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10  EXTERMINA.. 750
PM 9600/350 med 100mhz BUS...?
Fra : Erik Richard Sørense~

Dato : 02-06-03 03:14


Er det mig, der er skør, - eller er det TechTool 3.0? Under 'Hardware
Information' får jeg en besked, der siger, at min PM 9600/350 har en BUS
hasighed på _100mhz_... - Mig bekendt er den kun på 50mhz.... Så hvad er
meningen? - Lægger den I/O sammen, så den siger 100 og ikke 50 og 50?

-----Uddrag start-----
••••••••••TechTool System Information Report••••••••••

Hardware Vendor: Apple Computer, Inc.
Machine Type: PM 9500\9600
Gestalt ID: 67
Physical RAM Size: 704 Meg
CPU Type: PPC604ev[Mach5] (Built-in FPU)
CPU Speed: 350 MHz
Bus Speed: 100 MHz
ROM Version: 077D
-----Uddrag slut-----

- Godt nok synes jeg, den er hurtig, - på flere områder også hurtigere
end min G3/300AV..., meeeen alligevel....

Går man over under System Information viser den korrekt Mac OS 9.2.2US.
Den viser også div. systemdele korrekt. - Er der 'pillet' ved bundkortet
- eller hwa'? - Michael K. - det må du da kunne svare på. - Det er den,
jeg købte af dig, - har du overclocket den?

mvh. Erik Richard

K.M.L. Denmark by Erik Richard Sørensen, Member of ADC
E-mail: <kml.ers@mail1.stofanet.dk> <KMLDenmark@netscape.net>
*Music Recording, Editing & Publishing - Also Smaller Quantities
*Software - For Theological Education - And For Physically Impaired
*Nisus - The Future In Text & Mail Processing <http://www.nisus.com>

Bitbucket (02-06-2003)
Fra : Bitbucket

Dato : 02-06-03 13:16

Erik Richard Sørensen <kml.ers@mail1.stofanet.dk> wrote:

> Hej
> Er det mig, der er skør, - eller er det TechTool 3.0? Under 'Hardware
> Information' får jeg en besked, der siger, at min PM 9600/350 har en BUS
> hasighed på _100mhz_... - Mig bekendt er den kun på 50mhz.... Så hvad er
> meningen? - Lægger den I/O sammen, så den siger 100 og ikke 50 og 50?
> -----Uddrag start-----
> TechTool System Information Report
> H A R D W A R E
> Hardware Vendor: Apple Computer, Inc.
> Machine Type: PM 9500\9600
> Gestalt ID: 67
> Physical RAM Size: 704 Meg
> CPU Type: PPC604ev[Mach5] (Built-in FPU)
> CPU Speed: 350 MHz
> Bus Speed: 100 MHz
> ROM Version: 077D
> -----Uddrag slut-----
> - Godt nok synes jeg, den er hurtig, - på flere områder også hurtigere
> end min G3/300AV..., meeeen alligevel....
> GÃ¥r man over under System Information viser den korrekt Mac OS 9.2.2US.
> Den viser også div. systemdele korrekt. - Er der 'pillet' ved bundkortet
> - eller hwa'? - Michael K. - det må du da kunne svare på. - Det er den,
> jeg købte af dig, - har du overclocket den?
> mvh. Erik Richard

9600 har en 50MHz systembus iflg. Mactracker. Jeg tror at de 100 MHz er
noget Techtool har fået galt i halsen.
The trouble with the global village are all the
global village idiots. - Paul Ginsparg.

Peter Kiil (02-06-2003)
Fra : Peter Kiil

Dato : 02-06-03 20:59

Bitbucket - bitbucket@devnull.invalid on 02/06/03 14:15 wrote:

> 9600 har en 50MHz systembus iflg. Mactracker. Jeg tror at de 100 MHz er
> noget Techtool har fået galt i halsen.

Det skal du ikke være så sikker på. ERS har haft mange specielle maskiner.
Beige G3 med ATA66 på bundkortet for bare at nævne en enkelt, så hvorfor
ikke også en 9600 med 100mhz bus....


http://spacerent.dk - Webhosting fra 49,-/md.

