Jonas Koch Bentzen <> writes:
> Bare til orientering: Jeg læste på et tidspunkt nogle diskussioner
> angående X-Mailer kontra User-Agent og X-Newsreader, og jeg mener, de
> fandt ud af, at User-Agent er den, der er mest "standard".
Jeg kan så kort fortælle at det seneste UseFor draft siger noget om
,----[ ]
| 6.18. User-Agent
| The User-Agent-header contains information about the user agent
| (typically a newsreader) generating the article, for statistical
| purposes and tracing of standards violations to specific software
| needing correction. Although not one of the mandatory headers,
| posting agents SHOULD normally include it.
| header =/ User-Agent-header
| User-Agent-header = "User-Agent" ":" SP User-Agent-content
| *( ";" other-parameter )
| User-Agent-content = product-token *( CFWS product-token )
| product-token = value [ "/" product-version ] ; see 4.1
| product-version = value
| This header MAY contain multiple product-tokens identifying the agent
| and any subproducts which form a significant part of the posting
| agent, listed in order of their significance for identifying the
| application. Product-tokens should be short and to the point - they
| MUST NOT be used for information beyond the canonical name of the
| product and its version. Injecting agents MAY include product
| information for themselves (such as "INN/1.7.2"), but relaying and
| serving agents MUST NOT generate or modify this header to list
| themselves.
| NOTE: Variations from [RFC 2616] which describes a similar
| facility for the HTTP protocol:
| 1. use of arbitrary text or octets from character sets other
| than US-ASCII in a product-token may require the use of a
| quoted-string,
| 2. "{" and "}" are allowed in a value (product-token and
| product-version) in Netnews,
| 3. UTF-8 replaces ISO-8859-1 as charset assumption.
| NOTE: Comments should be restricted to information regarding the
| product named to their left such as platform information and
| should be concise. Use as an advertising medium (in the mundane
| sense) is discouraged.
| 6.18.1. Examples
| User-Agent: tin/1.2-PL2
| User-Agent: tin/1.3-950621beta-PL0 (Unix)
| User-Agent: tin/unoff-1.3-BETA-970813 (UNIX) (Linux/2.0.30 (i486))
| User-Agent: tin/pre-1.4-971106 (UNIX) (Linux/2.0.30 (i486))
| User-Agent: Mozilla/4.02b7 (X11; I; en; HP-UX B.10.20 9000/712)
| User-Agent: Microsoft-Internet-News/4.70.1161
| User-Agent: Gnus/5.4.64 XEmacs/20.3beta17 ("Bucharest")
| User-Agent: Pluto/1.05h (RISC-OS/3.1) NewsHound/1.30
| User-Agent: inn/1.7.2
| User-Agent: telnet
| NOTE: This header supersedes the role performed redundantly by
| experimental headers such as X-Newsreader, X-Mailer, X-Posting-
| Agent, X-Http-User-Agent, and other headers previously used on
| Usenet for this purpose. Use of these experimental headers
| SHOULD be discontinued in favor of the single, standard User-
| Agent-header which can be used freely both in Netnews and Email
| (except that non-ASCII characters would be inappropriate in
| email).
Læg særligt mærke til den sidste note.
Jacob -
Where are the calculations that go with a calculated risk?