b.c <b.c.news@kandu.dk> wrote:
> Der bliver oprettet en usynlig temp file på serveren.
> Det kan samtidig oplyses, at arbejdsgrupper er slået fra, samt
> arbejdsdiske er sat til den lokale mac.
Det lyder som om du skal hente Illustrator 10.0.1 updaten,
det lyder temmelig bekendt for mig:
kastede lys over sagen, hvor nøjagtig mit problem var beskrevet, samt at
løsningen var en opgradering til 10.0.1
Problem with saving Illustrator 10 files to NT Server fixed with
Illustrator 10.0.1
- og svaret
I noticed that you had a description of the problem of Illustrator 10
files being saved on a Windows NT server. The Illustrator 10.0.1 update
from about a week ago fixes this problem.
The problem is supposedly with the Mac OS X in terms of permissions for
intermediate temp files that Illustrator used. Adobe claims it was
Apple's problem but they fixed it in any event. (The "twist" mentioned
above is not really a twist, that's the source and the result of the
problem, not just "need to resave the file")
Venlig hilsen Nina Storm