Bitbucket (02-06-2003)
Fra : Bitbucket

Dato : 02-06-03 21:19

Peter Kiil <spam@kiil.net> wrote:

> Bitbucket - bitbucket@devnull.invalid on 02/06/03 14:15 wrote:
> > 9600 har en 50MHz systembus iflg. Mactracker. Jeg tror at de 100 MHz er
> > noget Techtool har fået galt i halsen.
> Det skal du ikke være så sikker på. ERS har haft mange specielle maskiner.
> Beige G3 med ATA66 på bundkortet for bare at nævne en enkelt, så hvorfor
> ikke også en 9600 med 100mhz bus....

Apple var ganske enkelt ikke istand til at lave computere med 100MHz bus
dengang, 66MHz bussen kom først med den Beige G3 i November 1997,
modellen der afløste 9600. 100 MHz bus blev introduceret i Januar 1999
med den Blå/Hvide G3 og 133 MHz kom med PowerMac G4 Digital Audio i
Januar 2001.
The trouble with the global village are all the
global village idiots. - Paul Ginsparg.

Erik Richard Sørense~ (03-06-2003)
Fra : Erik Richard Sørense~

Dato : 03-06-03 05:11

Kære lille Peter

- Du kan godt spare dig dine spydigheder, og jeg sender dig endda meget gerne
begge rapporter - både den fra TechTool og den seneste, jeg lige har taget
med TattleTech... _BEGGE_ viser 100mhz BUS... - Længere er den bare ikke..!

Og i øvrigt, hvis du bare gad flytte dine små øjen til det første indlæg, så
vil du se, at jeg direkte spørger Michael Kern, om han har 'pillet' ved den,
da jeg ikke selv har, og det er en maskine, jeg har købt af ham!

mvh. Erik Richard

Peter Kiil wrote:

> > 9600 har en 50MHz systembus iflg. Mactracker. Jeg tror at de 100 MHz er
> > noget Techtool har fået galt i halsen.
> Det skal du ikke være så sikker på. ERS har haft mange specielle maskiner.
> Beige G3 med ATA66 på bundkortet for bare at nævne en enkelt, så hvorfor
> ikke også en 9600 med 100mhz bus....

K.M.L. Denmark by Erik Richard Sørensen, Member of ADC
E-mail: <kml.ers@mail1.stofanet.dk> <KMLDenmark@netscape.net>
*Music Recording, Editing & Publishing - Also Smaller Quantities
*Software - For Theological Education - And For Physically Impaired
*Nisus - The Future In Text & Mail Processing <http://www.nisus.com>

Thomas Bjorn Anderse~ (02-06-2003)
Fra : Thomas Bjorn Anderse~

Dato : 02-06-03 21:39

bitbucket@devnull.invalid (Bitbucket) writes:

> Peter Kiil <spam@kiil.net> wrote:
>> Bitbucket - bitbucket@devnull.invalid on 02/06/03 14:15 wrote:
>> > 9600 har en 50MHz systembus iflg. Mactracker. Jeg tror at de 100 MHz er
>> > noget Techtool har fået galt i halsen.
>> Det skal du ikke være så sikker på. ERS har haft mange specielle maskiner.
>> Beige G3 med ATA66 på bundkortet for bare at nævne en enkelt, så hvorfor
>> ikke også en 9600 med 100mhz bus....
> Apple var ganske enkelt ikke istand til at lave computere med 100MHz bus
> dengang, 66MHz bussen kom først med den Beige G3 i November 1997,
> modellen der afløste 9600. 100 MHz bus blev introduceret i Januar 1999
> med den Blå/Hvide G3 og 133 MHz kom med PowerMac G4 Digital Audio i
> Januar 2001.

Den slags detailjer plejer ikke at stoppe ERS...

Thomas Bjorn Andersen - tbamacnewssNOSPAM200211@gen-v.net - ICQ:11413721
Al email sendt til denne adresse kan blive offentligtgjort.
Kontakt mig forinden hvis du vil sende mig en privat email.

