"DaveVH" <dave@vhvh.com> schreef in bericht
> D.E. <ask4myemail> wrote in message
> news:4270f886$0$155$e4fe514c@news.xs4all.nl...
>> "Helmut" <president_helmut@yahoo.fr> schreef in bericht
>> news:1114683520.675854.184280@z14g2000cwz.googlegroups.com...
>> > The French are morons.
>> > They cannot read a text.
>> > They don't know what is a constitution.
>> > They don't know what are economic policies.
>> > They don't know if economic policies must be in a constitution.
>> > They don't know if the constitution must be compatible with the OTAN
>> > They don't know if the commission from Brussels got too much power.
>> > They don't know if the European Central Bank got too much power.
>> > Poor French !
>> And sitll they made the right decision
> They already had the referendum and nobody told me?