Jesper G. Poulsen wrote:
> iddqd wrote:
>>Lyder sjovt, for så vidt jeg er underrettet har Dell lige lavet en 30
>>dages eksklusiv aftale med ATI om deres nye chip til bærbare.
> Prøv at kigge på Lattitude D800 og Precision M60.
Citat fra FiringSquads test af ATI Mobility 9800:
"If you’re interested in picking up a MOBILITY RADEON 9800 equipped
system, your choices are pretty limited for the immediate future, as ATI
has signed an exclusive 30-day agreement with Dell. This could keep
prices artificially high at first, as other OEMs are shut out from
offering MOBILITY 9800 graphics as an option, although we’ll have to
wait and see how this plays out. Existing Dell Inspiron XPS and Inspiron
9100 owners can upgrade their current systems to MOBILITY RADEON 9800
for $399, which includes installation."
Men det kan selvfølgelig være de ikke kan fås endnu.