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Fejl ved boot - Slot A
Fra : ArJo

Dato : 03-03-03 17:20


Jeg har lige samlet en pc'er til min far ved brug af gamle dele jeg havde
Anyway, ved boot så skriver den "Checking NVRAM" og bliver så stående
der. Den finder CPU.
Har prøvet diverse ramblokke i alle 3 slots. Har disconnectet alt så kun
grafikkort er til ved opstart. Har prøvet med andre grafikkort.
Har clearet CMOS. Intet hjælper åbenbart....Kan I???

Bundkortet er et FIC SD11 Slot A. Kører selv med samme kort og havde
engang samme fejl, men det var ved montering af ny ram stang. Da den kom
ud kørte den igen.


Bachelor® (04-03-2003)
Fra : Bachelor®

Dato : 04-03-03 22:25

"ArJo" <not@to.know> skrev i en meddelelse news:MPG.18cd9ef433b543c8989680@news.arrownet.dk...
> Hej
> Jeg har lige samlet en pc'er til min far ved brug af gamle dele jeg havde
> liggende.
> Anyway, ved boot så skriver den "Checking NVRAM" og bliver så stående
> der. Den finder CPU.
> Har prøvet diverse ramblokke i alle 3 slots. Har disconnectet alt så kun
> grafikkort er til ved opstart. Har prøvet med andre grafikkort.
> Har clearet CMOS. Intet hjælper åbenbart....Kan I???

Har du også loadet BIOS igen, evt med default settings ?
Det vil normalt stå i bunden hvilketn F-tatst du skal bruge
f.eks. hvis den ikke gør det automatisk efter reset.

Ulf D. Harries (24-04-2003)
Fra : Ulf D. Harries

Dato : 24-04-03 20:37

"ArJo" skrev d. 03-03-03 17:20 dette indlæg :

> Hej


> Jeg har lige samlet en pc'er til min far ved brug af gamle dele jeg havde

> liggende.

> Anyway, ved boot så skriver den "Checking NVRAM" og bliver så stående

> der. Den finder CPU.

> Har prøvet diverse ramblokke i alle 3 slots. Har disconnectet alt så kun

> grafikkort er til ved opstart. Har prøvet med andre grafikkort.

> Har clearet CMOS. Intet hjælper åbenbart....Kan I???


> Bundkortet er et FIC SD11 Slot A. Kører selv med samme kort og havde

> engang samme fejl, men det var ved montering af ny ram stang. Da den kom

> ud kørte den igen.

Jeg har lige oplevet selvsamme problem med mit FIC SD-11 bundkort. Mit er
dog et Compaq (FIC OEM) kort, hvor jeg har flashet en FIC Firmware i, men
mon ikke problemet er det samme.

Anyways.. Efter at have flyttet kortet til en anden PC og rodet godt og
grundigt rundt med RAM, AGP og PCI kort, hang maskinen pludselig ved boot
med beskeden: "Checking NVRAM.."

Jeg prøvede ALT (trust me!)

Jeg søgte nettet tyndt og fandt kun dette indlæg. Jeg oprettede en support
sag hos FIC, hvilket ikke resulterede i andet end at jeg kunne konstatere at
Taiwanesere vist ikke er for gode til engelsk

Løsningen for mig var simpelthen at pille flash kredsen ud af bundkortet,
finde det nærmeste elektronikværksted og så brænde en ny firmware i. Det var
som om at det ikke kunne lade sig gøre at nulstille/slette CMOS.

Jeg har vedhæftet korrespondancen med FIC Web Support, hvori man kan læse
hvad jeg har forsøgt mig med... Tag ikke så meget notits af svarene

-----Original Message-----

From: *ME*

To: 'Web_Tech_Support '

Sent: 24-04-2003 21:18

Subject: RE: Your case number 03040264

Since I am in the lucky situation that I have access to an EEPROM burner, I
have managed to re-flash the BIOS (System wouldn't boot). This has so far
solved my problem. But this leaves no guarantee that the same error woun't
display in the future.

I'm wondering how this could ever be the problem? Does the BIOS flash it
self with some Plug and Play data?

Anyways, the problem is solved. I leave you this experience for future
reference in troubleshooting "Checking NVRAM.." errors.



-----Original Message-----

From: Web_Tech_Support

To: *ME*

Sent: 23-04-2003 11:33

Subject: Re: Your case number 03040264

Re: case number 03040264

press and hold the END key during the first boot (with AMI BIOS) . Is just
to load original ( or Fail Safe ) BIOS code in clean conditional to boot up
.. This is HOT key from AMI BIOS company , ( AMI or AWARD BIOS is from BIOS
company NOT directly from FIC ) You can try at now as your wish not
necessary at 1st boot . SD-11 mainbard with AMI BIOS should not has other
hot key . If has will printed in your user's manual to support . You could
double check from AMI BIOS company at , http://www.ami.com/bios/

Your "Checking NVRAM.." problem .

If possible, please try set COM JPR to CLEAR ( jumper to 2-3 ) to clear BIOS
date . If not workable , please try re-program BIOS ( re-flash again with
any other NCxxx of BIOS ) . If not workable, again, please has Please has
your local computer or where you has purchased on side for your assistances
on side to trouble shoot debug from .