Bitbucket (02-06-2003)
Fra : Bitbucket

Dato : 02-06-03 22:01

Thomas Bjorn Andersen <tbamacnewsNOSPAM200301@gen-v.net> wrote:

> bitbucket@devnull.invalid (Bitbucket) writes:
> > Peter Kiil <spam@kiil.net> wrote:
> >
> >> Bitbucket - bitbucket@devnull.invalid on 02/06/03 14:15 wrote:
> >>
> >> > 9600 har en 50MHz systembus iflg. Mactracker. Jeg tror at de 100 MHz er
> >> > noget Techtool har fået galt i halsen.
> >>
> >> Det skal du ikke være så sikker på. ERS har haft mange specielle maskiner.
> >> Beige G3 med ATA66 på bundkortet for bare at nævne en enkelt, så hvorfor
> >> ikke også en 9600 med 100mhz bus....
> >
> > Apple var ganske enkelt ikke istand til at lave computere med 100MHz bus
> > dengang, 66MHz bussen kom først med den Beige G3 i November 1997,
> > modellen der afløste 9600. 100 MHz bus blev introduceret i Januar 1999
> > med den Blå/Hvide G3 og 133 MHz kom med PowerMac G4 Digital Audio i
> > Januar 2001.
> Den slags detailjer plejer ikke at stoppe ERS...
> http://groups.google.com/groups?q=7300+rca+group:dk.edb.mac&hl=en&lr=&ie=U
> TF-8&oe=UTF-8&safe=off&selm=3C882048.389092E4%40mail1.stofanet.dk&rnum=2

Phonostik eller ej! Med 100 MHz bus er der tale om en standard som Apple
først opfandt 3 år senere! Så enkelt er det!
The trouble with the global village are all the
global village idiots. - Paul Ginsparg.

Erik Richard Sørense~ (03-06-2003)
Fra : Erik Richard Sørense~

Dato : 03-06-03 05:24


Uanset hvad d'herrer Kiil og Andersen kan finde på, så kom PM 9600/350 altså i
aug. 1997 og udgik forsommer (maj/juni)1998. - B&W G3300 introduceredes i jan 1999
og udgik samme år i aug., - og den har faktisk 100mhz BUS. - Så der er altså ikke
3 år mellem de to, men derimod højst 8 måneder!

Bitbucket wrote:

> Phonostik eller ej! Med 100 MHz bus er der tale om en standard som Apple
> først opfandt 3 år senere! Så enkelt er det!

mvh. Erik Richard

K.M.L. Denmark by Erik Richard Sørensen, Member of ADC
E-mail: <kml.ers@mail1.stofanet.dk> <KMLDenmark@netscape.net>
*Music Recording, Editing & Publishing - Also Smaller Quantities
*Software - For Theological Education - And For Physically Impaired
*Nisus - The Future In Text & Mail Processing <http://www.nisus.com>

Mikael Kern (04-06-2003)
Fra : Mikael Kern

Dato : 04-06-03 00:45

Advarsel: dette svar er langt!

Bitbucket wrote:

> Phonostik eller ej! Med 100 MHz bus er der tale om en standard som Apple
> først opfandt 3 år senere! Så enkelt er det!

Du må hellere checke dine facts igen!
Her er teksten fra en August 1997 PDF jeg har fra Apple:
(jeg sender gerne originalen)

