On Sat, 22 Mar 2003 22:47:46 +0100, Hans Engmark
<hengmark@post6.tele.dk> wrote:
En tilføjelse
Hans Engmark
The 8870 Dating System = The 30-day-month method
However, if the death year is a leap year, you should use 8871, rather
than 8870. And if the month previous to the death had 31 days, you
should use 8869, rather than 8870."
In determining the age of a person who was born 14 Sep 1752 and who
lived after that date, one must take into account of the 11 days that
we lost in Sep 1752, otherwise the person will appear to be 11 days
older than he actually was at any given time after the calendar
change. In order to determine the Old Style (O.S.) birth date when age
of death is given for a person who was born before the calendar change
and died after 1752, 11 days must be subtracted.
Eller prøv denne
This calculator can use either the exact month method or the 30 day
month method to compute a birthdate. While you may think to put more
credence in the result by the exact calendar month method, be aware
that many headstone and obituary ages at death appear to have been
computed using the 30-day-month method. ( assumes that all months have
30 days. It's an approximation which agrees with the exact calendar
month method about 2/3 of the time.)