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Jeg syntes ikke de snakker så pænt om D100...
Citat start
Overall Image Quality / Specifics
There's no doubting that the D100 can produce excellent, well exposed,
vibrant coloured and wide dynamic range images. And that it's delivering
more resolution than we've seen from any other Nikon digital SLR. Any D100
image reduced in size for presentation or web publication will look superb.
However, zoom up to 100% and the look and feel of the image isn't as crisp
and smooth as we've come to expect from D-SLR images.
'Unsharp' images
Something which soon became and issue among the early adopters of the D100
was a complaint about D100 images appearing soft. I've been over this
subject in this review already, the fact that JPEG images out of the camera
are not as sharp as they could be, that shooting RAW will consistently
deliver sharper images (although with the trade-off of higher noise levels).
Unfortunately it's not just a case of applying additional sharpening to the
JPEG files in the 'digital darkroom', it would appear as though some detail
has already been lost.
Citat slut
"Kenneth Darling Soerensen" <> wrote in message
> "Acoon" <x@.x.z> wrote in news:b8j0ra$f63$
> > Det er ikke en opgradering jeg er ude efter. Det er en udviddelse.
> > Så jeg bla.a slipper for at skifte mellem objektiver..
(I know,
> > luksusproblem)
> Næh - man bestemmer jo selv hvordan man vil bruge sine penge
> Jeg ved ikke hvor D100 "ligger" i forhold til Nikons filmkameraer, det
> nok være en overvejelse værd. Det er mit indtryk at D100 er baseret på et
> "consumer-level" kamerahus med tilsvarende features, hvor F5 er et
> kamera (?). Du nævner selv lysmåling, der er også FPS-hastighed, autofokus
> hastighed mm.
> --
> Regards / Med venlig hilsen
> Kenneth
> e-mail: kenneth at TRAPdarling dot dk - REMOVE TRAP