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2 OSX problems...help!
Fra : hans k froschauer

Dato : 19-02-03 15:03

currently there are 2 things (on myt PB G3 500, 384mb, 10.2.3) that bug
me again and again:

first, since i upgraded to 10.2.3, my screensaver run very sluggish, and
very much slower than before - it affects graphic performance in
general, and screensavers in particular, both the ones that came with
the system, as well as 3rd party savers. instead of a smooth motion,
they are all kinda jumpy, and it looks as if there's not enough memory
or something like that?

second, sometimes, when opening a window that contains alot of items,
more than 30 i'd guess, the finder seems to crash suddenly, and restart
immediately after that, but all open windows are gone. changing views
seems to trigger the same effect. i'm wondering if that's a system bug,
or if it's caused by some kind of software conflict?

i can't wait for your comments...


ps: i understand danish perfectly, i just can't write it without
mistakes, so you don't have to answer in english

Jens Rasmussen (19-02-2003)
Fra : Jens Rasmussen

Dato : 19-02-03 22:55

hans k froschauer <hansler@mac.com> wrote:
> second, sometimes, when opening a window that contains alot of items,
> more than 30 i'd guess, the finder seems to crash suddenly, and restart
> immediately after that, but all open windows are gone. changing views
> seems to trigger the same effect. i'm wondering if that's a system bug,
> or if it's caused by some kind of software conflict?
> i can't wait for your comments...
> hansler
Hej hansler,
Præcis dette problem har jeg også haft!
Det er tilsyneladende væk nu...
En mappe, der hed Installers, som indeholdt inst.programmer fra min PB
med OS 9, lavede de samme numre: indholdet kunne ses, men hvis jeg
scrollede i vinduet, skiftede visning etc., kom Konsol op med et
Finder-crash. Det sidste pga. at jeg har sat crash-log på - ikke, at jeg
er nørdet nok til at forstå fejlkoderne

Løsningen hos mig var at gennemgå permissions / ownership, ved at jeg
valgte alle emner (eller var det selve mappen) og rettede tilladelserne
fra read-only til r+w. Inden denne løsning lykkedes for mig, var jeg
sluppet af sted med at søge på visse af emnerne og flytte dem ud på

Held & lykke!

Nicolai Brandt (19-02-2003)
Fra : Nicolai Brandt

Dato : 19-02-03 23:56

hans k froschauer <hansler@mac.com> wrote:

> currently there are 2 things (on myt PB G3 500, 384mb, 10.2.3) that bug
> me again and again:
> first, since i upgraded to 10.2.3, my screensaver run very sluggish, and
> very much slower than before - it affects graphic performance in
> general, and screensavers in particular, both the ones that came with
> the system, as well as 3rd party savers. instead of a smooth motion,
> they are all kinda jumpy, and it looks as if there's not enough memory
> or something like that?

Jeg havde det samme problem, opgradering til 10.2.4 fjernede problemet.

> second, sometimes, when opening a window that contains alot of items,
> more than 30 i'd guess, the finder seems to crash suddenly, and restart
> immediately after that, but all open windows are gone. changing views
> seems to trigger the same effect. i'm wondering if that's a system bug,
> or if it's caused by some kind of software conflict?

Muligvis et system problem, prøv med opdateringen til 10.2.4 og se om
det ikke hjælper på problemet.

Mvh Nicolai Brandt

phineas  (21-02-2003)
Fra : phineas 

Dato : 21-02-03 13:33

problem one, the sluggish screensavers, fixed itself after upgrading
10.2.4 - now i'll just have to wait and see, if the other prob comes up


"You gotta take life by its tail, and yank it until it sqeals!"

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