Nederbasse <> wrote:
> Hej Gruppe
> Jeg skal tegne et kompas i Illustrator cs og troede det var så nemt
> Hvordan tegner man 160-200 streger der er radier til en cirkel ?
> jeg havde regnet med at tegne 2 streger der var i 180 graders vinkel og så
> bruge Blend tool men nej så hvordan ?
Jeg har travlt og ikke tid at formulere noget selv, men for nogen tid
siden bed jeg mærke i en forklaring i i en tråd
hvor bl.a. Poul Solbjerg havde en smart nytænkende måde, som jeg selv
forsøgte at følge, og det virker - jeg copy paster, men tjek selv et
andet forslag i tråden:
noob with a compass
Message-ID: <bupanq$vco$>
Make a vertical path in the same height as you vant the diameter of your
compas to be, no fill, no stroke. Now draw your first degree marking as
a vertical path in the height you want i and stroke it as you want.
Now align your degree marker with your vertical path so it is aligned
cenret horisontal and to the top vertical. At this point you should make
a new layer, select all and drag a copy, using the layers palette, to
the new layer. Now hide the new layer. Go back to the first layer,
select all and group it. Now go to effects, Distort & Transform,
Transform. Now in the lower right corner, there are nine small squares,
be sure to check the one in the middle, In the rotate field type
360/360, and in the copies field type 359 (you vant 360 but you got one
already) hit enter and you got all your degree markins. Now hide the
first layer and show your other layer, seletc your degree marker and go
to the transform palette, click the litte square in the top middle, and
type in the height you want your 10 degree markers to be, select all and
group it. Now go to Effects, Distort & Transform, Transform again, in
the rotate field, type 360/36, and in the copies field type 35, hit
enter. Show all layers and you got all your degree markers. You can make
your text the same way, make text, justified center and rotate it,
expand it, but after that you will have to manually corretc the rotated
Poul Solbjerg
Venlig hilsen Nina Storm