Gary Jacobson wrote:
>Now I have found the record in Skt. Knuds Kirke. The problem is my ability
>to read 18th century Danish.
>I normally am able to read the old records, but this one has a lot of
>information in it and I don't want to miss any important deatils
>If anyone would like to read the record and give me the details, I would be
>VERY greatful!
>Here is the link to a page I created about this listing:
>Thanks again!
>Gary Jacobson
>Rochester, Minnesota, USA
d. 2den Marty blev i Anders Andersen Kroemands Huus i Graabrødre Stræde
trolovet Ungkarl Peder Simonsen, tienende Kiøbmand Jørches Enke med Pige
Ane Maria Hansdatter tienende benævnte Anders Andersen Kroemand. For
hvilke 2de Personer indstode 2de underskrevne Mænd, at intet var paa
nogen af Stederne, som dette deres forehavende Ægteskab efter Loven og
derom udgangne Kongl. Forordninger i nogen Mænds Sinde være til hinder.
Hans Henningsen
Anders Andersen
Would you like a translation?
Best regards,