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Hibernate file ...
Fra : Zup Zuip

Dato : 28-06-04 07:09


Nå jeg vil enable hibernate i power settings får jeg at vide:

Power Policy Manager unable to reserve hibernate file
The process cannot access the file because it is bieng used ba another

Nå siger man så, hvordan det nå der er først nu at jeg vil lave den.


Bertel Lund Hansen (28-06-2004)
Fra : Bertel Lund Hansen

Dato : 28-06-04 08:17

Zup Zuip skrev:

>Power Policy Manager unable to reserve hibernate file
>The process cannot access the file because it is bieng used ba another

>Nå siger man så, hvordan det nå der er først nu at jeg vil lave den.

Jeg ved ikke hvad der er galt.

Jeg bruger hibernate, og det betyder at der på mit C-drev ligger
en fil der hedder "hiberfil.sys" med attributterne A H S. Du kan
jo se om du har sådan en.

http://bertel.lundhansen.dk/   FIDUSO: http://fiduso.dk/

///JJ (28-06-2004)
Fra : ///JJ

Dato : 28-06-04 08:48

Zup Zuip wrote:
> Hejza,
> Nå jeg vil enable hibernate i power settings får jeg at vide:
> Power Policy Manager unable to reserve hibernate file
> The process cannot access the file because it is bieng used ba another
> process.
> Nå siger man så, hvordan det nå der er først nu at jeg vil lave den.

Løsnigsmulighed 1:

attrib -h -s c:\hiberfil.sys
del c:\hiberfil.sys

Kan du ikke slette filen, kan dumed dette program se hvilket program/hvilken
process der har fat i filen:
Filemon (http://www.sysinternals.com/ntw2k/source/filemon.shtml)

Løsningsmulighed 2 (fundet via Google): [hvis du kører SATA]
In reply to your problem with the hibernation option in Windows XP, i think
I have the solution. I had the exact same problem and exact same error
message. I did some checking, tried to create my own little hiberfil.sys
file and check the security settings and remove the hiberfil.sys file and
looking in the security options etc.. etc.. until I finally just gave up and
had to dig into programs that monitor just what exactly your computer is
doing. I found out that at the moment the checkbox was enabled and I pressed
the "apply" button, it called up a function in
c:\windows\system32\drivers\atapi.sys and the library file responded with
the message "sharing violation" which in turn triggered the error message
both you and I received on our computers.

No wonder it didn't work. I have a serial-ata harddrive, which is not like
normal ide harddrives, ata. Or, atapi. I do have a DVD writer which is atapi
though, standard 80 pins IDE connector and everything. So, I figured,
perhaps windows XP needs to reserve this hibernation file on the first
device it comes across, the first harddrive or the first harddrive
controller or whatever, and mistook my DVD drive as the first atapi drive
and tried to write to it, which ofcourse led to a sharing violation cause it
would have to go through imapi and a whole blabla sequence to get anything
on a DVD drive. You don't just write to it like on a normal harddrive. I
didn't know of a way to force it to look at my SATA harddrive, so, I opted
to go into my computer's BIOS and disable all ATAPI drives [DVD writer in my

Next boot, I enabled the hibernation function. Problem solved.
....uhm, that is to say.. I just hope that when I enable my DVD writer again,
everything will still work.



Zup Zuip (28-06-2004)
Fra : Zup Zuip

Dato : 28-06-04 14:47

///JJ wrote:
> Zup Zuip wrote:
>> Hejza,
>> Nå jeg vil enable hibernate i power settings får jeg at vide:
>> Power Policy Manager unable to reserve hibernate file
>> The process cannot access the file because it is bieng used ba
>> another process.

> Løsnigsmulighed 1:
> attrib -h -s c:\hiberfil.sys
> del c:\hiberfil.sys

Filen findes ikke.

> Løsningsmulighed 2 (fundet via Google): [hvis du kører SATA]

Jeg kører ATA. :-|

Underligt problem, men det er måske fordi at det er en Medion computer ?


Bertel Lund Hansen (28-06-2004)
Fra : Bertel Lund Hansen

Dato : 28-06-04 16:06

Zup Zuip skrev:

>Underligt problem, men det er måske fordi at det er en Medion computer ?

Jeg kører XP på to Medioncomputere, og begge hiberbater. Jeg har
ikke haft tekniske problemer med dem (ud over at et tv-kort er
stået af).

http://bertel.lundhansen.dk/   FIDUSO: http://fiduso.dk/

///JJ (28-06-2004)
Fra : ///JJ

Dato : 28-06-04 20:06

Zup Zuip wrote:
> ///JJ wrote:
>> Zup Zuip wrote:
>>> Hejza,
>>> Nå jeg vil enable hibernate i power settings får jeg at vide:
>>> Power Policy Manager unable to reserve hibernate file
>>> The process cannot access the file because it is bieng used ba
>>> another process.
>> Løsnigsmulighed 1:
>> attrib -h -s c:\hiberfil.sys
>> del c:\hiberfil.sys
> Filen findes ikke.

Og dit system drev er C: ?
I så fald er den fejlmeddelelse du får jo helt hen i vejret. Filen kan jo
ikke være i brug hvis den ikke findes ;-(
Jeg har ikke flere idéer så.



Zup Zuip (29-06-2004)
Fra : Zup Zuip

Dato : 29-06-04 04:08

///JJ wrote:
> I så fald er den fejlmeddelelse du får jo helt hen i vejret. Filen
> kan jo ikke være i brug hvis den ikke findes ;-(
> Jeg har ikke flere idéer så.

Næ heller ikke mig, så jeg dropper det.


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