Thorbjørn Ravn Andersen wrote:
>Henning Vestergaard Poulsen <> writes:
>>I kan sige hvad I vil, men med flere knapper på musen, jo sjældnere skal man
>>bruge den anden hånd til tastaturet. Man kan også gøre alt med en knap, men
>>det er hurtigere hvis nogle tastaturkommandoer fx sidder på musen. Og
>>rullehjulet, som Apple stadig ikke bruger på deres mus.
>Næh, men Logitechs mus virker meget fint. Herudover har jeg
>konstateret at deres trådløse tastaturer med alle tasterne virker fint
>som standard, og at de har software til at styre alle tasterne med.
>Nu får vi se hvor godt det virker.
>>Jeg forstår det ikke. En gang var det sådan, at på en PC skulle alle
>>kommandoer skrives, mens macbrugerne havde en mus. Så kom Windows med
>>toknapsmus, som har kunnet mere lige siden.
>Næh nej.
Har du nogen erfaring med Logitechs nye software ( LCC ) til Mac
Logitech brings more Cordless Freedom to Mac users!
Mac® OS X now fully supported by Logitech® keyboards and mice
Romanel - July 17, 2002 - Logitech today announced software support for
Mac® OS X for the company's keyboards, mice and trackballs. This is an
important step in providing added functionality and cordless freedom for
Macintosh users. Now Macintosh fans will be able to 'untether'
themselves from the desktop and experience the independence that
cordlessness provides. The new software compatibility enables
specialized features of the enhanced function keys, Internet hot keys
and multimedia controls on Logitech keyboards. The software is available
for download from the Logitech support page
( and is compatible with Logitech's
current line of mice and keyboards. The software will also be packaged
in Logitech's new line of cordless keyboards this fall.
With the new Mac OS X supported software, Mac users will be able to take
advantage of the many features offered by the Logitech® Control Center,
a software feature that integrates added mouse and keyboard
functionality with the operating system. For example:
* Conduct an effortless search at the touch of a button by launching
Sherlock®, an Apple® search application;
* Use the dedicated multimedia keys to launch and control the Apple®
iTunes™, media player;
* Access your favorite folder, application or website using the
dedicated keys;
* Use programmable keys to enable one-touch connection to your email
client, Instant Messaging, iMovie™, web cameras or any application
you choose.
* For the new line of keyboards this fall the key caps will be
printed to accommodate key layouts for both Mac and Windows.