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RESULT: rec.sport.freediving fails 58:7
Fra : David E. Smith

Dato : 01-09-03 14:46

unmoderated group rec.sport.freediving fails 58:7

There were 58 YES votes and 7 NO votes, for a total of 65 valid votes. There
were 5 abstains and 1 invalid ballot.

For group passage, YES votes must be at least 2/3 of all valid (YES and NO)
votes. There also must be at least 100 more YES votes than NO votes.

There is a five day discussion period after these results are posted.
Unless serious allegations of voting irregularities are raised, the group may
not be voted on again for six months.
Newsgroups line:
rec.sport.freediving   The sport of Freediving and Apnea and related topics.

Voting closed at 23:59:59 UTC, 29 Aug 2003.

This vote was conducted by a neutral third party. Questions
about the proposed group should be directed to the proponent.

Proponent: Chris Engelbrecht <chrisengeldk@dkik.dk>
Votetaker: David E. Smith <dave@technopagan.org>

RATIONALE: rec.sport.freediving

Freediving is expanding worldwide in numbers of practitioners. The sport
of freediving is related to scuba diving, but is deemed as old as
humankind. The freediver dives without the use of compressed air
supply. Freediving is also called apnea, which relates to the Greek
phrase for holding one's breath. Freediving is also called snorkelling,
skin diving and breathhold diving.
Freedivers conducts a number of activities under water, such as deep
dives with flippers or assisted by weights and inflatable balloons, they
shoot fish with harpoons, they dive long distances in pools, they hold
their breath for time or they play underwater team sports in pool such
as UW hockey and UW rugby. Using weights and inflatable balloons, it is
possible to freedive to more than 500 feet depth.
Deep freediving derived as an organized competition sport in the early
1990's after having been a series of deep diving record attempts since
the early 1950's. The modern day deep diving competitions only allows
the use of flippers. Pool competitions are frequent, particularly
across Europe and the Americas. The first freediving world championship
was held in 1996 and returns every 2 years with participants from all 5
continents. Harpooning fish, or Spearfishing, as well as the team sports
have their own international events, UW rugby across Europe, UW hockey
across the Americas. There is estimated to be some 10000 freedivers
around the world practising the above mentioned activities.

Currently there is no specific group to discuss freediving issues.
Though an obvious choice of forum, posting freediving topics in scuba
groups is most often considered inappropriate by the regular users of
these groups, due to the activity differences between scuba and
freediving (breathing compressed air under water vs. holding one's
breath under water). This discourages some people from using Usenet as a
medium for discussion of this area, causes others to cross/multi-post
throughout various groups meant for scuba diving, and means that
newcomers have no obvious place to search for relevant answers or
discussions. Also, because the elements of freediving is a cross mix
between swimming and scuba elements, the discussion topics of freediving
are most often not related to traditional scuba topics, nor traditional
swimming topics.

In addition, much current discussion of freediving and apnea is
conducted on fragmented mailing lists and web-based forums. For example,
the Freedivelist and Apneadiver mailing lists as well as the
DeeperBlue.net forums are frequently recommended to newcomers within the
web community asking about freediving topics, due to the lack of
relevant forums within Usenet.

CHARTER: rec.sport.freediving

Rec.sport.freediving is an unmoderated newsgroup for discussing the
sport of freediving and apnea and various related topics herein.
Freediving and apnea is the sport of underwater diving without the use
of breathing gear. Apnea is a Greek word for 'no breath' that is
generally used about freediving. Freediving and apnea is also called
snorkelling, skin diving and breathhold diving.

Examples of welcomed topics include, but are not limited to:

o Recommended techniques
o Discussions on equipment
o Training tips
o Diet experiences
o Discussions on safety procedures
o Discussions on education of freedivers
o Discussions on environment issues
o Discussions on sports governing and other political issues
o News and stories from competitions, including announcing competitions
to the competitors
o Stories from dives, folk tales in general

Examples of inappropriate topics include:

o Cross posting about scuba diving, unless it is related to freediving
safety issues. (Use the specific group.)
o Cross posting and spam of any other kind
o Personal attacks or accusations aimed at individuals

Standard language for the group is English. However, one can post
messages in other languages for specific groups of people if the topic
line is clearly labeled with the language, f.i. [Francais], [Espanol],

Encoded binaries (e.g. pictures, compressed files, etc.) are not
allowed. Such material belongs on a web or FTP site to which a pointer
may be posted. Cryptographic signatures (e.g. PGP) may be used where
authentication is important and should be as short as possible.