® Apple Desktop Computers Update
Information About the New Power Macintosh 9600 Series and 8600/300
August 1997 For Sales Personnel Only
Power Macintosh
9600 Series and 8600/300
Enhancements and Key Selling Points
The Apple® Power Macintosh® computers described in this update
represent the following improvements over previous Power
Macintosh models:
• Higher performance and value. These systems feature faster
processors than the previous models—offering speeds up to 350
MHz. More specifically, the Power Macintosh 9600 series and
8600/300 systems are based on a new version of the PowerPC™
604e processor, which allows for faster clock speeds. The most
advanced processor in the current PowerPC line, the PowerPC 604e
offers outstanding performance, not only through its speed, but
also through the addition of Apple Inline Cache on the processor
card itself. The 1MB of Apple Inline Cache included with all of
these systems represents a doubling of the level 2 cache offered
by previous high-end Power Macintosh models (1MB as opposed
to 512K). In addition, because this cache can be directly accessed
through a 100-megahertz bus—a first for the Power Macintosh line—
it provides performance enhancements that go beyond what you
might expect from faster clock speeds alone. In fact, system
performance is doubled that of last year’s models and is 15 times
faster than the fastest 040-based system, the Macintosh Quadra®
840AV. (based on relative MacBench processor performance scores).
• New system software. The Power Macintosh 9600 series and
8600/300 computers will be configured with Mac® OS 7.6.1, and they
will also support Mac OS 8. This innovative system software features
significant enhancements in the areas of user experience, including
true multitasking and virtual memory capability. It also offers an even
more functional—and aesthetic—user interface with “pop-up” windows,
“spring-loaded” folders, and a stunning new 3D look designed to
enhance user productivity and enjoyment.
In addition, Mac OS 8 focuses on improving the Internet experience.
It offers users step-by-step guidance through the process of setting
up a direct Internet connection, and integrates support for Java
through inclusion of Mac OS Runtime for Java software. It also
incorporates Personal Web Sharing, software tools that let users
easily publish information on an organizational intranet or share
files over a local network using their favorite web browser.
• High-speed CD-ROM drives. All of these systems come with a
built-in 24x-speed CD-ROM drive—the current state of the art in the
CD-ROM world—enabling users to take full advantage of CD-based
resources, as well as to run the latest, hottest games and entertainment
software available on CD-ROM.
• Integrated Zip drives. For fast, easy file transfer or backup, the
Power Macintosh 9600 series and 8600/300 systems feature a built-in
Iomega Zip drive as standard.
• Large hard disk drives. And to complement their high performance,
these Power Macintosh models feature large-capacity, rapidaccess
hard disk drives.
Power Macintosh 9600 Series
Product Description
The Power Macintosh 9600/300 and 9600/350 are Apple’s most
powerful, flexible, and expandable desktop computer systems ever.
Based on either a 300- or a 350-megahertz PowerPC 604e processor,
which includes 1MB of Apple Inline Cache located on the processor
card and directly accessible through a 100-megahertz bus, these
advanced systems provide performance that can meet the needs of
even the most demanding users. For flexible expansion, the Power
Macintosh 9600 series systems include six Peripheral Component
Interconnect (PCI) slots, and their display support is configured
through a built-in accelerated graphics card (which occupies a
PCI slot). These computers feature a tower design that provides
convenient system access for adding functionality and servicing
components, as well as accommodating additional security features
and an Iomega Zip drive for fast, easy storage, backup, and file transfer.
The Power Macintosh 9600/300 and 9600/350 are Apple’s premier
publishing systems, designed for professionals who require
optimized performance and flexible expandability.
Key Selling Points
• Advanced system software. The Power Macintosh 9600 series
computers run Mac OS 7.6.1, as well as Mac OS 8, which features
major enhancements in the areas of user experience and Internet
integration. Mac OS 8 is designed to increase user productivity while
making computing both easier and more enjoyable.
• High performance. With their 300- or 350-megahertz PowerPC
604e processor with integrated math coprocessor, 32K on-chip data
and instruction caches, and 1MB of Apple Inline Cache located on
the processor card and directly accessible through a 100-megahertz
bus, the Power Macintosh 9600 series systems provide top-of-theline
• Expandability. Featuring six PCI slots, the Power Macintosh
9600/300 and 9600/350 give customers the ultimate in flexible
configuration capabilities. In particular, they can be configured
to provide high-end publishing capabilities.
• Communications and multimedia. The
Power Macintosh 9600 series systems include
a built-in accelerated graphics card, 24x-speed
CD-ROM drive, high-quality sound-input/
output capabilities, and a 100MB built-in
Iomega Zip drive, as well as two high-speed
serial ports that are compatible with both GeoPort® and LocalTalk®
cables—providing outstanding multimedia support as well as
easy connectivity.
• Compatibility. The Power Macintosh 9600/300 and 9600/350
can be configured to run MS-DOS and Windows applications, as
well as applications written for the Mac OS, through an optional PC
Compatibility Card from Apple that features a 166-megahertz Pentium
processor or through a third-party card. For connectivity, they include
built-in Ethernet connectors (10BASE-T and AAUI-15), and feature
Open Transport software, which supports both AppleTalk® and TCP/IP
networking. In addition, they come with all of the software required
for Internet access.
With their blend of high performance and unparalleled expandability,
the Power Macintosh 9600 series systems are designed to meet the
needs of high-end users—people who demand the most powerful,
capable computer technology available. Target customers will be
found in publishing (including multimedia workers who can configure
these systems for high-quality video editing), as well as in
software development and other technical fields. In particular, users
in the sciences may appreciate these systems’ multiple slots, which
they can use to accommodate data acquisition equipment.
• Communications and multimedia.
The Power Macintosh 8600/300 offers
extensive video support, including 24-bit
composite and S-video input and output,
and a digital audio/video connector. It also
features a 64-bit VRAM graphics subsystem,
a 24x-speed CD-ROM drive, and 16-bit stereo audio input and output,
