hej "Leony" <leony@REMOVETHIScyberjunkie.dk>
> Du skal slå APM til.
> Whether or not APM is enabled makes a difference - but the effect could go
> two ways. Some users report that XP reboots on shutdown if APM is enabled,
> but shuts Windows down just fine if APM is disabled. Other users report
> exactly the opposite behavior. According to Jack Dunne, this is similar to
> known Windows 2000 problem. The issue seems related to the computer's
> specific hardware or BIOS - so, as with all NT operating systems, stick to
> the Hardware Compatibility List where possible.
> Taget fra:
God artikkel. Har disabelt automatisk reboot ved fejl i Win2K. Nu genstarter
maskinen ikke, men strømforsyningens blæser bliver ved med at køre. Man kan
ikke reboote den ved at trykke på kanppen på kabinettet...alstå nu mangler
kun at få "slukket" for blæser
Motherbord er et ECS 787CLR.
Håber I kan hjælpe mig videre.
Hilsen Torben Brøndum