It is asked to keep posts somewhat short and to the point, and to be
civil and constructive in the wording of the posts. Particularly in
political discussions one is asked to be polite in his/her criticism
towards the relevant parties.

Relevant commercial posts are acceptable, but should be limited to one
per month per product.


rec.sport.freediving Final Vote Ack

Voted Yes
albin~mbox311.swipnet.se Albin Stigo
bob~cave.org Robert Wilkins
bouvin~daimi.au.dk Niels Olof Bouvin
carlsson~vip.cybercity.dk Johnny Carlsson
chrisengeldk~dkik.dk Christian Heckmann=20
chriskrolczyk~hotmail.com Chris Krolczyk
croyle~gelemna.org Don Croyle
Danny~danshome.org Danny Burchett
david~farrar.com DPF
dfrost~maths.tcd.ie Dermot Frost
dmurdoch~pair.com Duncan Murdoch
dougbob~charter.net D. David OBrian
eckhard~lineone.net Eckhard Trumper
efattah~interchange.ubc.ca Eric Fattah
Ekkehard~Uthke.de Ekkehard Uthke
event~freediving.at Harald =
f98mavo~dd.chalmers.se Martin von Zweigbergk
fabrice.desre~free.fr Fabrice Desré
franck.thales~wanadoo.fr Franck T.
fungus~OCF.Berkeley.EDU Hank Fung
glengarrywood~watchdog.net.nz Edward
iainc~lexicle.com Iain Crampton
ian.ross~ergnosis.com Ian Ross
info~freedivingspots.net Jaap Voets
jamesg~taglim.com James Goddard
jbh~imma.dk Jakob Bekker-Hansen
jeff~razorworks.com Mr J. Sheard
m2~plusseven.com Oivvio Polite
Matt.Richardson~mh.se Matt Richardson
mkharris_hm~hotmail.com Mark Harris
moeslundglas~hotmail.com Henrik =
morten~lidegaard.net Morten =
mr.bunny~bigfoot.com Rage
nadwidny~excite.com nadwidny
neubert~uv-sport.dk BR><BR>| Insert YES, =
pan~syix.com Pan
panchjr~hotmail.com Julian R Panchen
pbekkerh~mail.dk P BEKKER-HANSEN
per~perrygladstone.com Perry Gladstone
peterchristen16~hotmail.com Peter Christensen
PeterMoore~2d.com Peter Moore
porjes~spamcop.net Peter Stephenson
psmyth~gmx.net Peter Smyth
rick~bcm.tmc.edu Richard Miller
rikrosken~zonnet.nl Rik Rösken
rnews~river.com Richard Johnson
ronny.birkeli~egroup.no Ronny Birkeli<br>
rps~rena.mat.uc.pt Rui Pedro Mendes Salgueiro
sbfaulds~ihug.co.nz Stuart Brodie Faulds
shrao~nyx.net Shrisha Rao
smlucas~famvid.com Steven Lucas
stechmann~stofanet.dk FONT =
stevenso~saclantc.nato.int Mark Stevenson
tasolito~yahoo.com Pekka Tasala
truffles~bonbon.net Brigitte Ironmonger
ulfsbecker~swipnet.se Simon Ulfsbecker
van.ette~inter.nl.net Robert-Jan van Ette
vpdura~hiwaay.net Victor Dura

Voted No
david.withe~ps.ge.com Dave Withe
dc~panix.com David W. Crawford
dom~gouezeri.britishlibrary.net Dom Savage
gprrspw~mindspring.com G.P. Ryan
naddy~mips.inka.de Christian Weisgerber
squid~panix.com Yeoh Yiu
stainles~realtime.net Dwight Brown

chris~kzim.com Christopher Robin Zimmerman
cuhulain_98~yahoo.com The Ranger
kmorgan~spamcop.net Kathy I. Morgan
mmontcha~OregonVOS.net Matthew Montchalin
wiz~verinet.com Wiz

Votes in error
triton2~comcast.net Samuel
! No ballot

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