Fra dagens Uriaspost:
Venstrefløjen er generelt lidt langsomme i opfattelsen, og Edward Said er
ingen undtagelse. Et godt eksempel gives af James Panero i en
boganmeldelse set på lgf [].
Herfra et citat:
'In November 1993, the New York Times Magazine featured a remarkably
unprescient essay by Edward Said titled 'The Phony Islamic Threat.' He
charged the media, government bureaucrats, and Middle East experts with
conjuring an Islamic bogeyman to demonize at home and abroad. Coming only
a few months after the first attack on the World Trade Center, the piece
dismissed all talk of an Islamist threat as a reflection of American
prejudice and insecurity. Then, in the 1997 revised edition of his book
Covering Islam, Said ridiculed 'speculations about the latest conspiracy
to blow up buildings, sabotage commercial airlines,' as inventions of
racist Westerners.'
Her ser vi professor Said docere mellemfolkelig harmoni ved en israelsk
grænsepost, juli 2000: []
"We all have private ails. The troublemakers are they
who need public cures for their private ails." Eric Hoffer
Med venlig hilsen