Hej Mikael
Hvorfor sætte flere IDE enheder på samme IDE-kæde - det kan nedsætte
Mulig løsning:
Det vides ikke om produkterne herunder virker til Mac, men det er da
værd at undersøge:
Du kunne sætte DVD drevet i denne:
ADS Pyro Firewire Drive Kit
Pris incl. moms 970,00 kr.
Dette betyder at fuld firewire hastighed kan nås: "# Oxford 911 chip".
Drive Compatibility Database:
"... The purpose of this database is to show what hard drives,
CDRom/DVD/CDRom Recorders, DVD RAM, etc. drives are compatible with
Macintosh computers. Entries are added on a several times a week so
check back often...."
OXFW911 High Performance IEEE 1394 to IDE/ATAPI Bridge:
FireWire cases and ATA drives: another follow-up
FireWire/IDE bridge Before purchasing a FireWire case, Anthony Burokas
suggests checking whether it uses the "newer FireWire/IDE bridge system
announced by Granite Digital at MWSF01 that allows external FireWire
cases to make full use of the IDE drive's speed. Other cases may top out
at 11-13 MB. The new systems [Oxford 911 chip baseret] are supposed to
offer over 40MB. If you don't know what bridge is in use, try a disk
utility to test the throughput/speed of the drive. I use Formedia which
came with my ClubMac drives. It's nearly identical to VST's software.
They have an option for testing the speed of a drive." [Note: We have
not checked this on our case as yet.]
ADS Pyro 1394 Drive Kit
IEEE-1394 Pyro Drive Kit, Review Date: July 26, 2000
Requires Windows 98 Second Edition, Windows 2000, or Mac OS
Power Input: 110-240 50/60 Hz
Now There Are Two FireWire Drive Enclosures Using The "Oxford 911" Chip
Set. Which one is fastest?
05/18/01 Speedy (1,2 Gb/s?) 1394b [FireWire] release may outpace USB 2.0:
Andre interessante adaptorer:
Eksternt SCSI-kabinet til IDE-harddiske , Intern SCSI til IDE konverter:
Eksterne SCSI-kabinetter:
Adaptec DuoConnect, 4x USB 2.0, 3x Firewire
Pris incl. moms 900 kr
Producent varekode: 1923200EU
Apple MacOS 9.0.4 eller nyere
(I en 7500 virker Adaptec DuoConnect under MacOS X og muligvis ikke
under MacOS 9.1x)
Om de er bootbare på nyere Macintosh ved jeg ikke. Men de mount-bare
[information fundet via Intech]:
Booting from a FireWire device:
Nearly all "onboard" FireWire equipped Macintoshes (except the Blue &
White G3 and some early G4s "Yosemite versions") are capable of booting
from a FireWire disk, provided that your Macintosh has ROM firmware 2.4
or later. If your Macintosh ROMs are not 2.4 or later or you are unsure
which ROM firmware you have, you should download the latest Apple ROM
updater utility from
Macintosh models which have FireWire disk devices connected to PCI
FireWire adapter cards are not capable of booting. This is a hardware
limitation, not a FireWire driver limitation.
In addition to your Macintosh's ability to boot from FireWire, the
firmware on the FireWire bridgeboard (inside the drive case) must also
have bootable properties. Unfortunately, some don't and no driver can
resolve this limitation. If you are unsure, contact your FireWire disk
manufacturer to find out if yours does.
FireWire til SCSI-II, FireWire til PCMCIA, FireWire til IDE:
IDE via USB 2.0 porten.
Tilslut en HDD eller CD-ROM direkte til USB bussen:
Max. hastigheden på Mac's med USB 1.1 stik er ca. 12 Mbit/s.