I'm really new in WEB development and I'm asking help for going trough
this situation.
Here is the thing:
I created a Web page with FrontPage that is linked with a database in
Ms-Access. When a click on the preview tag, it tell me that I have to
publish the page for seeing the result.
So do I really have to put all my things on a server just for testing
or there is a way?
If I absolutely have to publish, I have access to a server computer
that already has old WEB site on it (developed by people that I don't
have access). So how can I add my WEB site on this server?
I tried to add my files in the folder of the other sites or in my own
created folder but nothing seem to work well.
I can see my page on the net but nothing work with my database.
Where the data is suppose to be, I see that:
Database Results Error
The database connection named 'GCIP_link' is undefined.
This problem can occur if:
* the connection has been removed from the web
* the file 'global.asa' is missing or contains errors
* the root folder does not have Scripting permissions enabled
* the web is not marked as an Application Root
So for the global.asa, it's the same that the one FrontPage created
for me… I did not modify it. If I had no modification to do on it, it
should be ok.
For the scripting permission, the other site has the same sort of
database than me so I think its ok too.
For the others things, I don't understand them so can anybody can help
me with all of this?
If possible, I would like a clear step by step way to add a web page
linked to ms-access database on a server.
I hope I'm clear because English is not my first language
Thank for your time