"Jørn Kjær" <ikast@email.dk> wrote in message news:aqjeof$2nsl$1@news.cybercity.dk...
> Kan en her i gruppen hjælpe med navne på havne hvortil udvandreskibene fra
> København anløb i Canada omkring 1923. hvis en f.eks.havde navnene på
> skibene ville jeg blive taknemmelig.
mange sejede fra DK til UK til Southampton eller Liverpool og til Canada eller USA
også Svenska og Finna
jeg har vere igang med Ellis Island ships lists
og der er flokka av finna
Hugh W
>> The National Archives of Canada holds immigration records from 1865 to 1935. The names of immigrants arriving from overseas are
recorded in passenger lists. Those arriving from or via the United States are recorded in border entry lists. A series of old
nominal indexes exist for the 1925 to 1935 records. In cooperation with the National Archives of Canada, the Pier 21 Society in
Halifax, Nova Scotia, has input the information from the passenger list indexes into this database <<
>> The records are arranged by port and date of arrival, with the exception of the years 1923 to 1924, and some of those for 1919 to
1922, when an individual Form 30A was used.
Note that passengers from mainland Europe often boarded transatlantic ships at ports in Great Britain.<<