enabling customers to enjoy—or develop—the latest in multimedia
applications and resources. For communications, it comes with two
high-speed serial ports, compatible with GeoPort and LocalTalk cables.
• Expandability. With PCI slots, the Power Macintosh 8600/300 can
be expanded in any number of ways—for example, by adding a PC
Compatibility Card, an additional accelerated graphics card, or a FAST
SCSI card—letting customers tailor their systems to suit their needs.
• Compatibility. The Power Macintosh 8600/300 can be configured
to run MS-DOS and Windows applications as well as applications
written for the Mac OS through an optional PC Compatibility Card
from Apple, that features a 166-megahertz Pentium processor or a
through third-party card. For connectivity, it includes built-in Ethernet
connectors (10BASE-T and AAUI-15), and features Open Transport
software, which supports both AppleTalk and TCP/IP networking. In
addition, it comes with all of the software required for Internet access.
In general, the Power Macintosh 8600/300 will appeal to sophisticated
users with demanding needs for media-handling capabilities.
More specifically, target customers for these computers can be found
in the in-house publishing, media authoring, and technical markets.
Power Macintosh 8600/300
Product Description
Featuring a 300-megahertz PowerPC 604e processor, the Power
Macintosh 8600/300 provides outstanding performance. In particular,
the computer features 1MB of Apple Inline Cache located on the
processor card, and directly accessible through a 100-megahertz
bus—a first for the Power Macintosh line. And the overall product
design of Power Macintosh 8600/300 is similarly advanced: This
system features a tower design that provides convenient system
access for upgrading functionality and servicing components, as well
as accommodating additional security features and a built-in 100MB
Iomega Zip drive for fast, easy storage, backup, and file transfer.
In addition, the Power Macintosh 8600/300 makes it easy for users
to integrate multimedia, with features that include built-in nearbroadcast-
quality video-input/output capabilities, high-resolution
graphics, a fast hard disk drive, a 24x-speed CD-ROM drive, and
CD-quality stereo sound.
The Power Macintosh 8600/300 is a high-performance, feature-rich
system that’s optimized for complex work with media and other
demanding tasks. Its built-in video functionality makes it particularly
well suited for activities such as video editing and integrated media
authoring, while its three PCI expansion slots give customers the
flexibility to further customize system capabilities as needed.
Key Selling Points
• Advanced system software. The Power Macintosh 8600/300
runs Mac OS 7.6.1, as well as Mac OS 8, which features major
enhancements in the areas of user experience and Internet integration.
Mac OS 8 is designed to increase user productivity while
making computing both easier and more enjoyable.
• High performance. With a 300-megahertz PowerPC 604e
processor with integrated math coprocessor, 32K on-chip data
and instruction caches, and 1MB Apple Inline Cache located on the
processor card and directly accessible through a 100-megahertz bus,
the Power Macintosh 8600/300 can handle even highly computationintensive
tasks with ease.
PC Compatibility Card
Apple’s PC Compatibility Card can turn any Power Macintosh
computer with a PCI slot into a flexible, versatile system that
can run more software than mainstream personal computers.
This user-installable 12-inch PCI card includes a Pentium 166-
megahertz processor with built-in math coprocessor, 256K level
2 cache, and 16MB of local RAM, expandable to 80MB, as well as
a PC game port. It comes with QuickTime® for Mac OS and
Windows and MS-DOS 6.22, and is compatible with Windows 3.1,
Windows for Workgroups 3.11, and Windows 95. (Note: The PC
Compatibility Card does not support Windows NT or OS/2.) With
a Power Macintosh equipped with the PC Compatibility Card,
users can move seamlessly—and simply—between Windows
applications and applications written for the Mac OS. The PC
Compatibility Card also supports accelerated SVGA video and
Sound Blaster 16–compatible multimedia and entertainment
applications, as well as offering networking support for Novell
NetWare SPX/IPX, TCP/IP, and NETBEUI protocols in MS-DOS
and Windows environments using the built-in Ethernet connector
and ODI and NDIS 2.0 drivers (client software is not included).
What processor do the Power Macintosh 9600 series and 8600/300
systems use?
All of these models are based on the newest enhanced version
PowerPC 604e processor from IBM and Motorola. The most
powerful RISC-based PowerPC processor to date, designed to power
high-end desktop systems, the particular PowerPC 604e processor
used in these new Power Macintosh systems recently emerged from
a redesign and reengineering process sporting significant new
features and benefits—as well as state-of-the-art process technology.
Designed to handle the most demanding graphics and computationintensive
applications and tasks, these powerful processors offer
32K instruction and data caches. For more information on these
processors, visit the IBM and Motorola web sites, at www.ibm.com
and www.mot.com, respectively.
What is Apple Inline Cache?
Engineers have found that the addition of larger level 2 cache to faster
processors can offer users marked benefits in terms of improved
performance. Apple Inline Cache is the name of a proprietary design
that Apple has created for its high-end desktop systems. More specifically,
what Apple has done is to provide a significantly larger cache
than was available with previous Power Macintosh models (1MB vs.
512K on earlier systems), and to move it onto the processor card
itself. Locating the cache on the processor card allows faster more
direct communications between the proces-sor and the cache. The
resulting performance improvements will be most noticeable in such
computation-intensive activities as editing photo, sound, or video
files and 3D modeling and rendering.
© 1997 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. Apple, the Apple
logo, AppleTalk, GeoPort, LocalTalk, Mac, Macintosh, Macintosh Quadra,
Power Macintosh, and QuickTime are registered trademarks of Apple
Computer, Inc. Apple Desktop Bus is a trademark of Apple Computer,
Inc. PowerPC is a trademark of International Business Machines
Corporation, used under license therefrom.
August 1997. Product specifications subject to change without notice.
Printed in the U.S.A. L02480A Printed on recycled paper.
Additional Information
Data Sheets Part No.
Power Macintosh 8600/300 L02470A
Power Macintosh 9600 Series L02464A
PC Compatibility Card L01758C
Other Documents Part No.
New PowerPC 604e Processor and Apple Inline Cache Fact Sheet L02497A
For more information about these and other Apple Power
Macintosh computers, visit us on the World Wide Web at

