Mit firma modtog nedenstående e-mail - lad os kalde det spam, som
jeg nu har brugt en del tid på at efterforske - så jeg beder om
kvalificerede svar, som jeg med "sikkerhed" (intet er 100%) kan
bruge i den videre kommunikation med - lad os kalde ham spammeren,
uden at han sætter mig til vægs!
Da jeg modtog spammen fandt jeg selv direktivet på internettet som
spammen henviser til, men det er jo skrevet i jura-sprog, hvilket
ikke just er det nemmeste at sætte sig ind i - og så er der jo
alle fortolkningerne!
Umiddelbart, som jeg læser direktivet
under "Unsolicited communications" stk. 2, så er det lovligt for
et firma, hvis det får fat i en e-mail adresse i forbindelse med
salg eller lignene, at bruge adressen ... - men vi har ikke taget
kontakt. Spammeren har fundet vores adrese ved at søge eller lade
en robot søge på vores hjemmeside.
Jeg er sådan set stadig ikke i tvivl om at spammeren har grebet
det forkert an, men jeg vil bare være sikker på at jeg ikke har
overset en paragraf og jeg vil egentlig gerne kunne fortælle
spammeren hvor han er gået galt i paragrafjunglen - ikke fordi jeg
tror det hjælper, men hvis nedenstående spam er en ny trend, så
vil jeg een gang for alle formulere min afvisning af spammerens
---- Spam(?)
Did you know?
European Directive 2002/58/EC
concerning "Privacy and electronic communications"
only permits e-mail direct marketing where
individuals have given their prior consent.
At Europe Information Service (EIS), it is our job to know this and
to inform our readers every day of developments in European
legislation and policy!
We also have a duty to act in accordance with European legislation
and to respect your privacy.
We are therefore asking your permission before sending you
commercial information regarding our services.
Would you like to discover EIS and receive information regarding
our news services and training in European affairs?
Yes, I would like to know more about EIS and I agree to be informed
of activities relating to European affairs: click here!
If you do not wish to know more, ignore this message. We will
respect your privacy and will not contact you further.
Yours sincerely,
osv. osv. - og derefter på fransk!
---- Svar fra spammeren
Madam, Sir,
We just received the enclosed complaining e-mail.
However, we must ask you to discard your complain. According to
the European legislation, an e-mail is considered a spam if it
contains any commercial information aiming at promoting a product
or service. What you received is precisely NOT a commercial e-mail.
Indeed, the e-mail which generated this complain (attached) is not
promoting any product/service nor offering any discount. It does
not even mention a website. The only information provided is the
name of our company, which is mandatory for transparency reasons
since anonymous e-mails are not permitted.
Furthermore, our message clearly indicates that no reaction is
requested from recipients who do not wish to be contacted. People
who will NOT react to this e-mail will systematically be deleted
from the list and we shall NOT contact them in the future. This is
hence not an "opt-out" but an "opt-in" message as mentioned in the
e-mail itself.
Last but not least, the message was specifically designed in full
compliance with the EU legislation with regard to protection of
privacy and unsollicited electronic commercial messages. It was
developed according to the conclusions of a series of consultations
with EU law specialists in the field of privacy protection and
e-mail marketing.
We suggest you consult existing EU directives to update your
information :
Directive 2000/31/EC:
Directive 2002/58/EC:
Yours sincerely.
osv. osv.
*** The opinions expressed are not necessarily those of my employer. ***
* Software Engineer Andrew Engels Rump * BLIK og ROERarbejderforbundet *
* Immerkaer 42, 2650 Hvidovre * Tlf: +45 3638 3638, Fax: +45 3638 3639 *
Home: N55°41'38.9" E12°29'08.6" (WGS 84) Work: N55°39'50.9" E12°27'47.4"
E-mail: mailto:newandrew@rump.dk WWW