Læs evt. omkring AGP port specifikationerne.
Dele af artiklen på engelsk indsættes herefter:
"There are three different types of AGP slots: the original AGP 1.0 1X/2X
slot, the AGP 2.0 2X/4X slot, and the AGP Pro slot. The 1X/2X version is the
shortest and can be distinguished from the 4X type by a small separator that
divides it into two sections. The 4X slot also has extra pins at one end."
"Also make sure your graphics card and motherboard support the same
operating voltages. The original AGP 1.0 spec called for motherboards and
cards that operate at 3.3V, and the AGP 2.0 spec added support for operation
at 1.5V. If your old graphics card operates at 3.3V, you'll need a
motherboard that supports 3.3V AGP. Likewise, a card that runs at 1.5V needs
a corresponding AGP slot."
Så der er nogle ældre bundkort der ikke kan med nye grafikkort og omvendt.
Hilsen Carsten
"Thomas Wesley Hinton" <wesleyREMOVETHIS@worldonline.dk> skrev i en
meddelelse news:apMSd.101325$Vf.3923947@news000.worldonline.dk...
> "Carsten" <remove@***tele2adsl.dk> wrote in message
> news:h_CSd.288$bN3.44@news.get2net.dk...
> > Jeg mener tidligere AGP-specifikationer var 3,3 volt for AGPx1+AGPx2 og
> > (måske også for AGPx4) og ud fra alderen på dit grafikkort ville jeg
> > det skal bruge 3,3 volt.
> Du tager fejl.
> Generelt set, hvis kortet passer i AGP porten, dvs. hvis det er keyed til
> AGP4-8, så virker det.
> Et gforce2mx vil være AGP4x, dvs. 1.5volt.