Erik Richard Sørense~ (04-06-2003)
Fra : Erik Richard Sørense~

Dato : 04-06-03 05:30

Hej Mikael

Mikael Kern wrote:

> Advarsel: dette svar er langt!

Det tør siges...

> Bitbucket wrote:
> > Phonostik eller ej! Med 100 MHz bus er der tale om en standard som Apple
> > først opfandt 3 år senere! Så enkelt er det!
> Du må hellere checke dine facts igen!
> Her er teksten fra en August 1997 PDF jeg har fra Apple:
> (jeg sender gerne originalen)

Gider du sende den til mig? - Der er så mange ting i den, jeg ikke vidste
eller kunne huske, og den vil være med til at kompletere min PDF samling
omkring PM serierne.

Og bare ved en meget hurtig skimmen hen over teksten, så forstår jeg langt
bedre, vorfor den også på visse punkter er bedre end min gl. Beige G3...!

mvh. Erik Richard

K.M.L. Denmark by Erik Richard Sørensen, Member of ADC
E-mail: <kml.ers@mail1.stofanet.dk> <KMLDenmark@netscape.net>
*Music Recording, Editing & Publishing - Also Smaller Quantities
*Software - For Theological Education - And For Physically Impaired
*Nisus - The Future In Text & Mail Processing <http://www.nisus.com>

Erik Richard Sørense~ (04-06-2003)
Fra : Erik Richard Sørense~

Dato : 04-06-03 15:19

Hej Mikael..

Det er lige før, jeg bliver lidt bange for dig... - Du er jo nærmest
tankelæser, siden du allerede havde sendt PDF'en til mig, da jeg skrev
nedenstående. Men mange tak nok engang.

- Og så bør du - og andre - vide, at jeg er særdeles godt tilfreds med den her
9600/350, så jeg er glad for, at jeg købte den af dig.

mvh.æ Erik Richard

Erik Richard Sørensen wrote:

> > Advarsel: dette svar er langt!
> Det tør siges...
> > Bitbucket wrote:
> >
> > > Phonostik eller ej! Med 100 MHz bus er der tale om en standard som Apple
> > > først opfandt 3 år senere! Så enkelt er det!
> >
> > Du må hellere checke dine facts igen!
> > Her er teksten fra en August 1997 PDF jeg har fra Apple:
> > (jeg sender gerne originalen)
> Gider du sende den til mig? - Der er så mange ting i den, jeg ikke vidste
> eller kunne huske, og den vil være med til at kompletere min PDF samling
> omkring PM serierne.
> Og bare ved en meget hurtig skimmen hen over teksten, så forstår jeg langt
> bedre, vorfor den også på visse punkter er bedre end min gl. Beige G3...!

