On Mon, 11 Aug 2003 10:26:11 +0200, Kim Jensen <kj@hd.dk> wrote:
>On Fri, 08 Aug 2003 21:01:04 GMT, arne@kellernet.org (Arne Keller)
>>>Hvilke krav ( tekniske specifikationer ) stilles der til
>>>en RJ-45 konnektor til brug for cat. 5 patch-kabel ?
>>>Er der andre / yderligere krav, når der er tale om
>>>patch-kabel cat. 5e henholdsvis cat. 6 ?
>>Ja der er flere og skrappere krav til Cat5E
>>og endnu skrappere ved Cat6.
>>Hvad er det mere specifikt du vil vide ?
>Om der er forskel på / stilles andre krav til
>RJ-45 konnektorer til brug for henv. cat. 5, 5e & 6.
Ja, der er forskel.
Konnektoren er jo en del af den channel som i sideste ende skal
overholde de samlede krav til Cat5, Cat5E eller Cat6.
Klip fra ISO/IEC 11801, 2ed. Afsnit 10.2 "Connecting hardware for
balanced cabling" hvor krav specificeres of henvisning til relevante
konponentstandarder findes:
"At the time of publication IEC 60603-7-2 (Connectors for electronic
equipment Part 7-2: Detail specification for 8-way, unshielded, free
and fixed connectors, for data transmissions with frequencies up to
100 MHz) was not available. Until this specification is available
compliance to requirements that refer to IEC 60603-7-2 may be attained
by full compliance with IEC 60603-7, combined with all applicable
requirements of Clause 10 of this standard.
At the time of publication IEC 60603-7-3 (Connectors for electronic
equipment Part 7-3: Detail specification for 8-way, shielded, free and
fixed connectors, for data transmissions with frequencies up to 100
MHz) was not available. Until this specification is available
ompliance to requirements that refer to IEC 60603-7-3 may be attained
by full compliance with IEC 60603-7-1, combined with all applicable
equirements of Clause 10 of this standard.
At the time of publication IEC 60603-7-4 (Connectors for electronic
equipment Part 7-4: Detail specification for 8-way, unshielded, free
and fixed connectors, for data transmissions with frequencies up to
250 MHz) was not available. Until this specification is available
compliance to requirements that refer to IEC 60603-7-4 may be attained
by full compliance with IEC 60603-7, combined with all applicable
requirements of Clause 10 of this standard"
Som det ses findes komponent standarderne ikke endnu, men de er næsten
det er grunden til at alle kravene er listet i 11801.
Arne Keller
Jeg udtaler mig, på usenet, alene på egne vegne.
Spørgsmål om netværk ?