Johnny Ravn" <gab wrote:
> Kan det ikke købes i Danmark, hvis ja gerne et link.
Jeg tror det ikke, men jeg havde selv kig efter en butik, og fandt, som gav dette svarpå spørgsmålet om agp 4x
og agp 8x, samt levering til Danmark:
"Thanks for your email. Fast AGP cards on the end of a cable have always
a problem.
This new version, the FLEX-02, is a lot better than the early one,
it uses a Kapton cable, but it still has its limitations. I know that
have done a lot of testing and that the shorter the cable, the better
chance that it will work, but I would hesitate to say it will do 8x. I
to remember the guy at Adex (who I am copying this email to for his
comments) saying that with a 1.5 inch cable, it would do 4x, but I will
for his confirmation on that.
Yes, of course we deal with many customers in Denmark and indeed the
rest of
Scandinavia; no problem there."
og efterfølgende:
"Here is the answer from the guys at Adex on the cable length:
The AGPFLEX-02 is only reliable with up to 1.5" for 2X or 1" for 4X AGP
modes. The 8X will not be reliable."
Svaret jeg fik var tilbage i juni, så det kan have ændret sig.
På under "AGP
Bus" ser det ud til at der er nogle som kan klare AGP 8x
Jeg valgte at lave et lidt større kabinet, det var lidt for dyrt til mig
mvh Søren Nielsen
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