K.M.L. Denmark by Erik Richard Sørensen, Member of ADC
E-mail: <kml.ers@mail1.stofanet.dk> <KMLDenmark@netscape.net>
*Music Recording, Editing & Publishing - Also Smaller Quantities
*Software - For Theological Education - And For Physically Impaired
*Nisus - The Future In Text & Mail Processing <http://www.nisus.com>

Sebastian Adorján Dy~ (04-06-2003)
Fra : Sebastian Adorján Dy~

Dato : 04-06-03 22:47

Hej Mikael

Mikael Kern <"øvspampost"@kern.dk> wrote:

> Du må hellere checke dine facts igen!
> Her er teksten fra en August 1997 PDF jeg har fra Apple:
> (jeg sender gerne originalen)

Har du ikke også info om 8600/200 og 9600/ øh Erik hvilken én er det??


Sebastian Adorján Dyhr -- sadyhr@mail.tele.dk
Jettesvej 3, 2. TH -- http://home6.inet.tele.dk/sadyhr
DK-8220 Brabrand - +45 86 25 10 50

Erik Richard Sørense~ (05-06-2003)
Fra : Erik Richard Sørense~

Dato : 05-06-03 03:15

Hej Seb.

PM 9600/233

Sebastian Adorján Dyhr wrote:

> > Du må hellere checke dine facts igen!
> > Her er teksten fra en August 1997 PDF jeg har fra Apple:
> > (jeg sender gerne originalen)
> Har du ikke også info om 8600/200 og 9600/ øh Erik hvilken én er det??

mvh. Erik Richard

K.M.L. Denmark by Erik Richard Sørensen, Member of ADC
E-mail: <kml.ers@mail1.stofanet.dk> <KMLDenmark@netscape.net>
*Music Recording, Editing & Publishing - Also Smaller Quantities
*Software - For Theological Education - And For Physically Impaired
*Nisus - The Future In Text & Mail Processing <http://www.nisus.com>

Thomas Bjorn Anderse~ (02-06-2003)
Fra : Thomas Bjorn Anderse~

Dato : 02-06-03 22:06

bitbucket@devnull.invalid (Bitbucket) writes:

> Phonostik eller ej! Med 100 MHz bus er der tale om en standard som Apple
> først opfandt 3 år senere! Så enkelt er det!

En 100MHz bus gennem et phonostik? Nej, nu er det altså blevet for
sent på aftenen...

Thomas Bjorn Andersen - tbamacnewssNOSPAM200211@gen-v.net - ICQ:11413721
Al email sendt til denne adresse kan blive offentligtgjort.
Kontakt mig forinden hvis du vil sende mig en privat email.

Erik Richard Sørense~ (03-06-2003)
Fra : Erik Richard Sørense~

Dato : 03-06-03 05:00


Bitbucket wrote:

> > Er det mig, der er skør, - eller er det TechTool 3.0? Under 'Hardware
> > Information' får jeg en besked, der siger, at min PM 9600/350 har en BUS
> > hasighed på _100mhz_... - Mig bekendt er den kun på 50mhz....
> >
> > -----Uddrag start-----
> > H A R D W A R E
> > CPU Type: PPC604ev[Mach5] (Built-in FPU)
> > CPU Speed: 350 MHz
> > Bus Speed: 100 MHz
> > -----Uddrag slut-----
> 9600 har en 50MHz systembus iflg. Mactracker.

Nøjagtig det samme siger Guru 2.9 også...

> Jeg tror at de 100 MHz er noget Techtool har fået galt i halsen.

Hæ. - men hvordan / hvorfor / kommer de frem til det? - Er det, som jeg skrev, at de lægger I/O
sammen - 50+50 100.

- I øvrigt gælder det også for de ældre versioner af både TTPro og TTLite, - de siger også 100mhz på
den her, men kun 50mhz på min (endnu da) 9600/300...???

