"[Ex] Pita" <nyhed@hjardemaal.net> skrev:
> PS/2 eller USB?
USB. Hvis du tænker på mus f.eks så fandt jeg lige denne tekst et
sted "derude" :
One of the benefits the USB bus provides versus the standard PS/2
port is its polling rate (how often the port "refreshes" the position of
the mouse). Set by default to 40Hz by Windows 98, the PS/2 port
was only useful to gamers who increased the speed to 80 or 100Hz
(which unfortunately taxes the CPU). On the other hand, the USB bus
samples at a default frequency of 125Hz. Again, these numbers may
not mean a whole lot to the average computer user so we'll sum it up
like this: Speed in any form (except the kind that kills and rots your
teeth) is good, so by increasing the "refresh" of the mouse, you are
"smoothing out" the mouse's motion.
http://www.sharkygames.com/hardware/reviews/misc/razerboomslang_mouse/3.shtml >
Mvh. Madsen
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