En af de mest problematiske ting ved den ellers dejlige TiBook er dens
dårlige Airport rækkevide. Ved læsning hos
www.macnn.com faldt jeg over
følgende, som måske kan afhjælpe problemet. (Der er lidt voodoo over
det, men hva' hvis det hjælper så pyt...):
"I just got off the phone with Apple tech support. I called to ask if
there's anything I can do to improve my Ti's Airport range. After some
questions about distance and interference like microwaves, cordless
phones, and walls, the tech told me to shut down my powerbook and flip
it over.
I was next instructed to eject the battery and look at the right side
wall of the battery compartment where I was supposed to find an
approximately 5 cm long plastic strip. (My particular powerbook doesn't
have this visible -- instead, there is a plate with the serial number,
etc...) Still, he told me to firmly press the side wall of the powerbook
against the frame, just slowly and firmly pressing along its length
several times for about 10 seconds. Next, he told me to replace the
battery and start her back up.
I can't believe it, but my Airport's range is now like my iBook's!! I
never could have done this from out here by the pool before, but here I
The reason for this as he explained it is, where I was told to press is
where the antenna runs alongside the framework of the Powerbook.
Sometimes it isn't situated just right, or gets out of whack from having
been shipped or something. Pressing it puts it back into proper contact
with whatever needs to be touching. Now it works like a dream! "
Jeg har prøvet det, og det ser ud til at den trådløse modtagelse er
blevet bedre.... lige nu ihvertfald. (Den 5 cm lange plastik strip er
nok betegnelsen for antennen, som den ser ud på _ydersiden_ af
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