- Og nu har jeg også prøvet TattleTech 2.84, - og minsandten, om den ikke også siger 100mhz BUS...!!
Desuden siger den, at der er 1,5mb L2 cache på den og ikke som både Mactracker og Guru 1mb

.....So, What's Up, Doc?

mvh. Erik Richard

K.M.L. Denmark by Erik Richard Sørensen, Member of ADC
E-mail: <kml.ers@mail1.stofanet.dk> <KMLDenmark@netscape.net>
*Music Recording, Editing & Publishing - Also Smaller Quantities
*Software - For Theological Education - And For Physically Impaired
*Nisus - The Future In Text & Mail Processing <http://www.nisus.com>

Niels Jørgen Kruse (02-06-2003)
Fra : Niels Jørgen Kruse

Dato : 02-06-03 23:20

I artiklen <1fvxjjq.fx7ux51xd44lzN%bitbucket@devnull.invalid> ,
bitbucket@devnull.invalid (Bitbucket) skrev:

> 9600 har en 50MHz systembus iflg. Mactracker. Jeg tror at de 100 MHz er
> noget Techtool har fået galt i halsen.

Techtool tager ikke fejl. Mach5 versionerne havde en 100MHz bus til L2 og en
bro mellem L2 og DRAM bus, der sænker hastigheden til 50MHz. Det er lidt
samme princip som det gamle 5200/6200 motherboard, der havde 64 bit bus til
L2 cache og 32 bit til DRAM.

Mvh./Regards, Niels Jørgen Kruse, Vanløse, Denmark

Mikael Kern (02-06-2003)
Fra : Mikael Kern

Dato : 02-06-03 23:30

> Techtool tager ikke fejl. Mach5 versionerne havde en 100MHz bus til L2 og en
> bro mellem L2 og DRAM bus, der sænker hastigheden til 50MHz. Det er lidt
> samme princip som det gamle 5200/6200 motherboard, der havde 64 bit bus til
> L2 cache og 32 bit til DRAM.

Tja, det har jeg ikke nogen mening om. Til gængæld ved jeg, at jeg
aldrig har tænkt på at overclocke den. Princippet, som jeg kørte efter
var mere RAM og hurtigere harddiske divideret med pengepungen...

Og mer RAM virker stadig fint!

mvh Mikael Kern
Arbejdskraft tilbydes: Video, foto, streaming, internet, Mac...

Mikael Kern - Steadicam Owner/Operator - Lighting Cameraman
EFP/ENG/OB/SNG Rentals - http://www.kern.dk

Mikael Kern Film, DK-2000 Frederiksberg, Denmark
Mail: kernRE@MOVEkern.dk

Erik Richard Sørense~ (03-06-2003)
Fra : Erik Richard Sørense~

Dato : 03-06-03 05:44

Hej Mikael

Mikael Kern wrote:

> > Techtool tager ikke fejl. Mach5 versionerne havde en 100MHz bus til L2 og en
> > bro mellem L2 og DRAM bus, der sænker hastigheden til 50MHz. Det er lidt
> > samme princip som det gamle 5200/6200 motherboard, der havde 64 bit bus til
> > L2 cache og 32 bit til DRAM.
> Tja, det har jeg ikke nogen mening om. Til gængæld ved jeg, at jeg
> aldrig har tænkt på at overclocke den. Princippet, som jeg kørte efter
> var mere RAM og hurtigere harddiske divideret med pengepungen...

Enig - og tak for det. det var lige sådannne opl., jeg var ude efter. Og Niels
Jørgens forklaring siger en hel del...

> Og mer RAM virker stadig fint!

- Også enig! - Jeg håber snart at kunne fylde den helt op, da den skal til at
'overgå til andet job' i form af tekstbehandling og det lidt grafik, jeg arbejder
med. - Og jeg har jo et par tunge drenge, der gerne vil æde så meget RAM, som der
overhovedet kan proppes i gabet på dem.... - Min Beige G3/300AV forbliver så
'musikmaskine', mens min nye G3/400 bliver IT maskine, - men RAM skal der under
alle omstændigheder til i den nye G3/400, den har lige lidt nok....

- Og så må du undskylde, jeg stavede dit navn forkert...

mhv. Erik Richard
K.M.L. Denmark by Erik Richard Sørensen, Member of ADC
E-mail: <kml.ers@mail1.stofanet.dk> <KMLDenmark@netscape.net>
*Music Recording, Editing & Publishing - Also Smaller Quantities
*Software - For Theological Education - And For Physically Impaired
*Nisus - The Future In Text & Mail Processing <http://www.nisus.com>

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