hej Tjinca,
we bought our ticket to the philippines from bonus travel last april. Its
our first time with them and we were also quite suprised that they are 'not
that professional' at least in comparison with C&C travel where we bought
our ticket last 2001. Its filipino owned, and being filipino myself i have
heard some experiences with them,not that bad though just poor customer
service and a lot of confusion. with us we didnt had much trouble except for
that everytime we call them its as if they are not sure what they are
talking about. anyway, we got our ticket and got back here in Denmark and
there wasnt any trouble but we dont think that we're going to buy ticket
from them again next time.
i hope u'll have a nice trip!
"Tjinca" <Tjinca10@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> Da jeg skal ud at rejse, har jeg bestilt et par flybilletter hos dette
> selskab.
> Personalet taler ikke specifikt godt dansk (i alt fald ikke de to jeg har
> haft kontakt med), billetterne er ekstrem billige hvilket jo er godt nok,
> men på spørgsmålet vedr. om der skulle betales et depositum ved
> og bestillingen var svaret "det bestemmer du selv" ...og så selvom det
> på bestillingssedlen at der skulle indbetales et 500 kr. depositum pr.
> billet!!!
> Det virker ikke helt som om de har styr på det, derfor er jeg lidt
> Så jeg vil blive meget glad hvis nogen af jer kender til dette selskab og
> kan fortælle om deres erfaringer.
> Tjinca