'\ <_ E-mail: lindaa@mail.tele.cykeldk
==== (¤)/ (¤)

Benny Mortensen 9380 (30-03-2005)
Fra : Benny Mortensen 9380

Dato : 30-03-05 00:01

"Poul Erik" <lindaa@mail.telecykel.dk> skrev i en meddelelse
> On Tue, 29 Mar 2005 23:27:51 +0200, "Benny Mortensen 9380"
> <wrapup1@kittymail.com> wrote:
> >Der findes i hvert fald 2 albums, udgivet under navnet Silver Beatles.
> >om de er til at opdrive på CD, der bliver jeg svar skyldig.
> >Jeg ved så ikke om tiden med Tony Sheridan er includeret på dem, som du
> >allerede har.
> >
> De findes vist kun på LP (Oxford OX/3293 og Oxford OX/3294) udgivet i
> 1983.
> Jeg har på et tidspunkt ledt efter dem, da en jeg kender ønskede dem
> meget.

Det stemmer, checkede lige... Uh, så skal jeg måske føle mig heldig, ved at
have dem begge Fik købt dem engang, nærmest ved en ren tilfældighed.
De er måske svære at skaffe... Ja de må vel være lidt svære, for der er da
lidt langt mellem man ser dem.


Poul Erik (30-03-2005)
Fra : Poul Erik

Dato : 30-03-05 00:26

On Wed, 30 Mar 2005 01:01:07 +0200, "Benny Mortensen 9380"
<wrapup1@kittymail.com> wrote:

>Det stemmer, checkede lige... Uh, så skal jeg måske føle mig heldig, ved at
>have dem begge Fik købt dem engang, nærmest ved en ren tilfældighed.
>De er måske svære at skaffe... Ja de må vel være lidt svære, for der er da
>lidt langt mellem man ser dem.
Jeg er ikke sikker på, de er så sjælne igen. Jeg har dem også, og de
findes tilsyneladende også som billedplader og casette bånd.

Poul Erik
Fjern cykel i adresse

== __o
Poul Erik Lindaa === _'\ <_ E-mail: lindaa@mail.tele.cykeldk
==== (¤)/ (¤)

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