Web Tech. Support

----- Original Message -----

From: *ME*

To: "'Web_Tech_Support '" <Web_Tech_Support@rd.fic.com.tw>

Sent: Tuesday, April 22, 2003 4:06 AM

Subject: RE: Your case number 03040264


> As described in the problem description, the main board has been


> perfectly. I have also, as described in the problem description,


> the working configuration, but without any luck!


> I have furthermore removed the main board from its chassis, to check


> eventual short-circuits. I have had the main board powered up in a


> setup out of chassis with a different known-to-work PSU.

> All efforts still results in the POST hanging at the "Checking


> message.


> In the BIOS upgrade documents at you web site, it says that after a


> upgrade, you must press and hold the END key during the first boot



> BIOS), why is that?

> I seem to remember that NOT holding this key during the first boot

after a

> BIOS upgrade results in the symptoms that I have described. Are there


> other keys or key combinations which can be used during power on to


> trouble shoot this behaviour?

> Let me just point out that I have made no BIOS upgrades or upgrade


> in relation to this problem.



> Yours truly,

> *ME*


> -----Original Message-----

> From: Web_Tech_Support

> To: *ME*

> Sent: 18-04-2003 08:25

> Subject: Your case number 03040264


> Your case number 03040264


> Thanks for contact FIC Technical Support .

> Your SD11 mainboard question ,


> Does your SD11 system ever workable ?

> If not workable, Please has your original supplier ( where you has

> purchased ) for your assistances . If was workable, Please try put

> back original know good workable condition

> re-test from .

> If workable , perhaps the problem is from your new add-on or changes .

> If not workable, Please check all connection or remove your mainboard

> out off chassis ( case ) double check mainboard and other add-on


> to

> find and possible defective .


> Please has your local computer or where you has purchased on side for

> your assistances .

> If you has problem to find supplier near to you .

> Please check out from FIC website either ,

> http://www.fic.com.tw/aboutfic/fic_worldwide.aspx

> Or, http://www.fic.com.tw/contact/wheretobuy.aspx


> Web Tech. Support


> ----- Original Message -----

> From: *ME*

> To: <web_tech_support@rd.fic.com.tw>

> Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2003 7:25 AM

> Subject: SD11 - Support Form Submission



> ---------------------------------------------------------------

> Name : *ME*

> Customer's email : *ME*

> Country : Denmark

> Model : SD11

> PCB :

> CPU : AMD Athlon 700 MHz

> Ratio x FSB : x

> BIOS : NC611

> Setup : Default Setup


> Problem description

> ---------------------------------------------------------------

> The system has been working flawlessly for a long time. Today i


> some

> PCI cards, which at some point resultet in BIOS POST problems. The

> display comes up OK, the CPU type and speed is written and after

> writing "Checking

> NVRAM..", the system hangs. The cursor is blinking, but no keyboard

> input is

> being processed.

> After changing back to the original working configuration, the problem

> persists.

> I have tried the following:

> - CMOS reset

> - CMOS Battery removed for 30 min.

> - CMOS Battery replaced

> - Holding down DEL during boot

> - Holding down INS during boot (results in some version info)

> - Removed ALL PCI cards

> - Removed AGP Card

> - Replaced AGP Card

> - Tried different PCI VGA cards, picture OK

> - Tried different PCI cards with BIOS extensions (SCSI, NIC)


> All of the above steps have all resultet in either no picture or the

> before mentioned erronous behavior.

> What can I do to correct this error?




> ---------------------------------------------------------------


> Expansion Slots

> ---------------------------------------------------------------

> AGP device :

> PCI :

> PCI :

> PCI :

> PCI :

> PCI :

> PCI :

> ISA :

> ISA :

> ISA :

> CNR device :

> AMR device :


> ---------------------------------------------------------------

> Operation System : Other(describe later)

> ---------------------------------------------------------------


> Application : Version :


> Memory Configuration :

> DIMM : (1) (2) (3) (4)

> SIMM : (1) (2) (3) (4)

> RIMM : (1) (2)

> DDR DIMM : (1) (2)


> ---------------------------------------------------------------

> Peripherals : (1) Monitor : (2) HDD1 : (3) HDD2 : (4) HDD3 :


> HDD4

> :

> (6) USB1 : (7) USB2 : (8) USB3 : (9) USB4 :

> (10) CDROM : (11) DVDROM : (12) CD/RW : (13)


> (15) FDD : (16) POWERSUPPLY :

> (17) OTHER1 : (18) OTHER2 : (19) OTHER3 :


> OTHER4 :

Jens C. Hansen [Oden~ (25-04-2003)
Fra : Jens C. Hansen [Oden~

Dato : 25-04-03 13:39

Ulf D. Harries wrote:
> "ArJo" skrev d. 03-03-03 17:20 dette indlæg :
> Løsningen for mig var simpelthen at pille flash kredsen ud af bundkortet,
> finde det nærmeste elektronikværksted og så brænde en ny firmware i. Det var
> som om at det ikke kunne lade sig gøre at nulstille/slette CMOS.

Det har jeg også prøvet, endda med et bundkort hvor chippen var loddet
fast i.
Jeg fik dog loddet den af, flashet i mit eget apparat, og det kører igen
- omend det ikke er kønt at se hvordan den er loddet på igen.

Jeg flasher gerne for Ulf, hvis chippen er kompatibel med mit apparat.
Til Ulf: Hvad står der når man piller klistermærket af?

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