Fra DR
kan man i dag læse følgende;
Baggrunden for, at en dansker i forrige uge blev anholdt i Israel, mistænkt
for spionage, er, at han filmede militære installationer fra et tog i
Det oplyser israelsk politi.
Poltiet mener, at den 39-årige, som har libanesisk baggrund og bor i Århus,
spionerede til fordel for den militante, libanesiske organisation Hizbollah.
Den 39-årige beskyldes også for at have forsøgt at involvere
familiemedlemmer i sin mission.
Manden er varetægtsfængslet til torsdag.
-end of story-
hmm.....det blev jeg ikke meget klogere af, måske tv2 nyhederne er mere
Dansker filmede fra israelsk tog
Israelsk politi er begyndt at oplyse om baggrunden for spionagemistanken mod
en dansk statsborger, der blev anholdt 6. januar. Den 39-årige har
libanesisk baggrund og bor i Århus, og han mistænkes for at spionere for den
militante organisation Hizbollah.
Til israelsk radio sagde en politichef i dag, at danskeren med et
videokamera filmede militære installationer i det nordlige Israel, mens han
kørte i toget mellem Akko og Nahariya. En sikkerhedsofficer på toget blev
opmærksom på passageren og kontaktede derfor politiet.
Israelsk politi mener at have forhindret en større spionageaktion, idet den
3-årige også beskyldes for at have arbejdet på at involvere familiemedlemmer
i sin spionage.
-end of story-
Njet, det hjalp ikke meget, måske Jpost kan kaste mere lys over denne
efterhånden spegede affære.
Her et uddrag:
Dane under arrest is Hizbullah spy
The Danish citizen of Lebanese origin currently the focus of a joint
Police-Shin Bet investigation was identified Wednesday as a Hizbullah
recruited agent by the name of Iyad al Ashuah, 39, after a gag order on the
investigation was lifted.
Al Ashuah, originally born in Lebanon moved to Denmark in 1986 and received
Danish citizenship six years later.
Al Ashuah was arrested on January 6 while he was on a train from Nahariya to
Haifa after he raised a security officer's suspicions by videotaping the
passing scenery through the train window.
He was arrested by police and confessed that in July 2004 he had been
recruited into Hizbullah by relatives living in Lebanon. In his
interrogation, al Ashuah told police that he was ordered to travel to Israel
disguised as a tourist to collect security information and most importantly
to recruit Israeli-Arabs into the terror organization.
Two Israeli-Arabs have also been arrested.
In exchange for his work, al Ashuah was paid $2,000 by his Hizbullah
On December 29, al Ashuah arrived in Israel on a Turkish Airlines flight. He
entered Israel with a brand new passport which had been issued right before
his trip. During the six days leading up to his arrest, al Ashuah succeeded
in recruiting two Israel-Arab suspects. He told police that he planned on
renting a car and driving up north to locate security installations. He said
he understood his mission to be a "test" which would be followed by a larger
"more significant" mission.
The suspect further told police that he maintained close contacts with
relatives living in the Middle East and would visit Syria and Lebanon on an
annual basis. Over the past two years, al Ashuah was unemployed and lived
of a government stipend. He said that in Denmark he gave most of his money
to the Al Bureij Islamic charity association that maintains close ties with
the refugee camp of the same name in Lebanon.
"This suspect is just another example of the Hizbullah's growing interest in
acting against Israel," the police said. "This time, the Hizbullah used an
Arab with a Western passport to fool the Israeli security service."