"JS" <daman@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> Tja hvis det ikke var fordi at turistområderne i Thailand var blevet ramt,
> tror jeg at Tsunamierb havde raget os en papand.e
> Hvem husker f.eks den her ??
> Bangladesh, 1970: Sea flood (200-500,000 dead)
> Eller den her
> Vietnam, 1971: Red River flood (100,000 dead)
> Flagede vi på halv for den her ??
> Ethiopia, 1984: Famine (900,000 dead)
> Hvem samlede ind til den her ??
> West Africa, 1996: meningitis outbreak (25,000 dead)
der findes næsten-realtids varsler:
NOTICE: This page is updated when a Tsunami Information Message or Tsunami
Warning Message is issued. Tsunami Information messages are normally issued
when smaller earthquakes (greater than magnitude 4.0, but less than 6.5) may
be felt near coastal areas. These messages are issued to assure coastal
residents and emergency managers that the earthquake was non-tsunamigenic.
If you are seeking information about an earthquake and there is NO
information about that event on this page, then the magnitude of that
earthquake was below the threshold for the issuance of a Tsunami Message for
that area, or the information has been replaced with that of a more recent
earthquake. Go to USGS Earthquakes or Earthquake Catalogs or Previous
Messages to search for additional earthquake information.
denne såkaldte katastrofe er ikke så stor. ret faktisk vil jeg påstå den er
minimal og uden betydning.
men røvslikkende politikere vil være vamle og spille ned til befolkningen.
politikere gør intet...