Kristian skrev:
> Min harddisk låser ofte og så står den og klikker mens den
> klikker er den bare låst og så er der bare ikke noget at gøre. Det
> hjælper heller ikke at genstarte.
Prøv evt. et kig på:
Klippet fra ovenstående side:
| The GMR Head technology that gives the 75GXP its stunning
| performance is also its major Achilles heel. As data gets packed
| more densely, there is less room for error. During normal
| operation, drives will heat up due to the friction of the platters
| moving through the air. While the platter is very smooth, anything
| running at 7200RPM will produce heat. In addition, there will heat
| generated by the motors and various chips used to control the
| drive. As we all learned in school, heat will cause metal to
| expand. The platters on drives are no exception. Drive
| manufactures know this and have chips that account for the
| expansion of platters. The drive head will adjust itself
| accordingly to ensure it is reading and writing to the right
| place.
| In the case of the 75GXP, this does not always happen. Variables
| such as uneven warming of the platters can confuse the drive.
| Every so often, data will be recorded in one place but not where
| the drive was expecting. Consequently, when the drive goes back to
| look for the data, it is not there. A loud clicking noise, not
| unlike the infamous Iomega Click of Death, will come from the
| drive. This is due to the read head resetting itself and making
| another attempt to find the data.
Min tidligere IBM 60GXP (40 GB) døde på samme måde.
FUT: (Opfølgning til) <news:dk.edb.hardware.drev>.
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