Hhhmmmmm, har du en ide om hvodan det gøres.
Hvis jeg kigger i Nero hjælpen står der flg.
The Apple Macintosh file system is called 'HFS'. CDs containing only HFS
data can only be read by an Apple Macintosh computer. Hybrid CDs can be read
by both Apple Macintosh and IBM PC computers.
To create a HFS CD you need to connect a SCSI hard disk containing one ore
more HFS partitions to your PC. Such HFS hard disk partitions can only be
created and edited using an Apple Macintosh computer. You also need a Mac to
edit file icons and window positions. All that Nero does is to write the HFS
data 'as is' on a CD. Please remember that the SCSI hard disk must be
connected with your PC before starting the PC. Otherwise Nero will not be
able to detect any HFS partitions. Please check the SCSI IDs to be sure your
SCSI HFS hard disk has a unique SCSI ID.
Og menuen "Burn HFS partition" er blank.
Når nu tager jeg i første omgang pc'en og et netkabel under armen. Men
derfor kunne det være rart at vide til en anden god gang.
Ellers tak for svarene.
hilsen Lars
"Martin Edlich" <newsspam4@mail.edlich.dk> skrev i en meddelelse
> In article <Oze39.3011$G3.358923@news010.worldonline.dk>,
> "Lars" <hult@image.dk> wrote:
> > Kræver det ikke at man brænder direkte fra hfs scsi drev?
> Nej.
> --
> MVH Martin Edlich, Magister Mundi sum!
> Henvendelser til min e-mail adresse vil blive betragtet som et ønske
> om at betale for support, hvilket takseres med 800 kr/time.
> (medmindre jeg selv er ude om det, og det er Off Topic).