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S.A. - USA og tsunami-indsats
Fra : Knud Larsen

Dato : 09-01-05 11:24

Som man ved, håber fx Colin Powel, at verdens muslimer kan se hvad USA står
for, gennem hjælpen til muslimerne i Indonesien.

I Saudi Arabien håber man også at verden nu vil se, hvad DE står for. En
sheik sagde på saudisk TV efter deres store indsamling den 6. januar: "Nogle
elementer som er fjendtlige over for vores land forsøger at fremstille os
som eksportører af terrorisme, beskyldninger om kætteri og had til "de
Men gennem denne kampagne viser vi hele verden, at vores land eksporterer
global empati, kærlighed, harmoni, fred, og islam ... "

Det var da også et flot resultat saudierne nåede, og der blev også doneret
nogle klassiske biler:

The donations we have in front of us include white and yellow gold as well
as other donations. Brother Ibrahim Sliman Al-Shehnan has donated an 1988
Chevrolet Suburban. Also, a well-wisher has donated a 1981 Capris and, on
behalf of his wife, he donates six shares of a certain company. He ask the
sheiks at the studio and the brothers who watch us to pray for his child who
has a speech impediment. Another brother, a well-wisher who refused to
disclose his name, donated a Pontiac Lumina (sic) and a check for 10,000

Allan Riise (09-01-2005)
Fra : Allan Riise

Dato : 09-01-05 13:31

Knud Larsen wrote:
> Som man ved, håber fx Colin Powel, at verdens muslimer kan se hvad
> USA står for, gennem hjælpen til muslimerne i Indonesien.
> I Saudi Arabien håber man også at verden nu vil se, hvad DE står for.
> En sheik sagde på saudisk TV efter deres store indsamling den 6.
> januar: "Nogle elementer som er fjendtlige over for vores land
> forsøger at fremstille os som eksportører af terrorisme,
> beskyldninger om kætteri og had til "de andre".
> Men gennem denne kampagne viser vi hele verden, at vores land
> eksporterer global empati, kærlighed, harmoni, fred, og islam ... "
> Det var da også et flot resultat saudierne nåede, og der blev også
> doneret nogle klassiske biler:
> The donations we have in front of us include white and yellow gold as
> well as other donations. Brother Ibrahim Sliman Al-Shehnan has
> donated an 1988 Chevrolet Suburban. Also, a well-wisher has donated a
> 1981 Capris and, on behalf of his wife, he donates six shares of a
> certain company. He ask the sheiks at the studio and the brothers who
> watch us to pray for his child who has a speech impediment. Another
> brother, a well-wisher who refused to disclose his name, donated a
> Pontiac Lumina (sic) and a check for 10,000 riyals.

Hvorfor tager du ikke det her med?

SR260 Million Donated in Telethon in Saudi Arabia
Arab News

RIYADH/JAKARTA, 7 January 2005 - A Saudi telethon launched yesterday to
mobilize relief aid for victims of the Asian tsunami disaster collected more
than SR260 million till the time of going to press, including an SR20
million donation from Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Fahd. Crown
Prince Abdullah pledged SR10 million while Prince Sultan, second deputy
premier and minister of defense and aviation, gave SR5 million.

The successful Saudi telethon came as world leaders meeting in Jakarta vowed
yesterday to work together to help victims of the most wide-reaching natural
disaster in living memory as UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan declared they
were in a "race against time".

Jeddah-based Islamic Development Bank announced a $500 million relief aid at
the meeting.

Overwhelmed by the spontaneous response to the telethon, one young Saudi
remarked: "We Saudis are known for our generosity but we don't make a song
and dance about it... We do it very quietly."

The donations, which included SR25 million from Saudi Oger company, were
announced by Saudi Television Channel I. The telethon received substantial
response from both Saudis and expatriates as a large number of people
including children were also seen lining up outside the television center
and at the Malaz Stadium donation center in the capital to deposit their
donations in cash and kind. More than seven trucks and 66 cars lined up
outside the stadium with donated clothes, milk, rice, dates and other

Riyadh Governor Prince Salman, who is supervising the campaign, emphasized
the importance of helping people in need as instructed by Islamic teachings.
He urged citizens to be generous in the telethon organized by the state-run
television after the government tripled its initial pledge to $30 million
early this week.

People wishing to contribute to the tsunami fund were asked to call the
information center to enlist their donation or deposit their donations at
certain designated areas.

A group of Islamic scholars also urged the viewers to donate generously,
while sitting in the studio of the Saudi television. In an appeal carried by
the Saudi Press Agency, King Fahd urged Saudis and expatriates to cooperate
with the campaign to make it a success. The fund will be used to meet the
essential requirements of the tsunami victims, who are in need of
assistance. Prominent contributors until yesterday evening included National
Commercial Bank, which donated SR3 million and Riyad Bank (SR2 million).
About 180,000 people died in the Dec. 26 tsunami, which struck the coasts of
Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India, Thailand and other Indian Ocean countries.

Indonesians, Indians and Sri Lankans are among seven million foreigners who
work in Saudi Arabia. More than 10 million foreigners including Indians,
Indonesians and Sri Lankans work in the Gulf.

SAR Saudiske Riyaler koster 1520.- Kr for 1000

Altså over 450 Mio. danske kr. på en dags telethon.

Vi fik 170 Mio, eller deromkring ind!

Derudover er der fra den Islamiske Udviklingsbank doneret 500 Mio$ = knap 6
Mia kr.

Allan Riise
"If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything."
"Kapitalisme virker kun to steder, i himmelen, hvor det ikke er
nødvendigt, og i helvede hvor de allerede har det.." Vær enten
konsekvent eller inkonsekvent, men aldrig begge dele samtidigt.

Knud Larsen (09-01-2005)
Fra : Knud Larsen

Dato : 09-01-05 14:03

"Allan Riise" <familien_riiseXXX@XXXadslhome.dk> wrote in message

> Hvorfor tager du ikke det her med?

Unødvendigt når du bringer det

> Indonesians, Indians and Sri Lankans are among seven million foreigners
> who work in Saudi Arabia. More than 10 million foreigners including
> Indians, Indonesians and Sri Lankans work in the Gulf.

Ja, tænk hvis vi kunne have 2 millioner tjenestefolk til at gøre det hårde

> SAR Saudiske Riyaler koster 1520.- Kr for 1000
> Altså over 450 Mio. danske kr. på en dags telethon.

Jamen det VAR da megaflot, og de bryder sig ikke mere end andre folk, om at
blive beskyldt for nærighed, som landet som sådan blev.

> Vi fik 170 Mio, eller deromkring ind!

De ER jo også fire gange flere, og VI betaler skat her i DK.
De har tjent styrtende sidste år, pga forøgede oliepriser, og det er jo
dejlige arbejdsfri indtægter.

Samler man forøvrigt ikke stadig ind i DK, vi kan ikke lade nogle nordmænd
og saudiere slå os på målstregen, der må flere kroner på bordet.

> Derudover er der fra den Islamiske Udviklingsbank doneret 500 Mio$ = knap
> 6 Mia kr.

Ja, det er noget der vil noget. Hvor meget er det iøvrigt den ikke-islamisk
udviklingsfond har lovet?

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